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Design mastery weapons

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I have some news.

I created some new camos, make some new animations, now working the magazine releaser and firemode button.


Woodland camo:buldozer_2013-05-31_19-21-17-54_www.kepfeltoltes.hu_.jpg

Desert camo:buldozer_2013-05-31_19-16-19-44_www.kepfeltoltes.hu_.jpg

Winter camo:buldozer_2013-05-31_19-17-06-87_www.kepfeltoltes.hu_.jpg

A-tacs camo: buldozer_2013-05-31_19-15-02-96_www.kepfeltoltes.hu_.jpg

A-tacs woodland camo: buldozer_2013-05-31_19-22-50-56_www.kepfeltoltes.hu_.jpg


Also i changed the M4 sound to tpM M4 sound:


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Whoa, that's alot of camo patterns. A2 version will have all there as well or just A3?

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i am not sure yet, But 4 will have(with replacment pack) at least.

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Nice camo's man, any chance of getting some beehive patterns in there like this, if you look on the mag that's what I'm talking about.

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If i find what's this camo name and i get it then yes :D

I would like to give more camo later so if you have one or have any idea just report it.

so here is it:




Edited by Hogthar

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Is concrete the painting or just the sample(on the beehive pattern)?

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Hogthar, will you be making the sound an optional .pbo file or will it be part of the addon? I ask because if it's an additional file that's not required, it allows people to use vanilla sounds which allow the use of sound mods. Just food for thought.

The rifles look fantastic. Looking forward to the update.

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I will include sounds only arma 3, because arma 3 don't have M4.

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couldn't find this mod in my Six-Updater so I downloaded the version hosted on Armaholic, there it says ver. 1.0, is that the most current version? your first post here says you made some updates, but it's not mention on Armaholic

anyway, great mod, one of the best weapon mods I've seen in Arma 2. thanks for your work

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He always sends us his work so it should be the latest version. However keep in mind he released an Arma 3 version as well.

Arma 2 ----> Design mastery M4 variants

Arma 3 ----> Design Mastery Weapons [ALPHA]

I did not post the Arma 3 version in this thread since it is in the Arma 2 / Arma 2: OA section ;)

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Foxhound right, i always send the latest version to armaholic.

I have updates and I wanted to release about april, but meanwhile arma 3 alpha released, so i started to learning the new stuffs.

Now i return again to arma 2 so new version is coming soon.

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thank you both for clearing it u. can't wait for the new version and new mods from you, Hogthar!

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I will include sounds only arma 3, because arma 3 don't have M4.

Yeah, I meant for Arma 2, since it sounded like you were going to release the new version for A2 as well.

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Yes i will release arma 2 as well, but i won't include the sounds.

My config linked to default M4 so if default m4 sound changed then changing my m4 sound too.

Anyway tpM will create his friend own sound mod so if you like that you can enjoy it in arma 2 as well.


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Actually I just working an new M203 version at the moment.

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Awesome man, keep us informed... been watching this thread like a hawk, looking forward to the 203's mate :cool:

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Awesome :eek:

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Yes i will release arma 2 as well, but i won't include the sounds.

My config linked to default M4 so if default m4 sound changed then changing my m4 sound too.

Anyway tpM will create his friend own sound mod so if you like that you can enjoy it in arma 2 as well.


Thanks. One of many reasons why I enjoy your M4s on A2, so glad to hear the sound config will stay the same.

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new m203 model : buldozer_2013-06-10_04-40-44-91_www.kepfeltoltes.hu_.jpg

It isn't have texture yet, but i working on it.

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actually I don't know.

I working on it every day but sadly i am not so fast because i try thorough on my work.

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