cool=azroul13 14 Posted October 19, 2013 (edited) @Grumpy old Man I will investigate for this error. Solve Last version: (link always updated) version 6.0.1: version 6.0.3: version 6.0.4: it is highly recommended with the last version to use TPWCAS script or mod by Ollem and LordPrimate. For this verion you need to add the name of each playable slot in your mission, in the KRON_UPS_Player array in the script "Init_UPSMON.sqf". What's new ? I fixe some little issues New Parameter for UPSMON group Init line: "NOVEH2" The group will no take any vehicle even if the group is in combat. But they always take Static weapons. New Ambush Parameter for group Init line: You can set the direction of the ambush ("NORTH","NORTHWEST","WEST","SOUTH"...). Squad will put mine in the direction (depend if you activate mine) choosen, and all member will take cover (thank to Ollem). [this,"area1","AMBUSHDIR:","NORTH"]; if you don't want them to put mine then: [this,"area1","AMBUSHDIR2:","NORTH"] New Ambush Parameter for group Init line (distance): (only in version 6.0.3) You can set the ambush distance. You need first to activate ambush system with one of the old ambush parameter ("AMBUSH", "AMBUSH:","AMBUSHDIR:", etc ) and then add: "AMBUSHDIST:",Distance. example: [this,"mk1","AMBUSHDIR:","NORTH","AMBUSHDIST:",75] execvm "scripts\UPSMON.sqf"; AI will put a mine 75m direction North of the group. New artillery System: Artillery won't pick random target anymore. Artillery is linked to each UPSMON squad. Artillery will use different type of ammunition in function of the situation. how to use it: Exactly like the old version, one Parameter change. Parámeters: [_artillery,(_rounds,_range,_area,_cadence,_mincadence)] execvm "scripts\UPSMON\MON_artillery_add.sqf"; <- _artillery object to attach artillery script, must be an object with gunner. <- ( _rounds ) number of munition for the artillery [FLARE,SMOKE,HE] <- ( _area ) Dispersion area, 150m by default <- ( _maxcadence ) Cadence of fire, is random between min, default 10s <- ( _mincadence ) Minimum cadence, default 5s You must add in a trigger: KRON_UPS_ARTILLERY = true; KRON_UPS_ARTILLERY_EAST_FIRE = true; ex: nul=[this,[4,4,10],50,10,5] execVM "scripts\UPSMON\MON_artillery_add.sqf"; (thank to Carl Gustav and TPW) New Parameter Surrender: You can activate or deactivate Surrender module. You can set the percentage of chance of Surrender per side. (Watch "Init_UPSMON.sqf") UPSMON group will surrender only if the leader morale is very low, if there in contact with ennemy and if ennemy is near them and according to the percentage you set. New Parameter Retreat: Same as above. (Thank to Ollem to correct some issues) Improvement for Fortify module: (only inversion 6.0.3) AI will watch through windows and doors more often. Doors will be closed when a group take position in a building. Some Improvements for AI in Combat: (only in version 6.0.3) I will recommend you to use it with TPWCAS: Edited November 18, 2013 by Cool=Azroul13 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cool=azroul13 14 Posted October 20, 2013 I remove that 'MCC_fnc_setvehicleinit' error, all credit go to Ollem. I reupload the UPSMON Script on the previous post. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bardosy 158 Posted October 20, 2013 Thanks! I tried this new version and AI use the static weapons nice, but not the vehicles. I realized before if vehicles are UNLOCKED and not DEFAULT, UPSMON didn't use it. But now I left a DEFAULT vehicle in the zone and AI didn't use it for patroling. Did I miss something? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cool=azroul13 14 Posted October 20, 2013 AI will not use vehicle if you add in the UPSMON parameter, "NOVEH" or "NOMOVE" or "FORTIFY". Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bardosy 158 Posted October 20, 2013 (edited) I use a banch of group with fortify and an other banch of groups with "move". But "move" groups also didn't use vehicles. But I found an other problem. I replace the old UPSMON in my missions with your newest and the old isNull _x is finally vanished (Thank you very much!!!!!) but I got an other error messages. And it pop up much more times then the old one: Error in expression <wn Aze_artilleryTarget; }; }; }; case GUER: { If (KRON_UPS_ARTILLERY_GUER_FIR> Error position: <GUER: { If (KRON_UPS_ARTILLERY_GUER_FIR> Error Undefined variable in expression: guer File missions\__cur_sp.altis\scripts\UPSMON.sqf, line 2066 Error in expression <wn Aze_artilleryTarget; }; }; }; case GUER: { If (KRON_UPS_ARTILLERY_GUER_FIR> Error position: <GUER: { If (KRON_UPS_ARTILLERY_GUER_FIR> Error Undefined variable in expression: guer File missions\__cur_sp.altis\scripts\UPSMON.sqf, line 2115 soldier[i_Soldier_TL_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform? soldier[i_Soldier_AR_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform? soldier[i_Soldier_LAT_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform? soldier[i_Soldier_LAT_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform? "KRON_Arti: [[]]" soldier[i_Soldier_TL_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform? soldier[i_Soldier_AR_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform? soldier[i_Soldier_LAT_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform? soldier[i_Soldier_LAT_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform? Error in expression <wn Aze_artilleryTarget; }; }; }; case GUER: { If (KRON_UPS_ARTILLERY_GUER_FIR> Error position: <GUER: { If (KRON_UPS_ARTILLERY_GUER_FIR> Error Undefined variable in expression: guer File missions\__cur_sp.altis\scripts\UPSMON.sqf, line 2066 Error in expression <wn Aze_artilleryTarget; }; }; }; case GUER: { If (KRON_UPS_ARTILLERY_GUER_FIR> Error position: <GUER: { If (KRON_UPS_ARTILLERY_GUER_FIR> Error Undefined variable in expression: guer File missions\__cur_sp.altis\scripts\UPSMON.sqf, line 2115 I guess it's your artillery support. The strange thing: I didn't use your any option, I just use the UPSMON as before: add move and fortify option to groups. But in this mission there are arty assets on independent (AAF) side. But I don't want they use that arty. Those arty assets is for the story. Can I somehow turn your arty support feature off? Oh, and in the init, the all arty support is false: //Artillery support, better control if set in trigger KRON_UPS_ARTILLERY_EAST_FIRE = false; //set to true for doing east to fire //ToDo verify if needed KRON_UPS_ARTILLERY_WEST_FIRE = false; //set to true for doing west to fire KRON_UPS_ARTILLERY_GUER_FIRE = false; //set to true for doing resistance to fire Edited October 20, 2013 by bardosy I have more to say Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cool=azroul13 14 Posted October 20, 2013 Are you sure that you don't have any trigger with KRON_UPS_Artillery = true ? I don't have any error with any side with an empty mortar. Can you send me a link to your mission ? (In MP) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bardosy 158 Posted October 20, 2013 I'm sure I don't trigger any KRON variable to true. I sent you the mission in private message. And thank you for your help. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
barbolani 198 Posted October 20, 2013 Hello! It is my first time with UPSmon. All seems perfect, even arty. My UPSmon versión is a stolen one from Bardosy's beach head misión (can't remember the name) cause seem to work perfectly. I have an issue, I have an OPFOR base with "fortify" units and static weapons. I have an AI BLUFOR squad with a waypoint on this base, once it is reached, in "on act" of the waypoint I execute upsmon for the attacker with also "fortify" so the attackers prepare for a counterattack. Everything fine, except one issue, the static weapons. It seems the static weapons that have been once used by the enemy will not be seen as usable by the new owner. I made a check, if I (on the attacker side) enter the static once, then the AI manned by upsmon sees the static as "enterable". I could make some "grocery made solution" like deleting the static and replace it with brand new BLUFOR created ones, but I don't know if UPSmon will see them. You, as scripting gurus maybe have the super nice solution. Ideas? Thanks in advance!!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cool=azroul13 14 Posted October 21, 2013 If you add the parameter "NOMOVE" or "Fortify", AI will search for static weapon (in a radius of 150m from the leader), if the static is not damage, on default locked and have empty position then one AI from the group is selected to use it. Maybe verify, that the static is on default locked mod. But I thinck it's more a BIS problem, UPSMON doesn't check if static weapon is from one side or another. If the ennemy is dead on the static weapon, maybe the static is not consider empty? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
barbolani 198 Posted October 21, 2013 If you add the parameter "NOMOVE" or "Fortify", AI will search for static weapon (in a radius of 150m from the leader), if the static is not damage, on default locked and have empty position then one AI from the group is selected to use it.Maybe verify, that the static is on default locked mod. But I thinck it's more a BIS problem, UPSMON doesn't check if static weapon is from one side or another. If the ennemy is dead on the static weapon, maybe the static is not consider empty? Guns are not locked or damaged. Tried serveral times and AI does nos use it after being used by enemies. Is there any way to check if a vehicle is considered empty or not by the engine? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cool=azroul13 14 Posted October 21, 2013 You can make a trigger with this in the act line: hint format ["Empty Position: %1",staticname emptyPositions "Gunner"]; if you have zero Empty position then there is a gunner. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
barbolani 198 Posted October 21, 2013 Thanks! I'll check this out. Just a thought, maybe the problem is when or how often UPSMon checks the emptyness of the gun. Maybe the AI makes the check, and, as the guns are still manned by enemies, then forgets about that gun... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cool=azroul13 14 Posted October 21, 2013 Possible, I'm not sure if AI has the parameter "fortify" will use Static if there already in building. maybe try with "nomove". Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
manzilla 2 Posted October 21, 2013 Possible, I'm not sure if AI has the parameter "fortify" will use Static if there already in building. maybe try with "nomove". I tried the link you gave on the last page but it says file not found. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cool=azroul13 14 Posted October 21, 2013 It will works now :P Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Psilocybe 3 Posted October 22, 2013 (edited) Hey guys, been playing with this for a while, just wondering what real use the NoAI has, it indicates for flanking better etc, however I am obviously using it wrong, I assume its meant to be used as a switch IE, NO Ai while they flank, then back to AI on otherwise, they're just picked off with no retaliation... Also, Struggling to get the Artillery to work I have placed both a static and a manned MLRS on map with nul=[this] execVM "scripts\UPSMON\MON_artillery_add.sqf"; in their Init lines. (for the static i also have a squad in fortify ~20m from vehicle). I have set a trigger, Radio Alpha, with KRON_UPS_ARTILLERY_WEST_FIRE = true; the unit still does not assist by raining artillary. The unit is ~2.9km away from the detected enemies. Any thoughts? (I have also tried putting the arty at extreme range in case it was within its min range). Edited October 22, 2013 by RAINF Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cool=azroul13 14 Posted October 22, 2013 Sorry, but for the moment it only support mortar unit. You can place any arti[llery unit but it will spawn 81mm mortar round. You need to add your number of round: nul = [this,[illum nbr,WP nbr,HE nbr]] execVM "scripts\UPSMON\MON_artillery_add.sqf"; Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Psilocybe 3 Posted October 22, 2013 Ah! Well, at least I am not going mad :D Any tips on the NoAi usage? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SavageCDN 231 Posted October 22, 2013 Yeah don't use it :p Seriously though I tried using it once to avoid the AI group doing any flanking behaviour but I found it just made the AI stupid Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ollem 4 Posted October 24, 2013 (edited) @Cool=Azroul13: Thanks for updating UPSMON I noticed a minor bug - UPSMON.sqf line 990: if (_Supstate == 2) then { _gothit = true; if (_Supstate == 3) then { should probably be: if (_Supstate >= 2) then On top of that this if statement will mark any 'tpwcas_state = 2" (low suppressed) unit equal to killed... Above will always trigger chance that AI will pop smoke when suppressed. if you want AI to pop smoke only if they are injured, I would add the following check if ( _Supstate == 3) && ( lifeState _npc == "INJURED" ) ) then or make it e.g. a 30% chance when suppressed and not injured: if ( _Supstate == 3) && ( ( random 10 > 7) || ( lifeState _npc == "INJURED" ) ) )then (note smoke has already a chance limiter) === to bypass the "killed" issue, I suggest to skip the hit EH, but leave in the Killed EH, and change +/- line 230 to: if (side _x != civilian) then {//soldiers If (!_tpwcas_running) then { _x AddEventHandler ["hit", {nul = _this spawn R_SN_EHHIT}]; sleep 0.05; }; _x AddEventHandler ["killed", {nul = _this spawn R_SN_EHKILLED}]; sleep 0.05; } else and around line 990: _Supstate = [_npc] call Aze_supstatestatus; if (_Supstate >= 2) then { _gothit = true; if ( (_Supstate == 3) && (( random 10 > 7) || (lifeState _npc == "INJURED")) ) then { _sowounded = true; }; }; if !((R_GOTHIT_ARRAY select _grpId) == 2) then { _gothit = true; _sokilled = true; }; }; Edited October 24, 2013 by Ollem Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cool=azroul13 14 Posted October 24, 2013 Thanks Ollem, I will update it soon with your correction. There're surely not the last error I have. I learn everyday with these masterpiece !! I change the old UPSMON artillery system to new BIS artillery system. So no more round spawning directly above the player and no more possibility to set the range of artillery in the UPSMON parameter it depends on the type of artillery you use. I made some corrections too. Next step will be to work on the Fortify module. The Main thing is that AI doesn't watch in the direction of a window or a door. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ebarstad 18 Posted October 24, 2013 Next step will be to work on the Fortify module. The Main thing is that AI doesn't watch in the direction of a window or a door. I think Zorilya's Garrison script makes AI face doors and windows, if you're looking for an example of how it could be done. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
laxemann 1673 Posted October 25, 2013 Just wanted to say that you guys are amazing. Thanks. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cool=azroul13 14 Posted October 25, 2013 (edited) Here the new version is uploaded: Ollem's corrections has been apply. I do some modification to the UPSMON artillery system. You don't have to set the range of the artillery in the UPSMON parameter. The range is now based on the type of Artillery. Edited October 25, 2013 by Cool=Azroul13 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
galzohar 31 Posted October 25, 2013 With fortify I think it is only checked at the start. After the units are positioned I think it no longer does any checks for newly spawned/abandoned static weapons. Make sure the static weapon is there and empty before you start UPSMON for that group, and see if that helps. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites