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Should I buy Arma 2 at this time?

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I saw day z and got really excited about arma 2 then I saw arma 2 and a: oa gamplay and got even more exited, but at the same time Arma 3 is coming out soon, is it worth buying Arma 2 and A:OA? Do u think there will still be people playing once Arma 3 comes out?


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Why not? It's not that A3 will be released next month. It's at least 5 - 6 months until release, where you can play ArmA2 - that's longer than the average shooter lasts. And after release there sure as hell will be annoying bugs which will take time until they are fixed.

Also, A2 and OA (and eventually the DLCs) won't cost you a lot of money by now. And there are still people playing ArmA, so be sure that there also a lot of people will play ArmA2 for quite some time. Either because they have no hardware running A3 or because they don't like the futuristic approach or because their favorite Mod isn't ported yet.

So yes, you won't waste your money by purchasing ArmA2 right now.

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Welcome to Bis forums.

I'd say hell ya buy Arma2CO aka Arma2 Combined Operations, theres tons of mods, addons, scripts, and many other things for the game.

Heck i still play OFP, Arma1 (with WarMod of course ;) , but the main game Arma2CO.

You'd be missing out if you didn't get it, plus your not going to be able to play Dayz without Arma2 anyways as well as the other

ton of zombie missions, mods, and other stuff for the game.

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What they said :)

Seriously, there is already a huge amount of addons, mods, missions & campaigns (SP and MP) for A2 & CO, and lots of really cool stuff in progress. For examples, check out the "Diving under Water" thread in "Addons & Mods - Discussion" forum, or the Invasion 44 v2.6 thread in "Addons & Mods - Complete".

It would take you at least a year even to give half of the existing resources a serious try - and you'll have great fun doing it :)

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ArmA2 is definitely worth it, and not just for the zombies. There are a ton of addons and missions developed by the community for you to look around at, not to mention the massive content in just the base game. This game is great fun and there's always something new to do. I would be happy to pay three times what I paid to get this game; it's definitely been worth it.

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The game has quite a learning curve. But its a fantastic game! It is a military sim - its not a first person shooter. Fantastic game!

Operation Arrowhead is head and shoulders superior to Arma 2. My suggestion:

Get "Operation Arrowhead" and the add-on "Reinforcements".

By the time you are comfy with the game and the editor, Arma 3 will be out and you can jump right in. Fantastic game!


Edited by Joe98

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ArmA2 + Combined Ops will continue to be imminently playable for years. Definitely worth buying.

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