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[evo] dan

New Arma 2 DLC: Japanese Self Defense Forces

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Sarcasm? I don't see anything at all about this DLC, other than that weird facebook announcement.

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This DLC would be very welcome with 1-2 new cool Maps and a different Environment, tell us BIS, fool or not? Wasnt that funny for a joke also^^.

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I actually think the part about street interviews was a bit of a spin. Maybe it meant they actually went out onto the streets of Takistan (aka online) and asked players what they wanted?

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Well, I think BIS likes to do double pranks on April Fools': One is really a joke, while the other becomes real. I just thought it was going to be a Chinese DLC the next one, but whatever, we will mindlessly love anything BIS does (if it's real, because I'm really skeptical about this one).

Gimme my Howa AR-18 and I'll be more than happy to switch sides and start playing as a japanese soldier.

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A little update: It seems like the announcement is now removed from the Arma 2 FB page and thus it is rather safe to assume it was indeed just a joke.

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