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Oculus Rift VR headset

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I've found an interesting video about working Oculus Rift DK2 in Arma 2. The author of that video promised to make a video guide of settings and tools he used soon.



BTW Still nothing about official support?

Edited by shurik_spb

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The OR would be a nice addition to Arma for choppers and such but personally it's too bulky for me.

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The OR would be a nice addition to Arma for choppers and such but personally it's too bulky for me.

Too bulky? Thats the least of my problems when it comes to OR @ Arma and OR in general. Did you try it yourself?

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How is 3D working in A3? I remember when I played OFP with my 3d glasses there was some problems with smoke. I remember reading that A1 and A2 suffered from similar problems.

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How is 3D working in A3? I remember when I played OFP with my 3d glasses there was some problems with smoke. I remember reading that A1 and A2 suffered from similar problems.

afaik there is no real 3d at all up to now in A3 but two identical images. please correct me if i'm wrong.

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Can anyone report in on the general feel of Arma 3 with the Dev2 kit?

I would love to know how enemy spotting is for infantry, are far objects just too small or unresolved? (does the zoom feel strange?)

Excited for Arma in VR! :D

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No one knows, I'm afraid. Threre is no working solution at the moment. Talking about zoom, there are few games and demos for DK2, I can say that zoom works fine in them (tested myself). The first one was Discovering Space demo, the second was Prepar3d with DCOC v2 mod.

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