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TrackIR issues

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We are curious about the implementation of TrackIR (and similar services), and which issues you find most important to get looked at for upcoming patches. Please let us know in descriptive posts those issues which restrict you from using head-tracking effectively. Feel free to link to existing posts or CIT issues. Thanks!

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A thing that bothers me a lot is the hypersensitivity on the shifting axis. The rotational axis are cool. It's just irritating to turn from left to right and have the head shifting from right to left.

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I agree. For some reason (unlike Arma) when you rotate your head there is unwanted translation along the X, Y and Z axis. It often leaves your head clipped into the side of the helicopter and while flying you are constantly having to reset to centre.

For Take On Helicopters I have actually disabled the X, Y and Z axis in the Track-IR software.

It's strange that the same profile setup does not do this in Arma 2 CO. Other than fixing this, I don't think there is any functionality that is missing.

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I don't know if everyone experience this, it happens for me but I use FreeTrack not TrackIR. I can rotate the pilot's head to the side ~160 degrees then rotation stops. And its good, you cant rotate your head more than this. But when I try to rotate my IR sensor more, than the pilot's head suddenly snaps another ~40 degress to the other side. So I am unable to look directly behind, when I try, the pilot's head jumps form left to right and back, over and over. This effect is easily achievable when IR software is set to high sensitivity. Other than this and that "hypersensitivity on the shifting axis" described by Serclaes and Jedra TrackIR works great.

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No problems with any axis so far, TrackIR 5 user. I currently use my ARMA 2 settings in exclusive mode and this may be why I am not getting the same problems as the others.

Quite happy with the setup at the moment and would only like the ability to look further out a heli once the door was opened to allow your head out further.

And maybe swap the first person heli sounds to the third person ones when the doors are opened too for added realism.

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  Liquidpinky said:
would only like the ability to look further out a heli once the door was opened to allow your head out further.

And maybe swap the first person heli sounds to the third person ones when the doors are opened too for added realism.

+1 !!

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if you want to look over your "shoulder" down, for some reason you head movment goes back and you are "seein/clipping" into your shoulder.

and these to fast movements of headshifting.

make it like its in arma, with the improvment of 6dof and all is good ;)

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Aaaah Thanks BIS to look at this problem. I'll try to put here all the message where I complained about it ;

The first thing we all spoted was the extra sensitivity on All Translation Axe.. So I modify my profile as here. Then I discovered the other problem.



(Using the bug to properly land the beast)

(At the end when landing, same problem here. As soon as the head is not centered on Translation axes, then rotation produce rotation :confused:) See between 4.50 - 4.55. To watch from 2 to 4 I have to move my head on translation axe from X + to X-).

Thanks again BIS for regarding this annoying problem :D

Oooh ! A little extra would be to hear the wind noise.. As in Rise of flight ! +++++++++ Immersion ! :cool:

Edit : Second little extra.

Here it's more a suggestion than an issue. I would like a search light on the LIGHT helicopter (Why we can't at the moment?) that would be synchronized with the IR track. With an option (Keybind) to lock / unlock at will.



Edited by hon0

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Ability to interact with the cockpit(mouse) without being in conflict with trackir


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I echo the sensitivity of the shifting x, y, z axis. It makes lining up the gunsights in the hind very tricky, esp if you zoom in a little

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trackir makes excessively fast jumping on the screen without vsync on. like the viewpoint is jumping/twitching very fast.

also love to have ability to sync cannon to trackir like superhinds can

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