Supah 0 Posted October 3, 2001 why we "infantry-lovers" are that adament about not needing anymore choppers and having them as addons is that they take up the place and time needed to design that could have been spent on more groundvehicles.... I mean they put in a SU-25 frogfoot, a AH-64 and the Chinook..... mb now its time to put in some new ground vehicles, MORE TARGETS FOR U GUYS btw. ive been "into" aviation for as long as i can remember my dad and most of his friends being fighterpilots. But honestly if u want to fly tomcats i think OFP and its engine will annoy u to death. Try Falcon 4 ...... great flightsim even if its a F-16 C Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Posted October 3, 2001 Ya, but I think the game should also have possiblities for us "air-lovers" like an F14 :biggrin: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Supah 0 Posted October 3, 2001 do u honestly think it will be flyable??? i seriously doubt it.......... /me thinks ur kiding Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rob 1 Posted October 3, 2001 y u all talking bout flight sims for this is ofp we're talking bout here :biggrin: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cyberdwarf 0 Posted October 4, 2001 Okay, for the "airlovers" out there, supposing you get the F-14, what do the Russians get in return? I still don't think a Tomcat would be suitable for OFP. In the Falkland Island War of 1982, we had Harriers. If there has to be another aircraft, the Harrier could plausibly be there in the Malden Islands Crisis. However, I think a Tomcat at full speed would overpass the island in a couple of seconds. Blink (or have a slow PC (PII 450)) and you'd miss it. Fog over Kolgujev and there's a high chance you'd fly your Tomcat straight into the mountainside. I like warplanes and choppers but OFP is not the place for an Air War. If I want an Air War, I'd buy a flight sim. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rob 1 Posted October 4, 2001 these planes r gunna have to stop. think bout it. everyone says their gunna pass ove the islands in secs, which is true but wots the point in having them. r u really gunna have a chance of hitting anything? u would have that sort of thing if it were planes against planes. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Satchel 0 Posted October 4, 2001 There is absolutely no point to have Fighter or Bomber A/C in OFP, other than just to look at the 3Dmodels. Technically their playability and realism values would be equal zero. Their tactical value because of the shortcomings is equal zero. OFP is not suited to display fast or high moving planes; at a height of 600m you won´t see the ground anymore, all is white and foggy, you can´t tell if you´re flying upside down. Your´re imprisoned in a 600m Diameter bubble, so you will never see any targets other than on the radar. At 833 KM/H you have 2.5 seconds to spot, lock and engage a target, assuming you spot the target directly at 600m range, what is pretty much impossible. The min standoff range of most weapons is way more than 0 (zero) metres, so instead of 2,5 seconds you maybe have 0,2 seconds to spot-lock and engage, so that the weapon will actually hit the target. You won´t be able to dogfight, because you can´t see your opponent and therefore not what hes doing. And whats the use and challenge and/ or fun in firing a missile via the OFP arcade radar on an opponent you don´t see, it doesn´t require any sort of skill and is just as usefull as a nuke in OFP, total nonsense and doesn´t justify a Jet unit in OFP. Apart from that the flightphysics and general (non existent) avionics of OFP are a punch in the face for a serious Flightsimmer like me, they are at best to describe as Quake in the air action arcade style, and have nothing to do with Flightsims. IMHO Fighter and Bomber as all other A/C capable of fast moving would screw OFP completely and make an utter joke out of it. Why should BIS intergrate something in OFP that doesn´t work out and destroys the concept? So either you want to play OFP or a Flightsim, that´s 2 different things. buy a Flightsim if you want to fly Planes, that´s what it´s for and what it does best. OFP is not suited for this, period. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Posted October 4, 2001 ...But it's sure phun to have in a self made map! And what's that about unrealistic? If you don't want it, don't put it in your map. I doupt that it will be used in MP, but I thought that it would look good in one of my self-made map. An airfield with ten A-10 looks really stupid. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rob 1 Posted October 4, 2001 u can have wotever u like. if u don't want it don't bloody use it. its simple isn't it! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Satchel 0 Posted October 4, 2001 "Phun" indeed, probably the same fun a Diver would experience diving in a glass of milk while trying to observe the animal live in it.................... If BIS would make a.e. an F-14 addon, it will without doubt be in some MP as single player missions, where you are forced to play with that crap. (Edited by Satchel at 10:22 pm on Oct. 4, 2001) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rob 1 Posted October 4, 2001 :biggrin: i personaly i would love to have lots of planes but i wouldn't only use them for show to make the level look more army like. :biggrin: (Edited by Rob at 9:48 pm on Oct. 4, 2001) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cyberdwarf 0 Posted October 4, 2001 Red Storm wrote ... "An airfield with ten A-10 looks really stupid" I agree. Ten Frogfoots look better but if you want to do a mission where you are defending your airbase from a Soviet attack, you have not got much choice. Yes to Aircraft as scenery. No to New Usable Aircraft. I am not going to reopen the UH-1 argument on this thread. Give one to the Resistance. They could do with a chopper. Regarding the 600m view distance, apparently there is an initialisation code to see further. I'm sorry I can't remember which site I got it from to give them credit. I can't quite see the difference yet having a relatively slow PC (PII 450) but does give me a good game. Just put the following in your initialisation field for your character (or perhaps put a trigger or script) setviewdistance x where x represents distance in metres. Anyway, today's addition to the pot for Additions. - More official weapons - More vehicles (Russian, Resistance, Civilian) - More Civilians (I'm tired of that whitish shirt for Man & Man3) That's my entry for the day, guys Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SpaceAlex 0 Posted October 5, 2001 We need more civilinas, yes. Males, Females, childrens. You could have a mission by rescue more civilians, not just three mens. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Supah 0 Posted October 5, 2001 All this talk of fast fighter a/c is pretty lame and useless. It wont be implemented im sure. Id reallyy question the developers sanity if they did. Incase u didnt notice its a squad based infantry sim. Haviong TRIED to fly the a-10 i would think that any fast aircraft added to the game would be unflyable due to high approach speeds..... come on honestly does anyone with some serious flightsim experience (ms flightsim and/or falcon 4) find the a-10';s handling realistic? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rob 1 Posted October 5, 2001 i agree with alex. we should have a vote on what we really need in the game. so far in reading these posts we should stop the aricraft and bring in more boats infantry and civs. we don't have alot of civi's 3 men and nurses. not alot. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Posted October 5, 2001 I actually wanted the F-14 as a static shape...something like the AT cannons on everon. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Scooby Posted October 5, 2001 #### no for voting. There are too many idiots on these boards. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rob 1 Posted October 5, 2001 well yeah but im getting pissed off with the arguing! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Posted October 5, 2001 well then, that's easy! Read my off-topic post on how to make a bowl of cereal. Eat that bowl of cereal and you will feel relaxed! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rob 1 Posted October 11, 2001 i just had the most brilliant brain storm........... how bout someone make a sub? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Antichrist 0 Posted October 11, 2001 Screw the sub I want a Death Star!!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Die Alive 0 Posted October 11, 2001 Where is my light saber?!?!?!? I also want Ewoks and AT-AT walkers!!!!!! -=Die Alive=- Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rob 1 Posted October 11, 2001 hehe :cheesy: not funny Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SpaceAlex 0 Posted October 11, 2001 </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from USAF on 5:16 pm on Sep. 24, 2001 The Addons that nearly everyone wants is: An AV-8 Harrier and a UH-1 chopper! i dont understand why they didnt insert a M2 Bradley IFV Please include these Vehicles , if you want to i can provide info and every pictures of them , front , side , back , top , bottom etc... <span id='postcolor'> M2 Bradley was not avaible in 1985. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites