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[RESOLVED] [HOTFIX] ArmA 2 server 1.11 Wrong signature for file dta\languagecore.pbo

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I've got problem after update to 1.11 on all my windows A2 servers.

No one can join to server because of error "Wrong signature for file dta\languagecore.pbo"

I tried to upload files from my patched game, but nothing helps.

verifySignatures 2 or 1 no difference.

I ran local server for test from my game and got the same problem.

I had to disable verifySignatures.

Edited by Dwarden

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most likely corrupt files you got there.

verify the md5 sums of the files..

Arma2 Dta






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All the same:




Same in my game and servers.

CO 1.60 works fine.

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I'm having the same issue. Just updated to 1.11 on my Linux ArmA 2 server. I have the same checksums for those files you mentioned. When I try to join the server I see this error in the logs:

No player found for channel 170553448 - message ignored

and also:

4:18:49 BattlEye Server: Player #0 Anzu (xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:2304) connected
4:18:49 Player Anzu connected (id=xxxxxx).
4:18:51 Player Anzu: Wrong signature for file dta\languagecore.pbo
4:18:51 Player Anzu disconnected.

even though the MD5 sum for this file matches that of the one on my server.

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Source, Steam?

If so, there should be a hotfix already on the way.

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My version of ArmA 2 is installed via steam, but the server update I downloaded from arma2.com

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Start the game on the client with -checksignatures and review the RPT.

On the server, are both bi and bi2.bikey available in the keys folder?

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I did as you said and checked the RPT and I don't see any obvious errors. Is there anything in particular I should be looking for?

Here's the last bit of my RPT: http://pastebin.com/K7fwnGyi

Yes both those .bikey files are on the server in the keys folder.

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  Sickboy said:
Start the game on the client with -checksignatures and review the RPT.

On the server, are both bi and bi2.bikey available in the keys folder?

I am afraid -checksignatures is currently available in A2OA only, it was not merged back to plain A2 unfortunately. :(

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  tylenol187 said:
I did as you said and checked the RPT and I don't see any obvious errors. Is there anything in particular I should be looking for?

Here's the last bit of my RPT: http://pastebin.com/K7fwnGyi

Yes both those .bikey files are on the server in the keys folder.

Tolower ran after upgrading the server I reckon? hmm.

  Suma said:
I am afraid -checksignatures is currently available in A2OA only, it was not merged back to plain A2 unfortunately. :(

Unfortunately :(

Can try DsCheckSignatures from the DSUtils package delivered with the BI Tools 2.5.1.

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yeah I was sure to run tolower.

Also, my group has another ArmA 2 server that is running on Windows, which we updated today as well and now it is also having this same problem. We've been forced to disable verifySignatures on both our servers.

I will look into DsCheckSignatures. Thanks for your help and suggestions :)

Update: Ran DSCheckSignatures.exe on my client pc and it shows:

Signature dta\languagecore.pbo.bi.bisign is wrong

Here are the MD5 checksums for some of my files (both client and server match):






Edited by Anzu

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has nothing with STEAM version

because same file is included inside the final 1.11 patch .exe


6653ae67ce6900279757fb8a54034130 *DTA\BIN.PBO

bf487b4a016f40d012041a1ef55e1ae5 *DTA\BIN.PBO.BI.BISIGN

def820218582949135ed72b5cf4a5cad *DTA\BIN.PBO.BI2.BISIGN

c3305cdba3a8102e1df2123eb1e42b3e *DTA\CORE.PBO

df64c6ce29706f04a8f817e9d93dd1a7 *DTA\CORE.PBO.BI.BISIGN

2cfff74f2ff6f389fc8c967e407d865f *DTA\CORE.PBO.BI2.BISIGN

ba1ea86fdf5c045411a32b1d9f71512a *DTA\LANGUAGECORE.PBO

ef5e82803dc0727969a6421d7b96ff74 *DTA\LANGUAGECORE.PBO.BI.BISIGN

fc3fa8f2d9762f257e67274eee84fb46 *DTA\LANGUAGECORE.PBO.BI2.BISIGN

so my fast take on it is that the bi.bisign file is wrong (but it's atm guess, not verified)

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My MD5 checksums on both my client and server match exactly what you have posted there. Any ideas on how I can resolve this? :-?

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What happens if you add -noFilePatching to the startup params of the client?

Also can you reproduce it if you launch a deddy on your own machine with the same config + verifySignatures?

Edited by Sickboy

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---------- Post added at 13:48 ---------- Previous post was at 13:46 ----------

Confirmed fixed

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thank you Dwarden! :) Just to clarify, this file should be place on both client and server?

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  tylenol187 said:
thank you Dwarden! :) Just to clarify, this file should be place on both client and server?
Client should only need it.

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okay thanks Sickboy :) Just copied the file to the client, restarted my server with verifySignatures=2 and connected. It works great now! :) thanks again!

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  Dwarden said:
FIX below,

new signature file available in .zip attached to this post

WARNING: This is for ARMA 2 content only (ARMA 2: Free is w/o problem)


1. download the file: arma2.dta.languagecore.pbo.bi.bisign.zip

2. extract file: languagecore.pbo.bi.bisign

3. with that overwrite file: \ARMA 2\Dta\languagecore.pbo.bi.bisign

4. enjoy ARMA 2

Can you update 1.11 and 1.60 patch archive with this file?

I can't imagine, how every player will be download this file after update to 1.11. They just join to another server without sigcheck, because it's looks like server problem or something like that. They just will not understand that they need to do. And not all of player will read forum or website about this problem.

...It's a huge mistake and big troubles for server admins and players.

Edited by MiBF

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The problem doesn't occur on Operation Arrowhead nor Combined Operations, afaik 90% of servers are OA - not A2.

For those few players should be not too bad to get a hotfix download file manually, until the patch is officially updated, hopefully after x-mas.

Edited by Sickboy

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So every player with 1.60 (ArmA2+OA) needs this hotfix ?

I Have ArmA2 + OA +both DLC's and updated to 1.60 yesterday...will i need this hotfix ?

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  Wiggum said:
So every player with 1.60 (ArmA2+OA) needs this hotfix ?

I Have ArmA2 + OA +both DLC's and updated to 1.60 yesterday...will i need this hotfix ?

No, only players of ARMA 2 Standalone. Not OA, not CO.

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  Sickboy said:
The problem doesn't occur on Operation Arrowhead, afaik 90% of servers are OA - not A2.

For those few players should be not too bad to get a hotfix download file manually, until the patch is officially updated, hopefully after x-mas.

What? Few players?





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What are you trying to say? That 50 A2 players on 4 servers is much compared to 900-1600 OA/CO players on 800 servers?

It's compressed, but the amount seems not much compared to the OA/CO players, or am I overlooking something? (also the issue does not occur with A2 Free).

Anyway, my point is that those players will survive installing a manual hotfix if they want to play in the coming weekend.

Of course ideally a hotfixed 1.11 update is made available, but that seems small chance on X-mas doesn't it?

I would like to stress again the hotfix is only needed for ARMA2 Original players. Operation Arrowhead and CO are unaffected.

Edited by Sickboy

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this problem affects only

1. client with ARMA 2 full joining server of ARMA 2 full

2. server using v2 signatures

3. server using bi.bikey and bi2.bikey at once (e.g. server using only bi2.bikey are ok)

4. server using bi.bikey (e.g. server using only bi2.bikey are ok)

afaik A2: CO should be w/o problem as this file A2\Dta is not used in A2:CO

A2:Free has correct signatures for all files

replacing all patches because of 550Bytes file is highly unlikely to happen at 23rd December 16:00

the problem is small, STEAM users gets the file update and that's it

Edited by Dwarden

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