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Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

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how is your performance in SP with about 150 AI ?

in sp its better about 50-55 fps no change what so ever from low as low can get and ultra with 8.000vd same fps 8.000 vd is a bit overkill i use 3500 to keep fps at least some way playable still not optimal as close firefights i lose all the time due to the small fps drops in city's

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in sp its better about 50-55 fps no change what so ever from low as low can get and ultra with 8.000vd same fps 8.000 vd is a bit overkill i use 3500 to keep fps at least some way playable still not optimal as close firefights i lose all the time due to the small fps drops in city's

50-55 fps with 150 AI + action? can you go further ? i mean add more AI + action until you start to get FPS problems and then post result? it would be very interesting for me

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50-55 fps with 150 AI + action? can you go further ? i mean add more AI + action until you start to get FPS problems and then post result? it would be very interesting for me
my fps starts to degress to 30-40 fps with about 250+ fighting and smoke fire etc starts to pops up

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how is your performance in SP with about 150 AI ?

For what frickin' reason would you need 150 AI in SP ? Do you even know how much 150 is ?

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First official mention I can think of that includes the words "multithreading"

Our drive to improve the experience of playing the game remains strong, as does, of course, our commitment to addressing existing issues, including the continued optimization of servers, network traffic, and multi-threading.

Last sentence of "Platform Updates" section.

At least a little encouraging that perhaps their expansion will have some meaningful performance improvements to the core engine. I won't be buying it if it doesn't, so... Here's to hoping.

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First official mention I can think of that includes the words "multithreading"

Last sentence of "Platform Updates" section.

At least a little encouraging that perhaps their expansion will have some meaningful performance improvements to the core engine. I won't be buying it if it doesn't, so... Here's to hoping.

They have laid out detailed plans during the final stages of Arma 2 betas for multithreading in Arma 3. They have been talking about it for years and years. Your hope I assure you is unfortunately based on not knowing the company in which you invest that hope.

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LoL... I know it is all words at this point. I'm quite familiar with the company and their ways. Time will tell. It was newsworthy imo, though, since they generally avoiding being straight up about this issue like the plague.

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Is it just me or has arma started using more of the additional cores? I've always had 90%+ on core 0 and 15-25% on the remaining 3. The last few days I've noticed that cores 1-3 have been utilised 50-60% with core 0 still mostly maxed out.

Obviously it's still not using it all 100% but any improvement is good, has anyone else noticed similar behaviour? Using stable branch so whether it changed around 1.36 and I've only just noticed I don't know?

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Depending on mission and video settings usage can get pretty high on other cores also. I've often over 25% on all four cores.

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Is it just me or has arma started using more of the additional cores? I've always had 90%+ on core 0 and 15-25% on the remaining 3. The last few days I've noticed that cores 1-3 have been utilised 50-60% with core 0 still mostly maxed out.

Obviously it's still not using it all 100% but any improvement is good, has anyone else noticed similar behaviour? Using stable branch so whether it changed around 1.36 and I've only just noticed I don't know?

have you noticed any FPS improvement with this in SP with AI ? (SP editor without any AI, just placing player isnt a good way to test if FPS increased)

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To be honest I've not compared fps on sp, as long as it's above 30 I'm really not that bothered. The altis benchmark is minimal to no increase in average performance, but I have far from a powerful system compared to most on here.

KOTH on a UK 50 man server gives 40-80fps until in a city when it drops to 25-30, I think there might have been a 5fps or so increase since the update but that might be placebo.

For me that is really quite playable, even occasional dips down to 20fps don't bother me.

edit: I'll have a play in the editor later and see what happens to fps with 100 or so ai fighting.

Edited by forteh

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To be honest I've not compared fps on sp, as long as it's above 30 I'm really not that bothered. The altis benchmark is minimal to no increase in average performance, but I have far from a powerful system compared to most on here.

KOTH on a UK 50 man server gives 40-80fps until in a city when it drops to 25-30, I think there might have been a 5fps or so increase since the update but that might be placebo.

For me that is really quite playable, even occasional dips down to 20fps don't bother me.

edit: I'll have a play in the editor later and see what happens to fps with 100 or so ai fighting.


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Just set up a firefight in the editor.

8x 8 man blufor rifle squad

8x 8 man opfor rifle squad

6x 8 man ind rifle squad

me as a civilian spectator in a littlebird

All in the centre of pyrgos with seek and destroy waypoints meeting at a crossroads. Fps started at 50, almost instantly dropped to 20 and dipped to 17 in places, as ai started to die it went back up to 30, that's with 176 infantry ai with a radius of 2-300m and video settings on very high default as a benchmark :)

Without the 48 indepdant riflemen the fps didn't drop below 20 fps. Stupidly enough I never noted what cpu usage was :(

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96 AI just moving in town 60-70fps, AI sees each other 30-40fps, shooting and combat starts, 20-30fps.

This is me in Athira town as a civilian with i7 2600K @ 4,4GHz (without hyper threading) and 8GB 2133MHz CL9.

View distances 3000m/1700m

Fps rises drastically when things just happen on the other side of the map and more further way. When I'm flying a heli far away my fps is 40-60 when the fighting starts. But moving closer when I need to start to draw all the bullets, AI models simulate audio etc. it drops down to 30fps.

I think it's those models or something related to them and audio that really likes to kill the fps. Being like 700m away already helps a lot.

Core 1-3 usage 30-70%, pretty constantly all of the other cores above 40%.

Edited by St. Jimmy

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thank you guys, will install arma 3 again when the expansion has been released, hope we get (more) improvements.

I can report significant FPS improvements on the latest patch. 120 player KOTH server which usually runs at 17fps has been running at around 30fps consistently.

Anyone else?

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just out of curiosity. did anyone else see a significant DEcrease in FPS since the latest patch?!

i recently upgraded my gpu (gtx 970) and got pretty decent results. 50-70 FPS on ultra + blastcore and other stuff (i always benchmark my settings with the combined arms showcase). but since the patch i get like 30-40 fps max. (on high settings though) even without any mod being active (with mods ~30 FPS).

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just out of curiosity. did anyone else see a significant DEcrease in FPS since the latest patch?!

i recently upgraded my gpu (gtx 970) and got pretty decent results. 50-70 FPS on ultra + blastcore and other stuff (i always benchmark my settings with the combined arms showcase). but since the patch i get like 30-40 fps max. (on high settings though) even without any mod being active (with mods ~30 FPS).

Nothing here, and to be honest, if FPS would have dropped THAT much for multiple people you would have already seen tons of rage posts here :P

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I am curious as to what kind of CPU could actually run Arma at decent frames. Arma's demand for the power of only one CPU core is outrageous! I think the engine needs to spread the load evenly on all cores, if only they did it at the start!

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Its not the CPU´s fault, it´s the unoptimized Engine. You can have an Octacore with 10Ghz, it wont solve the problem with low fps

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Haven't noticed a massive drop. If anything, (for me) I'd say it is a *little* bit better on the whole. Still bottlenecks in all of the same places in some of Bohemia's own campaign and showcase missions (no, I'm not talking about user made stuff as is a common knee-jerk defense).

Why do I say it is *slightly* better? For me, beta introduced persistent stutter/hitching issues (gave up on trying to fix it when Dwarden posted a thread asking for feedback on something they thought might fix it. I posted that it unfortunately did not resolve the issue for me, and he just responded that the problem is my fault). I've noticed since the last patch that this has (finally) improved. In non-bottlenecking areas, it happens far less frequently now (almost not at all, as long as I am in an area of the game that doesn't tank my fps too hard).

I've also noticed a little bit better CPU usage in non-bottlenecking areas of the game, which has made for a few fps increase, there. However, their own missions are still just as capable of over-loading the engine, and it still happens in all of the same places, and when it does, the gains in cpu usage are lost, stutter becomes like it has always been, and I end up with a framerate in the teens and 20's with no gains to be had by reducing graphics settings (as many of you already know).

So, baseline performance (for me) is slightly better, but it still doesn't take very much to tax it out, and once that happens, there is no helping it, and it still happens just as much. Haven't noticed any improvement there. For example, the last mission in the first chapter of the campaign... once you hit the city (agia marina, is it?) fps drops into the 20's and things start to stutter again.

I say baseline performance is a bit better, b/c in early release altis could yield 20's fps in cities on just an empty map. Now, (at least since the last couple of patches) cities stay at 30 or above (on an empty map only). And, I've always gotten around 60+ in rural areas of an empty map (and better hardware usage in general).

I don't play a ton of multiplayer, b/c well... performance. They've talked about how they have been addressing dsync issues, but (in my experience) it is still a very common occurrence. I still see people jumping, warping, and rubberbanding around, and I can still be in a vehicle, and crash and explode into my buddy who is in a vehicle 100 yards away (on both of our screens). (but, the big disclaimer there, is I've only played about 30 minutes of any MP since the most recent patch. It was enough to see foot soldiers warping around though).

In short, any perceivable gains that I have noticed have been in areas where performance wasn't much of an issue for me to begin with (an empty map, for example), and (in my experience) those gains have not (yet, if ever) translated into actually improving performance when the game is doing something more than rendering an empty (or near empty) game space. That is my experience anyway, ymmv.

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Its not the CPU´s fault, it´s the unoptimized Engine. You can have an Octacore with 10Ghz, it wont solve the problem with low fps

Yes, and if the game were optimised to the maximum people would still complain about bad performance while playing missions with hundres of AIs. People should finally learn the limits and how to live with them.

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True. For me personal 40-50 AI´s are enough, when i have more AI active i cant even walk 10 meters without beeing a target for the Enemy.

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People should finally learn the limits and how to live with them.

Yes... Learn the limits. Which also happen to include vanilla arma, and bohemia made campaign and showcase missions that can bring you into the 20's or less. And, I'm certainly not the only one able to reproduce this. Or, we can just completely ignore that fact and (as is a common response from some) pretend like it is the fault of everything *but* the engine... i.e. unrealistic expectations, bad mission scripting, etc.

Those things are considerations that need to be made, certainly. They are also important steps in troubleshooting performance issues (at the very *beginning* of that process). But, they are *not* the root cause of performance issues that have been present for years. They may often be peddled as such, and those excuses seem to do a good job of providing cover, but they are not the root cause.

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