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Cobra Sandbox [Persistant Survival Sandbox]

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What is Cobra?

Cobra is a multiplayer mod for ARMA2/OA featuring:

-Sandbox gameplay

-Fully persistent game world

-Hardcore survival simulation

-Affiliation system

Sandbox Gameplay

Featuring the ever-popular free-form sandbox survival gaming, with completely persistent game world and persistent player gear.

Fully persistent game world

Built from the ground up with SQL support. The game saves the player gear and stats on a persistent database.

Hardcore survival simulation

Takistan hates you. Resist the scorching heat, dehydration and deadly background radiation, while trying to avoid getting shot by other people.

Hardcore loot system

Turn every single of the (enterable) buildings on their heads while searching for precious loot. Gather desperately needed water from wells or soda cans, collect radiation meds to survive travels through the highly irradiated areas and salvage broken weapons for usable parts to craft working ones.

Slow pace

The view distance is recommended at 3km. The map it is played on (Aliabad) offers soft hills, small settlements and little vegetation. The loot amount and rarity is carefully tuned for a slow pace in gear Aquisition, combat and recon.

(While 3km might sound insane, it runs well on older PCs because there is far less object density than on Chernarus)

Freeform affiliation system

Form your own database-supported affiliation and make friends or enemies . (Every player can form his own group with custom ranks that are displayed ingame). Wage wars over loot spots and wells or simply because that guy from the other clan looked at you wrong.

Kill-messages never show you the name of the killer, but instead his affiliation. Every action you do will reflect on your clan/group/gang.

Hardcore combat

A maximum view range of 3100m make proper recon tactics and the use of binoculars your most important weapon. Spot other groups from miles away and observe them before making a decision on wether to interact or not.

Enhanced recon system

Depending on distance and optics used, the name, rank and affiliation is displayed for units that are being aimed at.

Strategic Static weapons

There are some static machine guns scattered across the map. The loot system refills the ammo every 1-2h for every assembled static weapon. So if you want to have some teamplay, talk some pack mules I mean loyal clan followers into carrying the gun parts into strategic locations. Then you can nail other players from over a kilometer away (and even farhter if you got a buddy spotting with a binocular!)

Note: Backpacks and weapon backpacks are not saved by the database yet. Normal backpacks are not in the loot list anyway.


Not joking around, bought from commercial sources and hand-mixed to perfection (Unlike the average sound mod that basically is a library of movie sound rips)

I do not permit using these outside of COBRA, so respect the hard work that went into that and dont rip the sounds

Some level of anti-quitter protection

Damaged or killed players will instantly log their status to the database means they can not escape death by logging out quick.


Looking at some script to help you figure stuff out is ok, copying them or the whole mod for your own purposes is not. I do not permit creating derivates of the mod. In simpler words: Do not rip the whole mod to create submods or other versions of it.



This mod uses the following Addons:

Arma2NET (scottNZ)

ARMA2NETMySQL Plugin (firefly2442)


Aliabad (McNools)

(the client will only need Aliabad and CBA)

Alpha notice:

The mod is in alpha, so things might not always work as expected.

-I do not know how well the dedicated server will handle large amounts of people yet.

-There are no backpacks yet.

-You might get greeting messages from ghost players at times (rare)

-The server runs on the latest non-beta version (because I do not know how to install the beta patch on remote dedicated servers. (And the installer going "lolgamenotinstalled" whenever trying to patch does not help either).

-The affiliation system, while fully working ingame, has no ingame creation or joining features yet. If you want to register your clan you can do so by posting in this topic or writing me a pm. Also note that the affiliation system is more meant as a "fallout2 clan name tattooed on your forehead" kind of deal instead of quick dynamic grouping with strangers. In any case, there will be a fully working ingame interface for creating/joining, but I would first like to see if this mod is going to gather a crowd before spending 2 weeks coding that system.

-Vehicles and static weapons are not saved after a server restart yet.

-When leaving the game and joining back in you will appear next to your vehicle instead of inside of it.

-The airfield marked on the map (in Aliabad) is not a real airfield, there is nothing to loot there. It appears to be a WIP location created by the map designer (McNools)



Required addons:



CBA(Community Base Addons):


It is recommended to run OA with the latest beta patch:


How to start:


(serverside addon whitelisting is in effect)



(server-side patch, clients do not need to download anything)

-Fixed a bug that caused the life loop to break. (thx JohnWilkins)


(server-side patch, clients do not need to download anything)

-Fixed an issue with item actions not working after respawning.

-Decreased ammo spawned with CZ550 weapon (3 magazines was possible, decreased to 1)

-Common loot is now swamped with broken AKM rifles

-Increased common loot AKM magazines (previously only spawned in high-end locations)

-Added some more fortifications on map

Edited by alleycat

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Sounds great, waiting patiently for the download :)

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Sounds great, waiting patiently for the download

Should be today (european evening time). Sorting out some last minute stuff.

And for Arma 3?

It's not out yet

Possibility of other map support in the future?

Very possible

It was actually developed on Takistan originally, but I switched to Aliabad for the first version because:

-It looks nicer

-It is 4 times smaller. I can not predict how the mod will be received at start, and if let's say only 15 regular players play, then finding other players on a 12x12 map is very difficult. That is why a more compact map like Aliabad was used.

Would take 2-4h to refit it to any other map

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this looks pretty interesting. I hope there will be soon some servers filled with mature players, surely will check it out! keep it up.

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Silly question but where is the mission file, Ive put in CBA, Cobra and Alibad but dont see a mission, or am I being a dumbo?, lol...

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Mission is downloaded from the server when you join.

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Hi, we are currently on the server. Request for Clan ..

Name: [AW] (Arma Wargames)


[AW]Sokka - Leader#General#the guy

[AW]DaRat - Seargent

[AW]Lord - Major

[AW]hitman.360` - Lt.

:) tnx

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So can I run this on my Dedi server to test with my mates?

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Updated first post with a link to the CBA version the server uses (will update the server to latest tomorrow), this is a quick fix for some players getting errors.

---------- Post added at 01:40 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:38 AM ----------

So can I run this on my Dedi server to test with my mates?

I would rather not hand out the server code at this point, because I do not want to fragment the playerbase across a few servers. Also would like to fix a a few issues before too.

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I love the survival aspect of it, I had a very enjoyable time (despite dying in pathetic ways twice) and I can see that this has super potential. So many features for a v0.1

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Line 243: 0:05:58 KILL | ANGRY DAD -----> [AW]Lord (6m)

Line 248: 0:07:41 KILL | cat -----> [AW]Lord (244m)

Line 320: 0:15:12 KILL | ANGRY DAD -----> [AW]hitman.360` (543m)

Line 325: 0:15:44 KILL | [AW]DaRat -----> ���� (2m)

Line 327: 0:15:44 KILL | [AW]DaRat -----> ���� (2m)

Line 329: 0:15:44 KILL | [AW]DaRat -----> ���� (2m)

Line 407: 0:28:43 KILL | cat -----> ���� (76m)

Line 409: 0:28:43 KILL | cat -----> ���� (76m)

Line 411: 0:28:43 KILL | cat -----> ���� (76m)

Some of the murderous happenings in the first 3 hours.

Straight from the server log

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we just played on the server, we think the mod has great potential. Question regarding the sounds, can u list the sounds that u modified, so we can load along the favorite soundmod of our choice? (jsrs is very modular)

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Currently only russian, some czech and FN FAL have custom sounds. No german or american weapon is modded. But I will white list what mods are allowed and the list of modded sounds will expand. So very soon all sound mods will be excluded.

Edited by alleycat

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Bit of a silly question but how exactly do I find the server as I cannot see any server running the current mod?

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The server is running with this name: Kitten Shack COBRA OFFICIAL (v0.1)

It is up. Check your filters, perhaps your settings are filtering it out.

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Would you mind giving us some guides on how to actually interact with objects as I had 3 soda cans and could not work out how to use them so I had died due to that.

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Soda cans and other items are used with the mouse scroll menu. If the actions for them do not appear (especially after respawning) then that is a bug that is fixed by reconnecting. This issue is being fixed right now.

---------- Post added at 01:34 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:48 AM ----------


(server-side patch, clients do not need to download anything)

-Fixed an issue with item actions not working after respawning.

-Decreased ammo spawned with CZ550 weapon (3 magazines was possible, decreased to 1)

-Common loot is now swamped with broken AKM rifles

-Increased common loot AKM magazines (previously only spawned in high-end locations)

-Added some more fortifications on map

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