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[SP] Cyber Warfare VME_PLA MOD mission

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Cyber Warfare

By Kommiekat

Version .90

Location: Chernarus

Game version: ARMA2: Combined Operations

Game Mode: Singleplayer Mission

Fictional Story with true probabilities


Armaholic Download





China invades Chernarus to test out it's Cyber warfare program.

You lead eight men in-country, destroying the CDF infustructure with the assistance of Cyber Team located

on the Aircraft Carrier 'Shilang' and investigate a secret Radio-Telescope.


* Intro (by nettrucker)

* Custom music

* Awesome VME_PLA Mod

* Awesome AEG - ArmA Electrical Grids by LoyalGuard

* Team switch

* Explosion script

* Submerged Chinese JLS2 Missile

* Working Radio-Telescope by Mondkalb


Arma2 and OA with latest patches.

VME The Chinese People's Liberation Army


MBG Buildings 2


NOTE! both mbg_buildings_2 and mbg_buildings_2_eu.pbo are needed

----> @CBA, @CBA_A2 and @CBA_OA


Just extract the zip-file and copy the the folder "Cyber_Warfare" into your Arma2\Missions folder.


Included files:

All necessary scripts, sounds, jpeg and music.

Known Issues:

Not tested with any other mods, addons nor AI Mods such as ACE, SLX, GL4 and Gunters CoWarMod.

Use at your own risk.

Suggested addons:

J.S.R.S. Mod

by LordJarhead



I want to thank LoyalGuard, sxp2high, Twirly and others at BIS forums for their kindness,

assistance and patience in answering my questions and also Wolfrugat OFPEC and Foxhound at Armaholic.com.

Hope it has all paid off!

Thanks also to tom3kb for his assistance and guidance. Thanks Tom!

Thanks to Mr. Bardosy for his inspiration and getting me off my a@@ to make a mission.

Can't forget Alex.xp at VME PLA forums in China for such a great mod!


AEG - ArmA Electrical Grids

by Loyalguard


Simple Guard Patrol Script

by Tophe of Ostgota Ops [OOPS]


Submerged Tomahawk launch

by Kavlarakos



by Mondkalb



Pay attention to your HINTS. They will guide you.

Hints are delivered by your commander aboard the SSN Han.

Radio Telescope:

Radio Telescope Console set up:

Yaw between 30 to 50 (upper slider)

Pitch between 60 to 88 (lower slider)

TURN ON then SET for signal pick-up

Bug Reports:

If you find any bugs, have any suggestions or comments, please post them in this thread or PM.

Also you can contact me:

[email protected]

Have fun!

Edited by Kommiekat
update Link

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Hi Kommiekat

thanks for the link downloaded now. Did you do an outro? Without it the mission is incomplete don't make the mistake like other's do . . . complete it. If you can't do it than set up the scene and I gonna do it.


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Hi Kommiekat

thanks for the link downloaded now. Did you do an outro? Without it the mission is incomplete don't make the mistake like other's do . . . complete it. If you can't do it than set up the scene and I gonna do it.


Does that mean the mission won't work, or do you mean incomplete from a story perspective?

Looking forward to giving this one a whirl...

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Does that mean the mission won't work, or do you mean incomplete from a story perspective?

Looking forward to giving this one a whirl...

No the mission works I meant it story related. There are a lot of good missions and campaigns out there which are lacking completely cutscenes to tell the plot. These I consider as incomplete.

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Thanks for info about release Kommiekat. And also congrats on the release. I will play this mission wenn i back to my home after this weekend.

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Hi Kommiekat

thanks for the link downloaded now. Did you do an outro? Without it the mission is incomplete don't make the mistake like other's do . . . complete it. If you can't do it than set up the scene and I gonna do it.


I'll get it done for the next update. I've got to study the homework you left me first :p

If I find I can't get anywhere with it, I'll come back begging for your help, with my tail between my legs :eek:

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I'll get it done for the next update. I've got to study the homework you left me first :p

If I find I can't get anywhere with it, I'll come back begging for your help, with my tail between my legs :eek:

Take your time bro. I'm sure once you understand a bit the homework I left you. It won't be a problem anymore. I'm pretty much convinced of that. The hard part and the most time consuming of it is . . . the tweaking to your liking.;)

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UPDATE on requirements in the first post:

I forgot to mention ----> @CBA, @CBA_A2 and @CBA_OA

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what is the difference between this mission and "china takes a peek"?

same description, so I wonder.

Can you explain please?


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Play both missions and you will see, they are totaly different. :) Story, tasks etc. Here you fight with CDF and US ARMY. In China takes a peek small Chinese SF squad must accomplish few tasks on small island controled by Japanese forces.

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what is the difference between this mission and "china takes a peek"?

same description, so I wonder.

Can you explain please?


"China Takes a Peek" was my first ever attempt to make a mission. At that time, VME was just out before the major update. I had little to no knowledge of the editor and my ideas for the mission were just too grand.

I reworked the TaskObj's, added a few, deleted a few. Monkalb is the maker of the Radio Telescope and what I wanted to do with it, only he could help me but as the creator of that superb structure, he completely gave up on it. He won't even touch it.

Here is the script for the RT (Radio Telescope):

_Oii = createdialog "MBG_RadioTelescopeMenu";
sliderSetRange [5552, 0, 60];
sliderSetspeed [5552, 0.1, 0.1];
If (isnil "tuner") then {Tuner = false;};
sliderSetRange [5553, 0, 360];
sliderSetspeed [5553, 0.1, 0.1];

_pitch = ((RT animationPhase "Dish_Pitch")*60);
_Yaw = ((RT animationPhase "Dish_Yaw")*360);

sliderSetPosition [5552, _pitch];
sliderSetPosition [5553, _Yaw];

playerSoundSrc = "HeliHEmpty" createvehicle getpos player;
playerSoundSrc setpos getpos player;
tuned = false;
_O = [] spawn {
_i = 0;
while {dialog} do {
If (tuner) then {
	if ( _i == 0) then {playerSoundSrc say "ui_radio_static_lp"};
	_i = _i + 0.01;
	if ( _i > 4) then {_I = 0;};
_pitch = ((RT animationPhase "Dish_Pitch")*60);
_Yaw = ((RT animationPhase "Dish_Yaw")*360);

If (Tuner and !tuned and ((_pitch > 10) and (_pitch<12)) and ((_yaw > 20) and (_yaw<22))) then {
	_Of = [] spawn {
		_pitch = ((RT animationPhase "Dish_Pitch")*60);
		_Yaw = ((RT animationPhase "Dish_Yaw")*360);
		_i = 0;
		playerSoundSrc2 = "HeliHEmpty" createvehicle getpos player;
		playerSoundSrc2 setpos getpos player;
		tuned = true;
		playerSoundSrc2 say "Lincolnshire_Poacher";

		while {((_pitch > 10) and (_pitch<12)) and ((_yaw > 20) and (_yaw < 22)) and (_i < 24) and dialog} do {
			sleep 0.1;
			_i = _i + 0.1;
			_pitch = ((RT animationPhase "Dish_Pitch")*60);
			_Yaw = ((RT animationPhase "Dish_Yaw")*360);
		tuned = false;
		deletevehicle playerSoundSrc2;

If (Tuner and !tuned and ((_pitch > 20) and (_pitch<26)) and ((_yaw > 90) and (_yaw<122))) then {
	_Of = [] spawn {
		_pitch = ((RT animationPhase "Dish_Pitch")*60);
		_Yaw = ((RT animationPhase "Dish_Yaw")*360);
		_i = 0;
		playerSoundSrc2 = "HeliHEmpty" createvehicle getpos player;
		playerSoundSrc2 setpos getpos player;
		tuned = true;
		playerSoundSrc2 say "Woodpecker";

		while {((_pitch > 20) and (_pitch<26)) and ((_yaw > 90) and (_yaw < 122)) and dialog} do {
			sleep 0.1;
			_i = _i + 0.1;
			_pitch = ((RT animationPhase "Dish_Pitch")*60);
			_Yaw = ((RT animationPhase "Dish_Yaw")*360);
			If(_i > 21) then {_i = 0; playerSoundSrc2 say "Woodpecker";};
		tuned = false;
		deletevehicle playerSoundSrc2;

If (Tuner and !tuned and ((_pitch > 30) and (_pitch<50)) and ((_yaw > 60) and (_yaw<88))) then {
	_Of = [] spawn {
		_pitch = ((RT animationPhase "Dish_Pitch")*60);
		_Yaw = ((RT animationPhase "Dish_Yaw")*360);
		_i = 0;
		playerSoundSrc2 = "HeliHEmpty" createvehicle getpos player;
		playerSoundSrc2 setpos getpos player;
		tuned = true;
		playerSoundSrc2 say "Contact_1";
		_barrier = 15.897;
		while {((_pitch > 30) and (_pitch<50)) and ((_yaw > 60) and (_yaw < 88)) and dialog} do {
			sleep 0.1;
			_i = _i + 0.1;
			_pitch = ((RT animationPhase "Dish_Pitch")*60);
			_Yaw = ((RT animationPhase "Dish_Yaw")*360);
			If(_i > _barrier) then {_i = 0; _barrier = 1.091; playerSoundSrc2 say "Contact_2";};
		tuned = false;
		deletevehicle playerSoundSrc2;

If (Tuner and !tuned and ((_pitch > 1) and (_pitch<30)) and ((_yaw > 300) and (_yaw<320))) then {
	_Of = [] spawn {
		_pitch = ((RT animationPhase "Dish_Pitch")*60);
		_Yaw = ((RT animationPhase "Dish_Yaw")*360);
		_i = 0;
		playerSoundSrc2 = "HeliHEmpty" createvehicle getpos player;
		playerSoundSrc2 setpos getpos player;
		tuned = true;
		playerSoundSrc2 say "UVB76";
		_barrier = 15.843;
		while {((_pitch > 1) and (_pitch<30)) and ((_yaw > 300) and (_yaw < 320)) and dialog} do {
			sleep 0.1;

			_i = _i + 0.1;
			_pitch = ((RT animationPhase "Dish_Pitch")*60);
			_Yaw = ((RT animationPhase "Dish_Yaw")*360);
			If(_i > _barrier) then {_i = 0; playerSoundSrc2 say "UVB76";};
		tuned = false;
		deletevehicle playerSoundSrc2;

ctrlSettext [5554, str (sliderPosition 5552)];
ctrlSettext [5555, str (sliderPosition 5553)];
ctrlSettext [5556, str _pitch];
ctrlSettext [5557, str _yaw];
sleep 0.01;
Tuner = false;
If (tuner) then {player say "ui_radio_signallost";};
deletevehicle playerSoundSrc;

I wanted to put a message or use a Trigger to inform the player that they have reached the needed Signal for the TaskObj. I think it goes in here somewhere, but I don't know. Only Monkalb can answer this, I think:

If (Tuner and !tuned and ((_pitch > 30) and (_pitch<50)) and ((_yaw > 60) and (_yaw<88))) then {
	_Of = [] spawn {
		_pitch = ((RT animationPhase "Dish_Pitch")*60);
		_Yaw = ((RT animationPhase "Dish_Yaw")*360);
		_i = 0;
		playerSoundSrc2 = "HeliHEmpty" createvehicle getpos player;
		playerSoundSrc2 setpos getpos player;
		tuned = true;
		playerSoundSrc2 say "Contact_1";
		_barrier = 15.897;
		while {((_pitch > 30) and (_pitch<50)) and ((_yaw > 60) and (_yaw < 88)) and dialog} do {
			sleep 0.1;
			_i = _i + 0.1;
			_pitch = ((RT animationPhase "Dish_Pitch")*60);
			_Yaw = ((RT animationPhase "Dish_Yaw")*360);
			If(_i > _barrier) then {_i = 0; _barrier = 1.091; playerSoundSrc2 say "Contact_2";};
		tuned = false;
		deletevehicle playerSoundSrc2;

I tried and tried and tried. No luck. Just a simple message "Signal has been reached and downloaded!"

Such a great structure in his @MBG_Buildings with such great potential. Too bad he gave up on it.

Honestly, don't even bother with China Takes a Peek. Better off throwing it away.

Edited by Kommiekat

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Dont read my last post here :), i was thinking about Senkaku island conflict and about this mission ;). My mistake.

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Good work man....thanks for the release. Lots going on in this one. Nicely done!

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Can't download mission, it says file is missing.

Hey strelnikoff, thanks for your interest.

Seriously, I need to rework this mission, as it was my first ever made and since then, I've learned more about mission editing.

As soon as I get an up-grade going, I'll post a suitable link here and get a PM sent to you.

Again, thanks for reminding me!

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