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B.E.C. "Battleye Extended Controls" - Admin Tool

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Is it possible to view the database of known hackers reported by BEC or battleye in general?

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Battleye doesnt report anything, only Bec does. The list is not public, only people with an account can login and view bans.

There will be a update soon. there is a recursion depth problem that causes runtime error after about 16hours of uptime, this only affects thouse who uses the reporting function.

Edited by nuxil

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New version available, V1.35

check the changelog file for full info.

you need to do some changes in the [bec] section in your config file and commands.xml.

take a look im the readme or use the online doc

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Sorry.. no Eta. im busy working on implementing another function. if all goes well, maybe a day or 2

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Another suggestion.

It'd be very beneficial for a number of server hosts to be able to relay adverts.

It'd just be the simple RCON chat, but repeated every so often.

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if you mean some sort of motd . no. this was already in a previouse version and tested a bit. we found it to verry annoying,

its spams up players screen + all other BeRcons connected so this was taken out due to its annoyence

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if you mean some sort of motd . no. this was already in a previouse version and tested a bit. we found it to verry annoying,

its spams up players screen + all other BeRcons connected so this was taken out due to its annoyence


I'm meaning line one line sentences that you can define to be printed within the server at certain time spans.

Then hosts could advertise such as " Join us at http://mycommunity.com"

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the idea is good. not so practical. as i said. we tested this out on few servers. and it only annoyed us admins/players.

i suggest you modify your server.cfg to repeate the adverts N times.

motd[] = { 
"",                              // show nothing . 1 sec pause.
"Welcome to our Server",         // 1 sec
"Please bevaive and play fair.", // 1 sec

// your advert here..
"","","","","",                           //5 sec pause
"Join us at foobar.com",
"","","","","",                           //5 sec pause
"Join us at foobar.com",
"","","","","",                           //5 sec pause
"Join us at foobar.com",
"","","","","",                           //5 sec pause
"Join us at foobar.com",
"","","","","",                           //5 sec pause
"Join us at foobar.com",

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Oh that's already possible? Great, thanks a lot :)

---------- Post added at 14:59 ---------- Previous post was at 14:39 ----------

I know I'm double posting here, but you won't see my response if I just edit.

It'd be great for you to make a client side feature that'd allow just chat to the server. I know there's other RCON tools out there, but it's spammed with console stuff and I don't want to see that

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The tool opens and closes soon after.

Already have reviewed all the settings and can not make it work.

I set up the RConGUI BattlEye and can not connect remotely, open firewall, disabled and unable to access the rcon by BattlEye.

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I set up the RConGUI BattlEye and can not connect remotely, open firewall, disabled and unable to access the rcon by BattlEye.

then there is nothing wrong with bec is there ;)

make sure you have putted RconPassword YourPassword in the right BEServer.cfg file

if you use -Bepath or -profile in you cmdline for the arma server. i suggest you take a look in the Battleye dir there.

also take a look here on how to set up BE if you are unsure


Edited by nuxil

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something wrong here?

start /wait arma2oaserver.exe -port=2402 -mod=@dayz;@CBA;@CBA_OA;@JayArma2Lib -name=cfgdayz -config=cfgdayz\server2.cfg -cfg=cfgdayz\arma2.cfg -profiles=cfgdayz -BEpath=C:\GameServers\arma2operationarrowhead\cfgdayz\BattlEye -world=Chernarus -exThreads=1 -cpucount=2 -malloc=tbb4malloc_bi

My BEServer.cfg

RConPassword xxxXxxx

MaxPing 350

My B.E.C Config:

Ip =
Port = 2402
BePath = C:\GameServers\arma2operationarrowhead\cfgdayz\BattlEye\
LogDir = C:\GameServers\arma2operationarrowhead\cfgdayz\
Admins = Admins.xml
Commands = Commands.xml

# Optional
AsciiNickOnly = True
AsciiChatOnly = True
IgnoreChars = £æøå
ServerExeName = ARMA2OASERVER.exe
NickFilterFile = BadNames.txt
WordFilterFile = BadWords.txt
Warnings = 3
Color = 0c
Timeout = 40

# Optional
Global = -1
Side = -1
Group = -1
Vehicle = -1
Command = -1
Commander = -1
Direct = -1

# Optional
User = username
Password = password

# Optional
BanFile0 = C:\GameServers\arma2operationarrowhead\cfgdayz\BattlEye\bans.txt
BanFile1 = C:\SERVER3\BattlEye\bans.txt

Edited by WoODoO

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yes. i see many things that are wrong.

1st of all.. things you dont use. remove them from the config.


# Optional 
Global = -1 
Side = -1 
Group = -1 
Vehicle = -1 
Command = -1 
Commander = -1 
Direct = -1


User = username 
Password = password

you should only use the repoter block if you have an reporter account.

so delete thouse things.

2nd. Logdir can not use a custom path atm.

So it has to be like this.

LogDir = A NAME.


LogDir = Dayz1

3rd, you can not use the bans.txt in heartbeat that is already in BePath.

its meant for the other server. . example if you are running 3 servers. you set the path to server 2 and 3. not the current server.

BanFile0 is already in BePath

if you are not running extra server. remove [Heartbeat]

Also always run Bec on the cmd when setting it up. it's eayers to see whats wrong. in some cases it will print out to you whats the problem.

Ie. bec.exe -f dayz1.cfg

Take some time and read the online docs


hope this helps.

Edited by nuxil

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Many new versions has roled out the last week. its been a busy time.

Added in say as requested. and 2 new functions. servers who run bec on dayz might find them interesting.

Changelog V 1.38

- Added: Simple Connect/Flood Control. will lock server based on N numbers of players in lobby,and unlock it when the number gets below N player.

"when players join the mission/is fully ingame" so server can prossess data of players before it unlocks again

- Added: Autokick lobby idlers thats takes up a slot and is not playing. min timeout is 180 sec.

- Added: support for Say command in the command file

- Fixed: Yet another encoding issue found and hopefully resolved.


Edited by nuxil

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Thanks a lot nuxil.

Note I edited my previous post with

It'd be great for you to make a client side feature that'd allow just chat to the server. I know there's other RCON tools out there, but it's spammed with console stuff and I don't want to see that

---------- Post added at 11:56 ---------- Previous post was at 11:33 ----------

It works, so thanks. ^^.

One good feature would be (so that people don't see my message normally and then see it in the admin chat), to enable command pickups from Direct Communication, Vehicle Communication.

---------- Post added at 11:56 ---------- Previous post was at 11:56 ----------

Oh and possibly enable the admins name before the "Admin Chat"

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yup. usually caused by 1 or 2 reason

1 permisison error. "no write access to Belog dir"

2 malformated unicode.

Bec should continue working on errors like that. it will just not log that line.

you can try this version 1.39 thats not released yet, its beeing tested. so far no issues reported with it.


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Love this admin program.

Although I do have a question. Do the commands only register in side chat?

For example: I do "!say test" in vehicle chat and it doesn't do a global admin say. Definitely works in side chat though: "!say test" will type !say test to all then right after will do admin (global): test.

I was wondering if there was a way to type a command in game so it doesn't send the line to the entire server (like that independent channel in your OP image).

Edited by HowIChrgeLazer

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Well let me try to explain how the chat system works in arma in general.

Global chat: is always sendt to the server even if you are alone on the server. so using global will always work.

Side chat: will only be sent to the server if there is other players on the same side as you.. it will not work if there is 1bluefor and 1opfor player.

Group chat: will only work if there is other players in the same group as you.

Vehicle chat: will only work if there are other players in the same vehicle as you.

Direct chat: will only work if there is other players near you to pick up the chat.

... and so on

at the moment we have to live with these limitations as its not much i can do about it.

best suggestion i can give is go close to another player or in a vehicle with another player and use the command if you dont want em all to see it.

then you can do it like [!say HowIChrgeLazer !This is a private message to you.] <-- only works from 1.39

i had seriouse thought about not including the say command as i see no to little point in it. but if people want it. they will get it ;)

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That makes sense. Silly that the chats go into a black hole if nobody is around. :( No wonder they didn't register with BEC. Thank you for explaining :cool:

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I'm trying to install the tool but so far I can't get it to work. The moment I start the tool I have 2 options h (help) and f (filename) and after 2 or 3 seconds, it closes...

I've installed it on my server to the following path: Z:\Bohemia Interactive\BEC

My config file looks like this:


Ip =

Port = 2302

BePath = Z:\Bohemia Interactive\TA2DST\TESTBETA\BattlEye

LogDir = The Wolfpack

Admins = Admins.xml

Commands = Commands.xml

And my shortcut looks like this: "Z:\Bohemia Interactive\BEC\Bec.exe" -f Config.cfg

I'm starting my server via the TA2DST tool.

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1. start bec.exe (bec.exe -f Config.cfg) from cmd.exe to check and see if it gives any error messages.

2. verify with BeRcon that you can login.

if it gives error on step 1. fix the errors.

if step 2 fails. then there is a issue with your ports, for some reason it's not using the port you have set it to use.

and please use the online doc's and read these pages line by line:


Edited by nuxil

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