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ARMA 2: OA beta build 86616 (1.60 MP build)

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atm. the approx TODO for 1.60 looks like not-yet closed tickets




+ some from


if you have any regression since 1.59 not listed there please post ticket or else

note: already closed fixed list of tickets: http://dev-heaven.net/projects/cis/roadmap

another note: not all data and engine etc. fixes are listed on CIT nor changelog (stuff slips it happens)

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Are we there yet? Are we there yet?! Almost, Woohooo! :yay:

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It seems that I can't host a server for four external players anymore with 1 Megabit since the mp latency changes.

How can I change this value as a non-dedicated server?

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cameras which are attached to vehicles or objects are totally jerky. im sure a beta patch introduced that. il post a new ticket if i cant find a existing one.


Yes, this is a real issue for mission makers. The problem pre-beta was not present I believe, but the attachto command had issues which have since been resolved in the beta's. Both issues I believe gave the same jerky camera.

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Do those engine tweaks have anything to do with this ---http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=127236

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It seems that I can't host a server for four external players anymore with 1 Megabit since the mp latency changes.

How can I change this value as a non-dedicated server?

I don't think you do? Suma did say that the netcode fixes WOULD use more bandwidth than the game previous did use. It was a fix for the greater good.

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I don't think you do? Suma did say that the netcode fixes WOULD use more bandwidth than the game previous did use. It was a fix for the greater good.

check the new settings, you can still tweak it ...

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I know that there is a file and the configuration options but this is all for dedicated servers to my knowledge.

I am hosting an MP game on my machine while playing. I don't know what the official term for this is.

Anyway three additional player work fine most of the time with 1 Megabit Upload but four seem to be too much because it results in constant desyncs. We are also using Skype so there is some additional bandwidth usage.

Don't get me wrong, the MP changes are great, I just would like to tweak them if there are more than three players playing.

The best would be if the server could measure the latency and tweak the values on its own. After some time it should be possible to realize which maximum bandwidth usage is available and optimize the network settings according to it.

But I suppose this will be something for 1.61. :D

Anyway except of one crash this Beta worked great. Everybody loves the smooth animations in MP. :yay:

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to my knowledge

See this is the problem.

Go visit that linked page, read it and its discussion page.

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See this is the problem.

Go visit that linked page, read it and its discussion page.

The page mentions "The real name is determined by the -cfg command line option when launching the dedicated server. "

And who expects something else than discussion on the discussion page. Anyway I am going to test it later one.

Anyway I will try it later. Good to know that it does also work with a regular server.

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It should not sound harsh, but it´s a little bit disappointing that this


hasn´t it even made into the List of 1.6x remaining Bugs unsorted List. Just my two Cents.

I'm presuming that this issue would delay the current beta/patch as there must be many variables to consider for this particular fix, and one where testing feedback will be really required (to ensure there are no anomalies) - I see this one going back and forth over several beta's.

This is all just presumption on my part as I'm no coder.

I do hope that it's on the list for a patch after 1.6 though :)

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There is a note in BIG, FAT, letters in the center of the page - how did you miss it?

NOTE: See the talk page for some more background info by Suma.

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I'm presuming that this issue would delay the current beta/patch as there must be many variables to consider for this particular fix.

I think the same Way like you. That´s the Reason why i have mentioned it for the 1.6x List. :)

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