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Conspiracies Rising Dead 3

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Can you please add an ACE version?

I played it for a bit and:

-Constant Heavy FPS loss (script side??)

-Tavor rifles are bugged (ironsight view+weapon holding)

-While in rest action gametime was actually moved forward 4 hours ..a lol-patrolling-truck was still struggling to pass the road nearby :D

-If you make an ACE version..be sure to use the ACE module for hide units on map (you will know when you see it..)

-Move the "Bash" and "Jump" actions to communications menu so the player can disable it .

*although ACE has its own "bash"

I hope soon for a newer version.

I m really lookin' forward for a free-roam //survival experience

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Some infos about version 1.01:

- bugfixing

- add 2 new locations: fishervillage and prypiat harbor

- add some new additional missions

- add radiation

- add rating-system 2.3 (known out of Conspiracies Apocalypse but optimized)

- add secrets

- add loadingscreens

some new screenies of the village and harbor:






---------- Post added at 19:44 ---------- Previous post was at 19:24 ----------



Edited by Sled88

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How do I get the co-op to work? :-S

There's only one player-slot when I try to host the campaign, even though I've downloaded the coop addon.

Edit: Nevermind, it's not an addon, it's a campaign! *facepalm*

Edit 2:

I just realised I posted like a douche!

Thanks for all your effort, this mod is absolutely fantastic! :)

So far, everything's great, except for performance issues.

Running i7 cpu, 12gb ram, Geforce 560 ti, game installed on SSD disk, clean Windows 7 pro installation.

Looking forward to updates!

Edited by crazyrobban
Was being a douche.

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Sled88, with CRD3 you have created another great campaign. I always like the STALKER feeling in ArmA2.

Here is a list of bugs I have found in version 1.0:

- Unfortunately i have to confirm the bugs which have been summarized by Guess Who (#48), GiorgyGR (#52).

- The Tavor rifle and its ammo does not appear in the inventory.

- I find the anomaly detector useles, because it doesn't tell distance, direction and nature of the threat. (This point is invalid if you can find a better working detector later in the game.)

- Task completion seems to be bugged: Upon choosing a task - say: fetch an artifact - you are directed to the location. You pick it up and you receive a confirmation message but the waypoint marker remains activated. It would be nice if the marker disappeared and a new task "Take the artifact to the customer" was generated. This could be useful if you carry out various jobs for different customers at the same time.

- "Bashing" seems a little slow. To sneak up on an opponent from behind and bashing him works, but in a fight the movement is clumsy and slow. This may well be an ArmA limitation but I wanted to mention it anyway.

- The day-and-night cycle is extremely fast. Walking and jogging a few kilometers takes all day. Why don't you allow real time in your game world? You have the sleep feature which enables players without NVG to skip the hours easily.

A question regarding radiation and anomalies:

- Is it a good idea to mark these threats on the map once they are detected? If the threats appear in fixed areas it will be possible to avoid known anomalies and radiation pockets. If the threats appear in random locations you cannot learn from experience and you have to move slowly even in well-known areas (boring) or save often (tedious).

An idea to force players to play at night:

- You could make a few missions which only work during the night, such as hunting a creature that is not active during the day or finding an artifact which emits a dim light and cannot be seen in broad daylight.

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Hey there guys,

thanks for the feedback so far. Playing at night will be important for the upcoming Version 1.01. Because I added radiation... You can see it at night but not at daytime. Therefore you wil get the geiger-counter. The anomalydetector will also get an update later. Anomalies are not moving atm. I hope I can fix all these issues asap!

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Perhaps I'm just being an idiot, but does the co-op version include 5 players but only one of them is playable? :S

When hosting a game, there's only one slot available, and when I start the game, I have 4 AI's with me.

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Please remove accelerated day/night cycle. It jumps/looks so terrible and it should not be there at all even it is seamless.

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Well, the campaign seems really awesome.

Unfortunately, there's far too many bugs right now. At least in the co-op version.

- We are two players out of five that have a very very low fps while playing, when trying out the map in the editor we have normal fps.

- The weather and time is not synced between players, and three of us passed out from exhaustion, while me and another player never experienced the stamina system.

- Anomalies doesn't show up until you actually connect with them, killing our players straight off.

- The lighting function only worked for 4/5 of us, the other guy was in total darkness and couldn't see our lights either.

- Waypoints updated for some of us, and voice files from NPC's triggered only for the host and one other player.

- Campfire rest healed me (host) but no one else.

I hope this do you some good.

It seems to be a quality production behind it all. I compressed the campaign sent by Sled88 into a pbo using the old cpbo. Don't know if that might cause issues?

Thanks for a great mod anyways! :)

Edited by crazyrobban
spelling issues

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I'm definitely going to have to check this out. The concept of the mod is pretty awesome!

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Sorry for thread-necromancy, but I'm not sure my question is worth a new thread.

The Pripyat map in CRD3 is said to be unfinished; and I have seen where in particular - stairs into some buildings in Pripyat and other towns, the texture on the main reactor building & the sarcophagus. Has it been updated, or even finished, since the last post?

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@Old Bear

It's a great map. As someone who has studied the Google satellite view of the area I can see how much research you've done in making this awesome map. I'd love to see CNPP with a better texture/finish.

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@OldBear, I'd love to use it. If you have any updates to the map please contact me (Have sent PM and email). Hope you're okay after hospital.

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Thanks for the update, Old Bear.

@Sled88 - would you be willing to release the terrain, or let me use it for one project?

Plan is to make a small co-op STALKER-themed "sandbox" exploring the narrative behind the Bloodsuckers.

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