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Delta Hawk

Please help, UV map distort in bulldozer but fine in oxygen

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Ok, so I made an object in 3ds max, exported as .p3d, .obj and .3ds and imported into oxygen. The UV map in oxygen says the cooridnates are fine. The fit background texture shows it's fine. I've export the object and imported back into 3ds max to check the unwrap and it's fine, but every single time I've viewed it in buldozer and even in arma2 the unwrap on some parts are messed up and crooked and distorted.

I'm assuming because I've tried all different ways of export, importing and testing it that somehow the ArmA2 engine is distorting the uv map itself, so how can I fix this? A lot of very important addons that the community wants depends on this!


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I did not think pictures would be necessary, however I now believe this is very rare and not many people run into this problem because they don't import models a lot. But yeah, the uv map is distorted.

Pictures from 3ds Max.



Pictures from buldozer. Please note that the uv maps are correct on the actual model in oxygen 2. I've even exported the .p3d back into 3ds max and I do not get distorted uvs. It's only in buldozer and the game do the uvs appear distorted. The uvs ARE CORRECT on the model, they're just being rendered distorted. Also lets say I only have one part of the model in oxygen, it renders with correct uvs, but as soon as I put other parts of the model into oxygen, all the uv maps become distorted.







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Long shot but does this vehicle have lots of animations and have you tried it with the model.cfg disabled ?

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you've got some messed up uv's somewhere in the model. either way to small or way to big. use check faces under structure menu to find non-linear mapping/non-planar faces then remap/fix selected faces

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There is no animations or model.cfg file, just the model. I've taken a part of the model, scrubbed it of all error involving the function check faces and it still appears distorted.

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There is no animations or model.cfg file, just the model. I've taken a part of the model, scrubbed it of all error involving the function check faces and it still appears distorted.

do u have any faces with no uv mapping?

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I found that sometimes when you have a rectangular map, the uv mapping can distort if the faces are triangulated in a certain way, but not if they are triangulated in a different way. If you imagine a quad, you can triangulate it and 'spin edges'. This should have some effect on the uv distortion if you have a map that is not square.

I believe this is because if your map is not square and the uv space is, there is necessarily some kind of distortion since your UVs are crammed laterally. Changing the uv triangulation changes the distribution of that distortion among triangles.

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My textures are squared, but I'll try playing with the triangulation.

I export a single part of my max file with no errors and all uv mapped and I'm still getting uv distortion.

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