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B.E.C. "Battleye Extended Controls" - Admin Tool

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Short description.

Bec is a admin tool for Operation Arrowhead/Combined Operations and Arma3 dedicated servers for Windows that has enabled Battleye.

This is a server application only, no install requirements are necessary client-wise.

Basically what Bec does, is giving you the Battleye-power on the chatline in-game.

Bec also logs chats and Battleye Data in a organized way.

Main Features.

  • Support for Multiple In-game Admins
  • Define Custom Names on Commands
  • Set Group Levels on Admins
  • Set Permission Level on Commands
  • Organized Chat logger
  • Organized BE Event logger
  • Check Guid of players who connects against a central ban database
  • Report Hacks to a central ban database
  • Nick Filter, Auto kick offensive nick's defined by you
  • Chat & channel restriction
  • Chat & channel anti-spam
  • Make players temp admins
  • Autokick lobby idlers
  • Create Schedules of various sorts. motd's. events etc
  • Create whitelist file
  • SlotLimit, can be used to reserve slots
  • Plugin Support (Ts3 Serverquery plugin included + some other ones). plugins are written in Python.


  • Please always keep your B.E.C updated!

  • Features may not function in older versions!

Latest Version 1.60


Do not mirror the download

Online Documentation can be read here !!!

Notes About the reporter account!

If you deside to create a reporter account. please understand that you also need to activate it using the link provided in the email you will receive.

You also need to validate your login credentials with Bec.exe after the Email validation.

If you have not recived a email after the registration, check your trash or spam folder on your email account.

If you do not find any email from bansys.info , please send a email to [email protected] to resolve the issue.

New accounts that has not been validated within a week will be deleted automatically.

If you like this tool, you could support it by giving a small donation.





Edited by nuxil

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Great job, I fully support this.

I think this thread should be moved to the multiplayer forum though, not many server admins will find it here.

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I also think this should be moved to the multiplayer forum, since it's main objective is to improve the server-admin experience.

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New Version out to test if anyone interested...

version 0.96 availablefor downloade at ibattle.org

Whats New!

Color Terminal.

Some new parameters

Heartbeat function for local servers.

Be sure to visit Ibattle.org and read the install guide. it has some more detailed info on howto install the app.

Edited by nuxil

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Congrats! Perhaps a moderator could move it to Multiplayer section WITHOUT redirect, then sticky it there.

And then move it back here, WITH redirect. Then there will at least be a reference from the MP forum.

Edited by Sickboy

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that dont work for unsticky topics, it would need stay stickied in both

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New Version out. Bec 0.97

I have edited the 1st post.

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Thank you for spending 24 hrs helping me set this up. It is a pain to setup your right, but the end result makes life so easy.

Well worth the effort and makes BE really easy to control and use :)

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I have been trying to get this working today but I get the error:

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "Bec.py", line 142, in <module>

NameError: name 'Timec' is not defined

Any clues as to what would cause this?

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it means that your files in BeBanFile path is set wrong or [heartbeats] are set wrong.

double check thise file paths. also DO not set the ban file BeBanFile in heartbeart.

This is a stupid mistake my me. a function used timec class before it was imported.

its fixed in 0.98 along with many other fixes. will soon be released tho

UGLY58 Np im glad to see that the app is used on public servers.

also check out


Edited by nuxil

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thanks nuxil, managed to get it a stage further now (although I can't use v0.98 since I multihome my IP's not on the main one).

It now closes with the error:

20:14:47 : Error :: Bec caught an exception

So not sure, will have a look at it again over the weekend when work is quieter :)

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what you mean multihome your Ip's

if you mean multiple Network cards.

afik. arma can will only use one nic.

this tool is meant to run on the Dedicated server. should be valid there.

you cant run 2 arma servers on same port on same Nic on same server so this is why is hardcoded.

Edited by nuxil

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As in on my dedi server I have multiple IP's with .90 being the main IP which I do not use for Arma. I use .93 and .94 for my two servers with them both running on port 2302 hence multihoming which has been supported for about a year.

Due to the change to force the loopback IP, I won't be able to use the latest version.

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oh. didnt think of that. i'll reimplement the Ip parameter then :)

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new update: 0.990

BearBison Can you test out multihoming now? as far as i can tell. it should be working now. but i have no way to test this myself.

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cheers nuxil, multihoming is now fully operational.

thanks for releasing this and getting it to work on multihoming.

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New version out. V 1.00

you need to do some changes to your config file. use the online doc's or look in the readme file for a short example

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For thouse who are interested.

new version out "1.10". with some important fixes.

its not reccomended that you run 1.00 anymore due to its bugs.

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New version available. 1.21

Yesterday i released version 1.20. but as usual after you think have crushed all bugs and relesed the thingy, seriouse issues pops up.

Due to a bug that caused mass warnings / kicks for no reason with certian settings enable i desided to remove the file from download.

Bec should now be fully functional again. and up for download

if you spot any bugs. dont hesitate to inform about it.

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The first post has the changelog for anyone looking. :)

I couldnt find the complete changelog since the first public release.

Is it available somewhere?

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Yes. if you downloade and exctract the zip. you will see the changelog file.

it is from V 0.950 to 1.21

pre 0.950 will not be availeble.

i only have the changelog for the latest version in the 1st post.

maybe i'll put a spoiler up, having the full log instead of only last changes.

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cheers nuxil :)

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Available. Version 1.30

Future plans.

* BE motd.

* Possible Linux support. "no promises"

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