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Mi24-A, Krokodil

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First off, my apologies for reviving a thread that's been silent for over half a year. I understand this is against the rules unless something important needs to be said, so I'll explain briefly that given that I am a new member I cannot private message the author, so I am posting this here.

I am using the Mi-24A that was released by Pathetic_Berserker last year. I absolutely love the helicopter (personally it's my favorite soviet heli), but its handling is making it quite unfair to fight with or against. I've upgraded its armor, but in my exploration and research I have not found what variables in the helicopter's config file(s) would affect the yaw/spin speed and pitch/roll speed as there are no tutorials I can find that explain this. I understand the Mi-24A was based on the game's base Mi24 with some modifications, so I've attempted to backtrack to the game's base Mi-24 config files and compare values. Unfortunately all I've been able to find is the Mi-35's config files, which don't contain much handling data at all besides max speed, so I can't compare it to the Mi-24A, which has a lot more detail. If there is a base Mi-24 config file in the game's .pbo files I can't find it, and am really trying hard to figure this out to no avail.

Any help or direction would be appreciated. Again I apologize for bringing up an old thread, but I didn't think it appropriate to start a new thread when this thread has discussed this very problem.

Thank you,


Just to add to Max's point. You wont make any friends editing other people's addons without their permission. PM Pathetic_Berserker and have a chat with him hes a very nice guy and i'm sure he'll listen.

I can tell you - since I helped make the original addon this was based off - that you cannot edit the flight model via the config. It is fixed in the addon and cannot be changed unless you have the MLODs. Tweaking it is a bit of a black art ;) especially finding a happy medium between human and AI use.

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Thanks for the response. Just to clarify I was only hoping to modify it for personal use, and again, I couldn't PM the author as I had just registered. I'll do so now that I've got a few posts under my belt.

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It's best to follow the license provided with the addon. This license doesn't specify that you can do much else but distribute the addon freely. For anything else, you would want to get in contact with the author to talk about it before messing around with it.

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Yes, you are right, and as such I've directed my inquiries directly to the author now. That's my mistake and I own it completely.

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Yes, you are right, and as such I've directed my inquiries directly to the author now. That's my mistake and I own it completely.

The important thing is you're in contact with the author now :)

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Thanks Rock, and Max for setting Metzger28 on the path. He got through and kicked me into gear.

I figured since this issue had been a thorn for a few of you I'd take yet another stab at the Alistair Crowley book of rotor vehicles.

After 6hrs of tinkering I'm pretty close to an answer. Roll is close to the BIS version, and the yaw is significantly improved though probably not quite on the mark yet. I'll give it till the end of the week to tweak the yaw, and the armour just a little, but either way expect a v_0.3 soon.

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Ok v_03 has been uploaded, link on front page.

Apologies to anyone who enjoyed its twitchy liveliness, but it was just to difficult to fly effectively for those using the default keyboard setup.

It now has a smoother, less reactive flight model, improved AI detection, and improved armour.

Let me know what you think

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downloading right now , thank you for the update :)

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i hope that Pathetic Berserker changes idea about to port this beauty on Arma 3.

with tanoa's scenarios would be great.

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