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SimCity announced, 2013 release.

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having had a look at the vids i have to say. NO THANKS.

i played SimCity4 on and of since it was released and when i play it i do it pretty extensively.

what i love about it is the chance to build huge Metroplises... metropli?... whatever the plural may be and just zoom out and look at the entire map (multiple parts of the map creating one massive city)

what i see in those vids reminds me of cities XL, which i did play for a while, this just doesnt grab me, sure it looks nice and the micro management is fine, but i for one dont get the feeling like i am managing a major city.

i dont think we will ever see a game like sim city 4 again, sadly.

just as well the modding community is still going strong :)

We haven't even seen much yet. Don't assume anything just yet.

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Yeah had a recent sit down with SC4 again recently..200 thousand..healthcare..school..ha ha..ah...Who knew those statues were so expensive to maintain! Anyways it's looking neat and the video showcases were nice! I can't see them release a SC of all games without a skyscrapers though, it just wouldn't be in the spirit of things, though perhaps that will mean less abandoned buildings. The cartoony...Aaahh...well after all the brown and grey I don't think I could object to color splash anywhere and everywhere.

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The new videos from last night's E3 demonstration.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SObs9KnK0Ng&feature=youtu.be - Trailer

- More detailed trailer including game "concpets"

http://www.gametrailers.com/video/e3-2012-gameplay-walkthrough/731180 - Interview with designer Kip Katsarelis

Everything I have seen in those trailers is overhsadowed by one phrase: "City Specialization" - "Sports city, coal city...etc". If that means what I think it means, that we must choose a specific type of city to create in order to conform to their ill advised multiplayer orientated gameplay, there is no way I will buy this game!

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SimCity is being released today! I am buying this along with ArmA III!

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You might want to watch this first

Especially THIS:

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I purchased it. While I think the DRM/Launcher is unconventional, the game is absolutely fantastic.

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Argh, I'm so very torn...I hate the concept of online always DRM regardless of reasons for processing data, I think we should have the objection to subject our computers to S&M and while not hugely a fan of the region system sizes (mind you I'm not against the feature, I just wish we had an option to increase the size to cover half a landscape or so if we wanted). But I love the inclusion of Civilizations material goods type things and I love that the road system is MUCH more flexible now..

i wonder if they have garages again, and if the little bastards actually use it this time.

Edited by NodUnit

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I watched some gameplay videos and I really liked the game - except for one thing. Why the hell are the maps so small? I guess this has been discussed many times before but I just noticed the size and remembered my cities in early iterations of the game. :( Thats a no-go for me.

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Haha pure comedy especially after seeing TotalBiscuit video.Basically the comparison with Farmville isn't very exaggerated.I don't really care that they simulate how a sim picks his nose,that stuff is to take your eyes from the real problems.

They said there are small zones because the server can't calculate so much data,but wait.....didn't they said last week or so that they plan for bigger zones??This smells so much like "let's cut the game and offer bigger zones as dlc later".

Always-on,yeah I sure enjoy sp with that.Hmm wonder why even the mighty UBI stepped down with that drm crap for sp games.Can't wait when they pull the plug on the servers 2 years later.Meanwhile I can play SC4 all I want.

These two issues made sure my wallet+EA=no friggin way.Apparently if you're being a fan these days they think they can cross any limit.

Just fire up SC4+Rush Hour,it beats this mockery by a mile.

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I'm having so much fun with SimCity! Anyone interested in joining a region with me? The multiplayer portion of the game is fantastic. Message me your Origin ID and I'll add you!

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I had the dev and beta for Sim city and was put off by the city size, they are just too small.

Has anyone who had dev/beta, bought it? If so are the city sizes the same ?

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I think ill just reinstall 3000, this doesn't seem to be worth any money.

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I really advise you to watch the first 9 Minutes of this video.

It explains what is wrong with Sim city, why it is wrong and why many future EA titels will suck!

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Been rocking SC4 instead, knew this was going to be an utter failure.

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Ah well. I guess the gold standard (for me personally) remains SimCity 2000.

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I wont go offtopic but in reference to the steam discussion, this is precisely an A1 example of corporate control over your game purchase. Even more of a complete piss take out of customers when its EA which when it comes to server issues on launch (Fifa13 was a prime example) are up their with the best cowboys in the world. And people actively pay them and support them to continue to dictate this to them, its like some form of Dominatrix via software.

Always on always online DRM ... for a long standing game type like SimCity? What a utter joke, I never pictured Simcity as Multiplayer, if anything it was the ultimate SP experience, im amazed people pay out for this punishment, but they do & in turn support it to happen again (when if you look at the recent releases with EA most of them had server issues, and that was with games that had off-line modes).

Online DRM only & EA servers is like putting a gun to your face and letting EA hold the trigger and tickling them.

Can you imagine going back to late 90's 2000's in a time machine to someone in their room playing this game and showing them the future & explaining this to them, what they would have said?

Edited by mrcash2009

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Not to be the devil's advocate regarding Steam but most games at least work in offline mode and you have this choice.Also the sp part of the games on Steam isn't server side like Sim City so in case shit hits the fan it would be easier to just issue an offline patch.

In the case of Simcity we have exactly what you said,EA took a sp game and moved it to online only just to have full control of it.No offline mode will ever be available for this game since they'll have to redesign the whole game.Basically people just bought a mmo.

I have to fully agree with you Mrcash,don't know if this is lack of self-control or simply ignorance,but it's astonishing that people support this always-on even for sp part of games.

Couldn't care less on what people spend their money,but it's becoming a problem when enough of them financially support this and change the things for everyone.

Sell enough Simcity copies that it's declared a success and EA(or other companies) will just say "cha-ching,this crap works,let's make all sp content server side and have full control aka pull the plug when we're in the mood"

Ubisoft tried the same trick then they backed down when people decided not to support this and now Uplay has offline mode.

Simcity is one very screwed-up example when for a company it's more important to build a game around a drm solution,the small towns actually being a result of this.

Edited by Krycek

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It's starting to anger me now because I can't even work on my cities that I've started. Hell, I haven't been able to join any servers without problems. It is still an amazing game, it's just the always-online crap. It's starting to reach major news outlets and there's even a petition with 30,000+ signatures on it.

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This hillarious...well at least if you don´t try to play the game yourself..

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Love the EA sarcasm: 'Players are free to join any server.' :D

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OK, this is really getting ridiculous.

People who purchased the game via origin and dare to ask for a refund because they can´t play the game they bough, are threatened with account bans by EA! Refunds are denied.

EA also stoped all marketing regarding SimCity and basically ask everyone to not promote it any further.

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EA also stoped all marketing regarding SimCity and basically ask everyone to not promote it any further.

Well going by my previous analogy, while tickling EA someone turned the gun into their face :)

If EA's logic was a human, it would be a serial killing, OCD riddled Bi Polar suffering narcissistic psychotic, but thats a corporation for you.

Not to be the devil's advocate regarding Steam but most games at least work in offline mode and you have this choice.Also the sp part of the games on Steam isn't server side like Sim City so in case shit hits the fan it would be easier to just issue an offline patch.

True, I was using the steam link as regards the funding of them for the privilege type of angle. I mean seriously a company build on an SP type game, forced it on-line permanently with a company that must be fully aware of their server issues with other games (the shittest). Who in thier right mind on a tech level would propose this and not have the infrastructure to support it, and at best knew this from previous projects, ironic really when you think the games all about infrastructure for a community, maybe that was the sick joke.

Edited by mrcash2009

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So sad, looked like a really good game :( I may pick it up for around 10€ and the servers won't be so full :)

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Thats a good point, becuase at what point would this be classed as bargain bucket material if its strapped to the servers? That's a new one. Opens the question of longevity, as there will be some limit for servers to apply to this game post release and beyond, then again that's the whole debate really with all this in the end.

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