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Modders/Programmers/Modellers/Animators, what do you intend on doing with the game?

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I am already in the planning and design stages of a special mod for ArmA 3. I have a modeler lined up for production of the asset.

Now, the question is...will I be able to get the programmer I need to help me with this project? ;)

Here's a hint:

It's a modern, custom-designed version of

, complete with LHD functionality. The design will reflect the current setting of ArmA 3 (Year 203X).

Very early design draft.

In regards to the project, I plan on doing a separate forum thread for it, so that I can get feedback from the ArmA community on the design elements of the project. Please look forward to it! :)

I have expressed interest in it, but it would be nice to get multiple programmers on board as well, so if anyone else hops on board, I think it's definitely doable.

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iam a 3d static artist/programer and a little animator, i never worked with the engine in that way, because the modding software to create mods for arma/arma2 suxx (for expample the format for the meshes :-) I only like the mission editor to create missions, but I hope they will be support 3d party programs more. Then you will see me in the Arma3Modding-Scene.

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Format as fine as long as you have a measurement reference, you can build something in say 3ds max and export it into O2 with little problems, smoothing groups and UV's remain intact. Furthmore there are tools such as the "Modding Toolbox", with tutorials available to help this process be more smooth.

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I hope placing/making IEDs will be easier, and have various options. I want A: get bombs and have ways to adjust the damage, attack to myself, ground, vehicle, even a rabbit... B: spawn suicide bombers or IEDs easily synced with say, a trigger from mission editor, that will easily blow it up without any kind of trouble. Just one of the more specific things I want out of all the things I wish were easier in the editor.

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I hope placing/making IEDs will be easier, and have various options. I want A: get bombs and have ways to adjust the damage, attack to myself, ground, vehicle, even a rabbit... B: spawn suicide bombers or IEDs easily synced with say, a trigger from mission editor, that will easily blow it up without any kind of trouble. Just one of the more specific things I want out of all the things I wish were easier in the editor.

I'm afraid this is quite off topic here.

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Well the first thing I intend to do.. would be wait for the modding tools to come out.

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Once I finally get the time to learn how to make an addon, I hope to add vehicles (mainly MBTs) that may be missing out, decked with interiors (hopefully)

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Once I finally get the time to learn how to make an addon, I hope to add vehicles (mainly MBTs) that may be missing out, decked with interiors (hopefully)

I like this idea, especially with aircraft carriers and such.

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I like this idea, especially with aircraft carriers and such.

I think I missed something here..where did you get aircraft carriers from? :confused:

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I still hope to hear from BI that the 3D Editor will be released for ArmA 3 at some point...even if it's months after the initial release ;)

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I would like a script / addon which would save animations in blender format "rtm": it would allow me to add a lot of marine life as well as on earth.

But the demand is targeted as a member Leopotam (thank you for the addons already created), rather than developers, although I understand that some liked to create with blender...

One thing also saddens me in visitor, this is the limitation in the manipulation of objects and the inability to tilt at a desired angle.

This would create, for example, clusters of rocks, caves and vary more realistic environment with few items.

I have a project with vegetation personal island just waiting to see the day in arma 3.

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I was intentionally vague when talking about what I plan to bring to ArmA 3 earlier in this thread...

Now I'll just go ahead and show you what I'm working on/plan to "port" over when my work is completed/ArmA 3 is out ;)

Official Site - http://www.moddb.com/mods/remember-mgo

^Currently running on the CryEngine 3^

*Please PM me if you'd like to be a part of this "porting" process (ONLY serious/dedicated/talented members need apply PLX)*

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