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Little birds vs c-130

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Adammo @ June 24 2002,21:54)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Will you make them available to those with 1.60? <span id='postcolor'>

ok here is a question for you all:

Who's is not going to buy Resistance for the game play and netcode? plus all the new features?

Since Resistance will be out in a few days I think its a Mute point to release any buggy addons for 1.46.

1.60 is a beta patch btw.  So why should someone release it for 1.60 beta patch?  doesnt make sence to me.<span id='postcolor'>

Those that aren't going to buy it are probably those with hacked 1.46 copies who don't want to wait until a hacked Resistance upgrade is made. Otherwise you are absolutely correct. Unless something is horribly wrong with the Resistance upgrade I don't see why anyone would stick with the version 1.46. From what I've seen from the 1.60 Beta upgrade it looks much improved overall and I imagine that the Resistance upgrade will be even better.

I just hope that my local Best Buy Store will have it in stock on the 28th.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Your part of a team that must clear a suitable area for and advance landing ground for the C130, you get parachuted in and ensure no enemy patrols and then call in the Herc.

<span id='postcolor'>

This would be refered to as "pathfinder" operations.

There is a three week school for this in the U.S. Army. If you complete it you are authorized to wear this badge.


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well from what ive heard, Air Force CCT also do that kind of job, they of course take pathfinder, ranger and other training courses smile.gif

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Hmmmm, if only Air Force pukes had the intestinal fortitude to make it through Ranger school. tounge.gif

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eeer.... they do, they attend all sorts of different courses through out the military branches, they do air borne jump school, army path finder school, rangers, and a few others.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (USSoldier11B @ June 25 2002,05:37)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Hmmmm, if only Air Force pukes had the intestinal fortitude to make it through Ranger school. tounge.gif<span id='postcolor'>

dude, you didnt know that all the classes are joint. no im not talking bout drugs. it would cost more if every one of the services had to have their own schools, ive had several training classes with a number of services, Army,Navy,Marines.....no coast gaurd though.

and im an Air Force puke.


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Please stay on track people smile.gif

Adammo, regarding the C-130, I remember that you posted in the last thread that you were going to make a playable version and a "building" version. Does this mean that the playable version won't have any usable cargo space?

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (residuum @ June 25 2002,15:23)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">YAY LETS ALL GET IN AN ARGUMENT OVER WHICH BRANCH OF THE MILITARY IS BETTER!!!


confused.gif<span id='postcolor'>

umm none of those posts were regarding who is better..... :\

cargo space? do you mean for equipment or people?

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Adammo, regarding the C-130, I remember that you posted in the last thread that you were going to make a playable version and a "building" version. Does this mean that the playable version won't have any usable cargo space?

<span id='postcolor'>

Only one version. It is flyable and has a cargo space.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Adammo @ June 25 2002,17:24)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Adammo, regarding the C-130, I remember that you posted in the last thread that you were going to make a playable version and a "building" version. Does this mean that the playable version won't have any usable cargo space?

<span id='postcolor'>

Only one version.   It is flyable and has a cargo space.<span id='postcolor'>

Thanks smile.gif

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An M1 tank wouldn't fit in the back of a c130 and I doubt that it could even lift it.

cargo space for men.

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yup.. I don't beleive that a c-130 could lift a M1 in the real world... maybe the m2a2....

anyways,my question is this... you know how the UH-60MG has the 50 cal in the door? could the same be done with the C-130? on the left side,I mean.... see,we have SAR helos that we put the 20mm cannon on the MG in the door (acting like a Gatling).... so If,say 4 or 5 50 cal stations were put in the side of the c130... POOF.... instant Spectre...

users of the plane could add whatever armament they wanted....

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (FubarGrn @ June 25 2002,20:50)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">yup.. I don't beleive that a c-130 could lift a M1 in the real world... maybe the m2a2....

anyways,my question is this... you know how the UH-60MG has the 50 cal in the door? could the same be done with the C-130? on the left side,I mean.... see,we have SAR helos that we put the 20mm cannon on the MG in the door (acting like a Gatling).... so If,say 4 or 5 50 cal stations were put in the side of the c130... POOF.... instant Spectre...

users of the plane could add whatever armament they wanted....<span id='postcolor'>

Yeah the C-130 only carries light armored vehicles, humvees and other smaller vehicles...definitely not main battle tanks.

However as for the AC-130 idea, I think it's perfectly doable however the real AC-130 carries two 40mm Bofors cannon, Two 20mm gattling guns, and one 105mm Howitzer cannon all of which are fired from the side. However I think it's next to impossible to get good pictures of what it looks like inside the AC-130. But if once Adammo's addon comes out and someone wants to make a AC-130, I have an old Asia Pacific Defense Forum magazine that has some good pictures of the area where the gunners load and maintain the cannons and also the crew position where they actually locate the enemy, and target the weapons. This magazine is difficult to find as it generally is only distributed to U.S. Military facilities and U.S. embassies (which is where I got mine).

I believe the weapons can be fired from that position or by the pilot who has a side window mounted HUD that shows where the target is.

All in all I think it could be easily done. However the hard part would be making the weapons move in relation to where they are targeted. That part might not be possible. In other words on the real thing the cannons move up and down (and maybe a little side to side although I'm not sure). I'm wondering if perhaps all the guns could be inserted as one object that pivoted up and down. The pilot could then fire the weapons by simply hitting the left arrow key on the keyboard while in a turn and seeing where his target dot was. It would be a little bit difficult to fire (and fly) that way however. Still it would be fairly realistic.

What would be harder would be figuring out how to get the AI pilot to fly a orbit around the target and then how to get the gunner to fire at targets. While it may not be realistic, the weapons might need to move a little bit from side to side in order for the AI gunner to successfully engage targets. Still I'm sure it's a problem that could be hashed out during beta testing.

At any rate, I have a friend in the Airforce who has worked on AC-130's and can tell me any non-classified info that might be useful for such a realistic mod, so if anyone is really serious about making such an addon (and doing it well) I'd be happy to scan those pictures for them (they are non-classified) and ask my friend for any information that he's allowed to give me on the AC-130 that would make the addon as realistic as possible. I'm hoping Adammo will want to work on that after he finishes the C-130. But if by then he is burnt out on the C-130, I hope that he allows someone to modify his model into a AC-130 because quite frankly his is the best looking C-130 model I've seen so far. Another idea for a MOD that would be simpler would be to make a MC-130 Combat Talon II. The MC-130 just has a little different shaped nose and a few more pods and stuff on its wings.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (SpetsnazWarriorX @ June 25 2002,22:24)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Or just watch James Bond - The Living Daylights; some good C-130 scenes there, showing the full interior of the Herc.  wink.gif<span id='postcolor'>

Adammo already has good pictures of the Herc's interior.

The AC-130 gunship's interior however is similar but different due to all the weapons and electronic equipment in it.

Anyone here have a Janes Defense aircraft book? They might have some good interior shots or a least a good layout of where the weapons and crew positions are located. I got the pics of the crew positions, but it doesn't show well where some of the crew are located on the plane. Anyways, the point is moot until someone decides to take on the job which I mistakenly called easy. It might be easy to create a non-realistic AC-130 with one .50 cal gun that fires tank rounds, cannon rounds and machine gun rounds all from the same gun, but that would look stupid and be extremely unrealistic.

The limitations of the OFP engine would have to be considered. For example technically speaking all the rounds could be fired from the same gun, but it might be made to look like it was firing from all the guns. For example the AAV's in the Marine Addon pack show both guns firing. It's really only one gun, but when it fires you see muzzle flashes on both guns go off. A similar thing could be done with a AC-130 gunship. Anyhoo...sorry if I ramble I'm just thinking out loud hoping to give some addon makers some ideas.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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Vehicles in OFp can have 1 gun.

Im not talking about rockets just guns.

so you would be able to have 1 MG hanging out the side of an AC130 but that is it. YOu might be able to simulate multiguns but only one will work.

example on my AH6 it has 2 mini guns on it.. but in reality only one of them actually works. the other flashes so it appears to work but it doesn't in the game.

This in an OFP engine limitation and can not be enhanced by the players.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Adammo @ June 26 2002,01:13)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Vehicles in OFp can have 1 gun.

Im not talking about rockets just guns.

so you would be able to have 1 MG hanging out the side of an AC130 but that is it.  YOu might be able to simulate multiguns but only one will work.

example on my AH6 it has 2 mini guns on it.. but in reality only one of them actually works.   the other flashes so it appears to work but it doesn't in the game.

This in an OFP engine limitation and can not be enhanced by the players.<span id='postcolor'>

Ah ok. However one gun can have multiple types of ammo correct? For example that one T80 addon that adds a guided missile to it as well uses this principle if I'm not mistaken. The same thing you did with your AH-7 Little Bird I imagine could be applied to the AC-130 except that it would have 3 types off ammo: 105mm ("shell120") 40mm (30mm shells from BMP2 could simulate this), and finally the 20mm which could be simulated by the A10's shells. However I don't know if it's possible to adjust the rate of fire for each ammunition type.

Anyways I think it's do-able. I imagine it would basically be a door gunner like in a helicopter but with 3 ammo types. Also as I mentioned before all the cannons in the aircraft could be made as one object so that they move together. Only the side to side motion might be difficult but I've never messed with Oxygen so I don't know how difficult what I propose would be. I can only make assumptions based on what mods I've seen so far.

From what I've seen I think it would be possible. A tough project probably but still a very cool one if someone could get it working properly.

Adammo, for the cannon you could simply use a section of your howitzer cannon addon. For the 20mm minigun you could use part of the minigun model you used on the AH-7 but just increase the size of the model a bit so that it looks like the bigger 20mm version. The only new model would be the 40mm Bofors cannons, then of coarse the openings would have to be made in the sides of the C-130. The other problem...is that the gunner is inside and in real life uses cameras to target the weapons and doesn't look out of windows to do so. So that part might be a little tricky as I"m not sure if the AI have to be able to visually see a target through glass (or a open door), or whether it's possible to make them see targets through the skin of the aircraft.

Anyways those are just some ideas.

But right now, I'd just be happy to see the regular C-130 cuz this game desperately needs a proper aircraft to parachute from.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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Damn. I ride in the things 10+ times a year. If someone wants pictures of the inside they just have to ask. Nothing fancy about the C-130. It has over 250,000 moving parts and it makes for a scary landing. Rather jump out of it. I'm still an original advocate in seeing one in OFP though. It is true that the conventional military (U.S.) conducts airborne ops mostl out of C-130's & C-141's, but we jump helos alot more frequently in the SOCOM community. We had an ODA jump a Mi-17 down at JRTC. Also got to see an 160th SOAR MH-47 up close. Mulitple Kiowa Warriors, Blackhawks (ho-hum), and even saw a Mi-24 in action (bad ass). OFP does not model jumping out of a Mi-17 correctly. The aft section under the tail opens up horizontally and the jumpers exit the rear. Static line jumps are not possible though, only HALO/HAHO. Saw something funny, the Kiowas have to taxi to the runway to take off, since they have skids they taxi by hovering about 6 feet off the ground. Looks difficult to maintain. When one Kiowa passed us (we were waiting on the flightline for our bird) the gunner stuck his arms out the door and was pretending to row. It was funny as hell. Damn those things have tiny cockpits. I don't think they assign very big guys to Kiowa crews.

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