myrdrl 0 Posted July 11, 2002 I just bought oflashpoint and love it! I don't know why, but I think its cause of the awesome engine... but what makes me sad is I can't learn how to fly a copter and shit... can you people teach me the real stuff cause my instruction manual sux! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tex -USMC- 0 Posted July 11, 2002 There are tutorials all over the web; but the best way to learn is to practice in the mission editor. Btw, this is going to either get moved or closed. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Aculaud 0 Posted July 11, 2002 well until it does, i'll just say this: It brakes down like this... Q makes you gain altitude Z makes you lose altitude and then basic movement controls respond pretty much the same as on foot. It was hard for me too. You just gotta know how to stay in the air, and then you can get a better feel for it. Hope this helps Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jester983 0 Posted July 11, 2002 Also make sure you have a joystick that has rudder controls. Like you can twist it from side to side. That is a nessecary. All i can say is practice practice practice. It does take some getting used too but shouldnt take too long. Hope this helps too Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kermit 0 Posted July 12, 2002 Actually, this is the first flight game I have ever played in which I do not need the rudder pedals. The fixed wing aircraft have no rudder control, and the helicopters are easily flown without joystick altogether. It's best to have a stick, but as far as I know there is no difference with the helicopters in Operation Flashpoint between using the rudder pedals and shoving the stick to the side. In real life, using the pedals on a helicopter should make it turn around without without changing the currect velocity (in other words, without changing the speed or the direction the helicopter is traveling in), so it would be flying backwards or to the side. However, in Operation Flashpoint, using the pedals just causes it to make a bank. Does that make sense? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Eviscerator 0 Posted July 12, 2002 on the keyboard x and c control the rotation of rudder pedals you probably have your rudder pedals set to the roll movements Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
myrdrl 0 Posted July 12, 2002 Yeah... I can fly now dude, but problem is can't shoot too good... I was wondering... are there any cheats for oflashpoint? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
theavonlady 2 Posted July 12, 2002 </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (myrdrl @ July 12 2002,13:01)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">are there any cheats for oflashpoint?<span id='postcolor'> Search The FAQ for "cheats". Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Placebo 31 Posted July 12, 2002 C'mon you don't wanna be cheating already if you've only just bought the thing, don't be a wuss Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
swilliams 0 Posted July 25, 2002 CHEATS ARE SHITE, DISCRACEFUL AND GENERALLY SUCK. Whats the point in having a game if your going to use cheats??? Trust me i used to be a cheats addict... then i forced myself to not look at any cheats for new games and i have a much better experiance with games than i did. Although i have to force myself not to look at cheat sites and have banned a whole list of cheat sites from my browser. If you want fun, you should have fun the way the designers intended it to be because cheats are just there for the designers to use so they can test the game easily. P.S CHEATS SUCK chow Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ralphwiggum 6 Posted July 25, 2002 my suggestion is that you have patients. this game requires some diligent practice to know the game and appreciate it. just because it's hard to do doesn't mean that it suck Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
moerty 0 Posted July 25, 2002 yeah, patience wil be your ally when you join a public MP game, waiting 30 minutes for a game tends to thin out the herd of CS/Quack kiddies. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MDRZulu 0 Posted July 25, 2002 For shooting with manual fire say with the FFAR's ( Rockets ) get in a straight path with your target then start hauling ass towards the tank or whatever you want then right before your sites are on the tank shoot 2 or 3 FFAR's at it then turn around but dont go from the same or opposite direction if you are online and keep doing this until it is dead. If you are using AI thats a whole nother story. They are retarded and only good for the machine guns which require you to lock onto the target first and you can do that by right clicking on it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Deus Ex 0 Posted July 25, 2002 Shh don't tell him about FADE hehehe Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Harnu 0 Posted July 25, 2002 Jester, you don't need a joystick at all. I fly keyboard and mouse and am good at it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Warin 0 Posted July 25, 2002 </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Harnu @ July 26 2002,01:09)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Jester, you don't need a joystick at all. Â I fly keyboard and mouse and am good at it.<span id='postcolor'> Dont believe him! I've played with him! Hee hee hee. I find helo's MUCH easier to fly with a joystick. I just have to get the flare down and I will be a master. I am already a wiz at NOE flight. I find the joystick gives me much better control at low level than mouse/keyboard. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Harnu 0 Posted July 25, 2002 Warin, I think you played with me once. And I doubt you fought me in the air. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MDRZulu 0 Posted July 26, 2002 The joystick gives you so many more advantages that its not even fair to mouse users if you get into air to air combat with them. First you have all the controls with one hand and everything is much more responsive and you can control how much pressure you want. You can go into much more agressive turns/banks, quick stops, turnarounds, and then the low level flying is much much better because you can actually make quick movements. If you learn how to hit targets accuretly I dont see how anyone could say that the mouse is better unless your joystick is one of those PC Raiders suction cup versions lol. My joystick is only a Wingman Digital Extreme which isnt that good and it works great for ofp. Its pretty obvious when you see someone with a mouse too, it takes them like twice as long to land. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Harnu 0 Posted July 26, 2002 My landings are short and sweet. I pull up throw my tail into the wind, lower and level. Key combo: A S X after my 180 is complete I press Z. Then D E and tap Q a few times. Lands nice and fast and gently. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BoonieRat 0 Posted July 26, 2002 Chuck it into 'auto~hover' if you get in trouble. it can seem very sensitive and insensitive at the same time (if you get my meaning ...) till you get used to the feel of the controls... Use 'manual fire' when you're in a Helo. the gunner throws away FFAR's like they're matchsticks(could'nt think of a better annecdote  ) Flareing is a pain with the mouse. so are hard banks/turns, cause the mouse/keypad conjunction moves at a set speed. instead of faster if you move it faster. also turning on the spot is a pain, cause I have to reassign keys just for Helo missions. Practice makes perfect. well!.., nearly. 98.5% to be sure ... The Helos are my greatest joy in OFP. iI still play Ground attack 1 & 2 regularlary. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Harnu 0 Posted July 26, 2002 Turning on the spot is easy with keyboard. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites