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Command and Conquer Tiberium Verse Units Pack (WIP)

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Those vehicles look fantastic. I see the mod is already getting a shape... :p

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Oh yes, quite. The donations and the help I'm getting here is amazing. Hopefully some sort of public build will come out soon so people can test them. If I can get into contact with Silverhawk, I was hoping to modify his Mammoth tank a little bit to make my own gritty war version of it. Base it on the classic tan texture (what I like to call Pre-Renegade). Also make it so it doesn't require BAS Desert Rangers for the crew (we'll have our own crew of course). Does anyone know if Silverhawk is still around? :)

So I managed to do a slight edit to Maczer's config, so 1.96ers can enjoy the mod too. For some reason or another, my 1.99 CWA has been screwing up things with his stuff, but 1.96 works flawlessly with everything. Weird or is my 1.99 version messed up? I even took out all the mods and tried it on a clean build. Something's always messed up or another on my end! Anyhow, this is how Maczer's stuff is SUPPOSE to look now!



http://i.imgur.com/pvpP8b7.jpg (I missed the shot of the glow. But the glow animates, I just need to time it correctly in-game. I'll go back in and get a shot of that.)

http://i.imgur.com/sXn8qAP.jpg Damage textures! Now THAT is what I like to call attention to detail! Maczer, you're amazing!

http://i.imgur.com/P7rK4Ij.jpg (Pictures never do enough justice to animations. I'll do a promo video at a later date.)

http://i.imgur.com/EFE1DjQ.jpg It really is nice flying the Orca. It's even nicer being able to FEEL like you're flying one. After always seeing those cinematics from the old game, I always wanted to fly one proper - this is as close as I'll get to that reality! CNC Renegade was a step closer to this kind of reality.

Hey Noob1, how is it making islands? I want to start making islands based on classic CNC terrains.

Also, will start modeling in Blender eventually. I just wanted to flesh out how much progress has been made as of late! Mod will not die, I assure you.

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Hey Noob1, how is it making islands? I want to start making islands based on classic CNC terrains.

I'm only editing the wrps of existing islands via wrptool. I might make my own island from scratch once but it's more likely I'll just modify existing ones (from BI in particular).

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So this was a quick reskin, but it doesn't want to drive and turn the turret. Then again, reskinning armoured vehicles are a bit different from doing trucks/cars/infantry. There's moving parts. The strange thing is that the tracks/wheels move, but the vehicle itself stays in place. When aiming and firing weapons, the turret doesn't even turn. Probably an issue on my end (yet again), but I can fix it once I figure out how to. Anyways, presenting the Nod Light Tank (aka "M2A2 Bradley IFV")!



I didn't go wild with the symbol. I think those two spots are enough for now. Anyhow, I'm going to go look in the editing section to see how I can fix this issue regarding it not moving and such. Might be something with the config, I'm guessing.

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It looks pretty good the way it is, with the logo on the front. I don't know if you'll find this helpful or not, but this is what I have in the configuration file for my BIS model M2A2 re skin. Just the normal Bradley.

// Desert textures by Apocalypse83.

#define TEast 0

#define TWest 1

#define TGuerrila 2

#define TCivilian 3

#define TSideUnknown 4

#define TEnemy 5

#define TFriendly 6

#define TLogic 7

#define true 1

#define false 0

// type scope

#define private 0

#define protected 1

#define public 2

#define CanSeeRadar 1

#define CanSeeRye 2

#define CanSeeOptics 4

#define CanSeeEar 8

#define CanSeeCompass 16

#define CanSeeAll 31

#define VSoft 0

#define VArmor 1

#define VAir 2

class CfgPatches


class WestDesertArmour_BIS


units[] = {



weapons[] = {};

requiredAddons[] = {"BIS_Resistance","BIS_WeaponPack","Bradley"};

requiredVersion = 1.92;



class CfgVehicles


class All {};

class AllVehicles: All {};

class Land: AllVehicles {};

class LandVehicle: Land {};

class Tank: LandVehicle {};

class APC: LandVehicle {};

class M113: APC {};

class Bradley: M113 {};

// M2A2

class desert_m2a2_BIS: Bradley



displayName = "M2A2 (D)"

model = "\desert_m2a2\desert_m2a2.p3d";

picture = "\desert_m2a2\im2a2.paa";



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Thanks. Believe it or not I just fixed it all earlier. I fixed the turret rotation in Oxygen and also fixed the mass as well, so now everything moves properly! My eyes have been so strained today. Lol.


So here's my credits list so far:

Sanctuary (WW4 Infantry models and resources)

krzychuzokecia (his edits and continuing help)

Maczer (Orca, Apache, Helipads, a few words of help)

BIS (for any retexture I do on those models - I mean of course people have been re-texturing them as far back as pretty much the game's release)

Stu (100% free use of his harvesters)

noob1 (in which I'll be using some of his atmosphere/terrain tweaks)

[anyone else I'm missing?]

Waiting for permission:

Silverhawk (to reskin and modify his Mammoth tank. I'm not so much as even touching it until the okay is given. I e-mailed him, still no reply)

I'm posting this in-case I need to add on to it and such, also so that people know I have permission to reskin/re-config things. I'd never edit anything without permission (unless they strictly say you don't need permission in a readme or something, but credits will always still be given. I follow a code of honour here). :)

Edited by Revan9190

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So Silverhawk gave us the go ahead to modify his Mammoth Tank. Yay! This gives us a chance to also make a Soviet Mammoth Tank for whenever we do Red Alert (or what I also like to call Brotherhood Rising: Red Tide), which will essentially be a prequel expansion.

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The addon pack is still underway, everyone. Just letting people know it's still alive. Hopefully I'll get some promo shots soon for everyone. I'm really excited with where the mod's been going and the progress that's been made, thanks to several helping hands.

As of now, we have the following:

GDI and Nod Basic Infantry additions (Crew, Medics, Rocketgunners, Pilots)

Libyans, mostly led by Nikoomba (they also have technicals)

Nod Light Tank (shown, but still being tweaked) and proper DPV Buggy, with Technicals being used by the Followers of Kane

Orca Assault Craft (shown before, but a finalized version)

Nod AH-64 Apache (shown before, but finalized)

GDI Harvester was retextured

GDI CH-47 Chinook (the Nod one will follow soon)


http://i.imgur.com/ymNZWgQ.jpg (I just need to flip the logo)

http://i.imgur.com/SLoi3Az.jpg (note, Nod troops have different helmets now. You'll be able to distinguish them better now versus their GDI counterparts)





















Edited by Revan9190
Pics Update

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Awesome work! That's some great progress right there!

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Other than some re-texturing (not that the texture is bad, but I'm hoping to give it a more nostalgic feel regarding the color scheme. Classic tan) and some config work, the X-66 Mammoth tank will likely keep all of its already built in features. The armor stats need a major nerf. As it stands right now, it takes so many Nod Light Tanks to take it out. While yes, in the end, it will still take several Light Tanks/Nod Rocketgunners to effectively destroy one...right now it takes probably 10-20 minutes to destroy one (a bit of an exaggeration, but it's practically invincible at this rate).

Thanks to Macser for the Light Buggy.

So a recap:

GDI - Infantry, Chinook, Orca, Mammoth Tank, Tiberium Harvester

Nod - Infantry, Apache, Technical (unarmed and M2HB variant), Buggy, Light Tank, Tiberium Harvester

Libyans - Infantry, Technical (unarmed and DShK variant).

Edit - Thanks, Sapper! I'll give it a look!

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My old and unfinished addon for OFP: GDI Mammoth Tank


Pictures from the game.

If interested, You can use at their discretion.

Unfortunately all the original files were lost... And I have no MLOD p3d...

I just had a look in the mission editor. It's certainly a monster alright, a real masterpiece right there. Complete with Mammoth rockets and everything. It would be a shame if this doesn't get used. Mind you, I haven't seen the other one, yet.


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@Apoc - This is what Silverhawk's looks like. Cannons and rockets both work and it has deploy-able 'walls' that open on the sides for infantry cover. I can see why Silverhawk originally modeled a logo circle on the sides, because of the UV Map mirroring, so ignore the GDI logo showing up on the cannons for now. I can just replace the .p3d with the packaged one again.








I'm torn between Sapper's and Silverhawk's at this point. I'm indecisive. I might use both so that mission-makers can choose which Mammoth they'd like?

I could actually use the 'Rusted' version seen here as the Soviet's Mammoth and put the 'star' on the sides and darken/modify the texture. In-case anyone wanted to toy around with 'Red Alert' stuff, because a "Red Alert" expansion will be in the works soon enough.

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Silverhawk's Mammoth more functional and actually, I think he's the better.

My simply unfinished. If someone had finished my Mammoth to the same level...

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I think they both have merit.

If there was a good ambient occlusion layer on Sapper's it would help

to bring out any details.The tracks look pretty good too.

SilverHawk's has a good overall look to it with some extra functionality.

Regardless of what missions are made with them,giving people a choice between the two,

in the editor,wouldn't hurt. :)

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Indeed, sir. :) I always love giving people choices.

I'm hoping to release another "demo" soon, with all that has been officially included (and is playable). I'll be looking forward to whatever missions people make! Although I encourage anyone to make a proper "Nikoomba's Demise" mission from the Nod campaign.

Vehicle-wise/infantry-wise that I have left for the ground assault package:

HMMWV (I was thinking that, maybe, the HMMWV could use a prototype "CROWS"-style system, but it'd be using the M60 instead of the M2. Not sure, though.) (GDI)

Medium Tank (M1A1) (GDI)

APC (M113) (GDI and Nod)

Stealth Tank "Ezekiel's Wheel" (Nod)

Pyradon Flame Tank (Nod)

M110 Artillery (Nod)


SSM Launcher (I might retexture a Scud as a temporary. I can see Nod using Scuds anyways, at least until the M270 frame is made free for use)

Recon Bike (Nod)

Gunboat (GDI)

Hovercraft (can transport 1 HMMWV or several troops) (GDI)


Commandos (Black Hand, Dead 6, generic SEAL types too perhaps)

Officers (GDI high ranking generals, GDI Commander, Nod Commander, official named officers from cinematic cutscenes, Libyan officers)

"Flame" troops. Hoping to make a proper flamethrower trooper in which when the flame "projectile" hits the enemies, they catch on fire and run around. Kind of like the burning tank crew scripts.

I hope to have the full ground packages done soon.

Edited by Revan9190

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Yeah, I think Silverhawk's looks like the best option of the two, and sounds like it has some exiting new features. But I still like the rusted version in the picture.

I could actually use the 'Rusted' version seen here as the Soviet's Mammoth and put the 'star' on the sides and darken/modify the texture. In-case anyone wanted to toy around with 'Red Alert' stuff, because a "Red Alert" expansion will be in the works soon enough.

That sound's like a great idea, because it looks a lot older, and the Red Alert era is during WW2. Apart from the Soviet star, I don't think the textures would need much more work. But good luck, either one would be a great bonus.

Edited by Apocalypse 83

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I've even already thought of a simple title for the expansion, which will serve as sort of a 'prequel' to this mod.

Brotherhood Rising: Red Tide

Again, won't have to do really all that much regarding vehicles/units. I think Soviets with the great coats (and AK-47's) vs WWII/1950's Allied Soldiers (with M-16's) would serve well in this regard, because that was the style, really. The Allied Medium Tank, I think, will be a re-textured M60 (metallic blue-tint with Allied logos) and if I can add an extra cannon to the T-80 and give it, perhaps, a dull brown/rustic red, the Soviet Heavy Tank would be pretty much done right there. For the Allied Light Tank, I was thinking since I haven't seen an M41 Walker Bulldog available, that I might ask permission to use an M24 Chaffee that I saw (I saw a standalone one somewhere).

Just glad that this project is giving me clarity of what I want as a C&C fan and I'm glad people here are showing their interest. I know there have been different full C&C based mods out there, however all those addons never got finished. This is why I'm going to release things a bit more periodically to give people more options to mess around with and create their fantasy C&C-based missions and such. Thanks for the support, everyone. :) Because of you guys, progress on this mod has been possible and steadily going. :)

Edit - I contacted the admin via e-mail for the M24 Chaffee made for the Berlin 1945 mod. If anyone here is a part of that mod and can assure me that it is okay to use it, please let me know!

Edit 2 - "Delivery to the following recipient failed permanently". Seems like my e-mail won't even go through. Heh.

Edit 3 - I'll still use Sapper's, but for now I'm just gonna make a Soviet version of Silverhawk's (actually that way I can just have both versions and won't really have to edit Sapper's. It'll be there as an optional version).

Edited by Revan9190

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Other than the mirroring on the UV, I think it looks pretty good.




But I'm not losing focus of Tiberian Dawn. If I can figure out what I'm doing wrong with Sapper's Mammoth, I'll show pictures of it here.

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Edit - I contacted the admin via e-mail for the M24 Chaffee made for the Berlin 1945 mod. If anyone here is a part of that mod and can assure me that it is okay to use it, please let me know!

That would be AtStWalker. Having spent countless hours chatting to him I know he loves cooperation and sharing but considering that a lot of people worked on it it's complicated if you want to edit it.

This tank was make by our friend Eeyore. Textures from Sturmtiger's M4 Sherman and Burn script from Liberarion 1941-1945 mod.

That's a complicated affair to get permission from people that have long since left the community. If you want to keep it in it's original form it's not problem to list it as a required addon with a link to download.

Regarding =SappeR='s Mammoth tank I've sent him a PM to ask if he want the models in MLOD since I can convert them without messing up the models. Not sure if it's the best option to use, but I'll leave that up for someone else to decide :)

Edited by JdB

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Thank you, JdB, for the response. :) That would be lovely if I had an .mlod that won't mess up, because I have a texture for the rusted version I'd really like to see used. I tried a filter in Photoshop on a red star and it looks weathered and worn out. Looks really cool. It would be found like this in the editor: East ---> [C&C BR: Red Tide] Soviet Vehicles ---> Soviet Mammoth Tank

That's at least how the current Mammoth Tank is found. Seems easy enough. But it's more of a 'test' unit for the expansion than anything right now as I need to fix the texture up a bit.

Thanks again.

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I've had a reply from =SappeR= saying that he's fine with me giving you the MLODs and I had converted them before I received his reply (:o) which went great. There is one thing missing from the model which is resolution lods, there is only the one lod right now that you can see on the screenshots. I'll send you the models once I can since I'm currently working from a tablet ...

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I've had a reply from =SappeR= saying that he's fine with me giving you the MLODs and I had converted them before I received his reply (:o) which went great. There is one thing missing from the model which is resolution lods, there is only the one lod right now that you can see on the screenshots. I'll send you the models once I can since I'm currently working from a tablet ...

What tool do you use to get MLOD from ODOL without problems ? (I only know ODOL explorer and it screws parts of complex models and named properties).

Edited by ProfTournesol

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What tool do you use to get MLOD from ODOL without problems ? (I only know ODOL explorer and it screws parts of complex models and named properties).

P3DEdit (for those who aren't familiar with it, it's not publicly available)

It might mess up really complicated models like soldier models but I've never had to edit those so I don't know about that. ODOL Explorer messes up even simple models (or my models weren't that good ... )

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