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Iron Front: Steal the Car

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With W0lle's permission and help, I've ported his version of

from ArmA to Iron Front. Steal the Car was originally made by BIS for Operation Flashpoint and has since been an iconic mission.

Unfortunately, I ran into some issues with audio not working correctly. Everything else should work correctly. If you find any issues, please let me know!

You may download the mission here (Right Click > Save Link As...). To install, place the mission in "C:\Program Files\AWAR\Iron Front - Liberation 1944\missions".



[quote name=W0lle


Moved the car positions a little bit

Move the 'guard' tanks around and placed them on roads

The German officer is now really an officer and no soldier

The starting position marker is now moved to player position and shown on map

Made a marker for the town shown as question mark

Fixed the German strings (Car = Fahrzeug)

The vehicle at the "base" is set to careless so it doesn't engage the planes

Made an IF44 overview picture

Big thanks to W0lle for his permission and help!

Edited by Nicholas

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lol, :yay: this is cool downloading :)

---------- Post added at 01:05 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:04 AM ----------

oops darn i dont have drop box installed anymore, sniff ...

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I just had W0lle inform me that he has fixed some issues. He has been of great help, I'm no mission maker. I am only best at making simple missions that don't require any scripting. :p :D

Updated the first post.

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is it possible to upload it on file planet or some sort of host?

Great already updated nice, thanks wolle ... and not to forget Nicolas :P

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You shouldn't need Dropbox installed to download. just click the link and it should automatically download. It's a direct public link.

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then the link is not working correct i get this when i click the link

briefing.html�������������'¶ÂO ��briefing.sqf�������������'¶ÂOÔ]��description.ext�������������'¶ÂO!

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<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1250">


Its a lot larger so i only copied a little part of it, this is the link i am getting http://dl.dropbox.com/u/4703362/IronFront_StealTheCar.Baranow.ifa

kind regards

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What browser are you using? Try right click "Save Link As.."

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Firefox, first time I have that doh but i saved the link and it worked :) thanks

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Would be better if you pack/keep the mission in .zip archive and upload it. Makes it easier to download.

As long as you don't modify it, you can also use the Armaholic link I sent you. I won't remove the file until I'm back next week. :)

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not a bad port, however a few remarks.

I get a config error no M16 present :P

The mission is a bit to easy I only encountered 2 enemy's and the officer there might be more but still wolle should put a couple of more patrols walking on the main roads that the player needs to evade ...

I ended the mission nicely but the plane shot my officer in the end screen at my home base because the plane was stalking me while I escaped ...

oh and this game has a nice damage system I hitted the wall and the hood flew off nice touch what they did with this engine ....

Wolle keep it up mate nice starter :)

Edited by KBourne

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I also know about the M16 error. I need to change the classnames in the description.

I've also added 2 extra units, more than what W0lle originally had in place. I can probably add a few more, considering it is quite a large town.

---------- Post added at 17:45 ---------- Previous post was at 17:41 ----------

Maybe I can just remove those classnames. I'm not really sure what they are for. :p

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I get a config error no M16 present :P

Ahh I knew there was something I wanted to do...

The mission is a bit to easy I only encountered 2 enemy's and the officer there might be more but still wolle should put a couple of more patrols walking on the main roads that the player needs to evade ...

I ended the mission nicely but the plane shot my officer in the end screen at my home base because the plane was stalking me while I escaped ...

The amount of patrols is random, one time you have only 2, next time there are 6. But yes, should be increased a bit since the town is a bit bigger than La Trinite in OFP. :D

Wolle keep it up mate nice starter :)

I did not much, just helped Nicholas to get the thing ported and fixed some smaller issues caused by my shoddy template.

Don't expect any IF44 missions from me, WW2 stuff is not really my cup of tea. :)

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I also know about the M16 error. I need to change the classnames in the description.

I've also added 2 extra units, more than what W0lle originally had in place. I can probably add a few more, considering it is quite a large town.

---------- Post added at 17:45 ---------- Previous post was at 17:41 ----------

Maybe I can just remove those classnames. I'm not really sure what they are for. :p

those class names are for Arma2 they where left behind, i think you can safely remove them but be sure to make a backup :P you never know, a few extra patrols might do the trick on the outskirts of the town just to keep the player busy, tbh i walked in shot 2 enemys and the officer hopped in the car drove trough a garden, hitted the wall, hood flew off corrected my steering drove trough the planes to home base, the hard part was evading the plane :P which shot my Officer at home base lol ...

I did not much, just helped Nicholas to get the thing ported and fixed some smaller issues caused by my shoddy template.

Don't expect any IF44 missions from me, WW2 stuff is not really my cup of tea. :)

You helped thats already allot, I am up for anything if it comes to warfare simulation i have to say the cold war era is still my favorite. not that A1 and A2 was bad but it was surely different the same goes for IF, Ironsides are back thats a huge improvement, and yeah not to forget CWR2 and A3

Edited by KBourne

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Hello all

Wow, thanks for this and to Wolle for letting you port it even though WW2 isnt his cup of tea...:(

This was my absolute favorite OFP mission. Intrinsically Simple but lots of fun.

I look forward to playing it tomorrw.

Great stuff.

Keep em coming.



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I tought there was already a port of OFP Steal the Car in Iron Front but its seems it was removed... but its nice that you ported W0lles mission, its a great remake!


Go and port your other great missions! I know you own IF ;)

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Go and port your other great missions! I know you own IF ;)

I know he owns Iron Front as well. He helped me a few times trying to get audio to work in this mission and whatnot. Maybe he'd let me have another spin at porting another one of his missions.

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Maybe he'd let me have another spin at porting another one of his missions.

I am sure he will let you, but it seems he is away for a week. But there are other great missions you/me/we can port, while we wait for W0lle :D

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I am sure he will let you, but it seems he is away for a week. But there are other great missions you/me/we can port, while we wait for W0lle :D

Yup, last I talked to him, he said he was leaving in 14 hours, and would have limited internet access.

I wonder if we can port them directly from OFP, with permission from BIS of course.

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I wonder if we can port them directly from OFP, with permission from BIS of course.

Uargh.... sqS ... ugly. Not a good idea.

Maybe ArmA1 and 2 missions sould be ported/remaked too. Laserlight in IF :D

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YES!!! My favorite OFP mission! Thanks guys!!!

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I like the touch of adding the actual audio from the first mission at the end. Well done and plays TOTALLY different in IFL. Thanks Nicholas for the port and Wolle for the mission.

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I like the touch of adding the actual audio from the first mission at the end. Well done and plays TOTALLY different in IFL. Thanks Nicholas for the port and Wolle for the mission.

There is also audio that is supposed to play at the beginning of the mission, but neither me nor W0lle could get it to work.

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good work,that‘s a classical mission

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