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[SP] Squad commander - ACR official mission remake

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Squad commander

Version: 1.0

Required addons: None

Required version: ArmA 2 Operation Arrowhead v. 1.62 + ACR DLC v. 1.0

Supported languages: English, Czech

Dubbing: None

Author: Watty Watts

A few words at the beginning - Squad commander is a remake of one of the first official missions and probably the first High command mission we all played in ArmA 2. In it, player's squad was responsible for clearing a small village from few insurgents, however with far superior firepower on his side. If player called air strike and / or attack helicopter, the mission was over in few minutes, which really didn't test player's command skills. Most of the enemies just stand in the middle of the village without any patrolling waypoints or any initiative except for their squad leader's commands, also the perfectly marked mine field was easily avoidable. All in all, the mission was quite short and easy, so this remake, which takes place in near future (meaning you will be using modern equipment and vehicles of the Army of the Czech republic), will be longer and harder.

Now about the mission - Chernarus, 2015. After finally stabilizing their country after 2009 crisis, chernarussian government decided to join EU. The country is - of course - divided into two camps by their opinoins on EU. Those who want to join the Union claim that this is the only way to prevent the history from repeating itself, those who want to stay out of the Union point out EU's failures, recent economical crisis, disunity in some crucial questions and other disadvantages. Unfortunately it's not far from words to weapons in this country. Nationalists, who couldn't accept the accessing process, joined together on the remnants of the old NAPA militias. And the first dead came soon. Czecho-slovak battlegroup, which was active at this time, was called for immediate action. As a leader of infantry squad, your mission is to coordinate attack of all teams and breach enemy's improvised defences. If you succeed, reinforcements and much needed humanitarian aid will soon arrive at nearby airport. If you fail...

Download links: UlozTo.cz, Armaholic.com

Edited by WattyWatts

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Although I don't prefer HC missions myself, it's pretty nice to see any new ACR missions. Downloading now :)

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Nice conversion WattyWatts! Played it today and had fun. managed to complete it only with heavy losses to my teams. That damn BMP kept killing my tank! :)

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Just finished this mission very nice remake (better then original) :). No bugs in mission.


I finished mission without heavy losses, i eliminated that Bmp by myself

I give all squads orders to stop, then i go to village alone, i hide and hit that Bmp 6 times with m203 grenades+2 m67 grenades in rear armor. Crew jump from Apc. :)

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How can I take out the BMP without resorting to..

Grenades and the grenade launcher?

@WallyWatts, I think you may need a AT weapon in the mission somewhere...perhaps?

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Thanks all for feedback, third and probably the last remake will be somewhere in December. As for the BMP

there are 3 AT specialists on your side, one tank and apc. You can also use satchel charges from your engineer's backpack or take one of the RPGs carried by the enemy - there are three.

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I liked morning dew a lot, I'll try this one.

however, I got a few questions:

-what will be the new remake?

-why stop at 3? don't you want to make some more?

-will you make original missions?

-why not using the new ACR weapons? instead of the SA58?


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Well there aren't so many official missions and not all of them can be remaked with ACR units (for example Eye for eye or Freedom fighters, which are played as partisan; or piloting missions as I am really bad pilot), plus I never tried to create warfare mission, so unfortunatelly Rising bear - which would be really great - won't be available, or at least not this year.

I wanted to create missions where player act as a squad member, squad leader and HC leader and to use most of the equipment, vehicles and weapons - older and newer - so one can basically try everything what our national army have been or is using. Creating my own missions would take much more time, so I connected this ACR "promo" or "showcase" with brushing up my editing skills a bit and learning new things, without much thinking of mission concept, place, power balancing etc., because the basis has already been done by BIS. Still, ACR needs its first patch badly, so it will hopefully come in 1.63 next month.

As lots of beginning music bands start with cover versions, they ultimately must make something original, which is the same approach I'm using. Since there weren't many things I relased - and I played BIS games since OFP (not first ArmA though) - I would be happy to finally create a (not too long) campaign. Unfortunatelly I don't have to use my imagination so much as there are too many inspirations for conflicts nowadays.

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Thanks all for feedback, third and probably the last remake will be somewhere in December. As for the BMP

there are 3 AT specialists on your side, one tank and apc. You can also use satchel charges from your engineer's backpack or take one of the RPGs carried by the enemy - there are three.

Wally, I've not seen any AT specialist nor tanks and apc on my side. I've got 5 guys, including myself.

Think I'll have to hunt down dead enemies and rob them of their goodies....

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This mission use High Command module, press ctrl and space and you are commander of 5 squads. One squad (im not sure which by i think 5) is T72 tank. In one or 2 infantry teams there are AT gunners.

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Oh, I see, did not know that. Will give it a try. I've cleared the town except for the BMP.

My team-mates call me "RamboKat"....:p

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