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US Army Rangers and Deltas in Multicam

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You gotta be joking have you seen those sharp edges the landscape have?;)

"AI feels too!" - well, I've never heard them complaining! :p

Back to the topic:

I'm interested how you've done textures for vests and equipment - they look as if Hyakushiki done them in original pack! I've tried to match his textures, to make similar vest but in Polish camo (our UKO vests look almost identical), but it ended, well... not exactly as I wanted to. How you've achieved this look without having file which was called by Sanc in his resource pack wrinkles?

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Back to the topic:

I'm interested how you've done textures for vests and equipment - they look as if Hyakushiki done them in original pack! I've tried to match his textures, to make similar vest but in Polish camo (our UKO vests look almost identical), but it ended, well... not exactly as I wanted to. How you've achieved this look without having file which was called by Sanc in his resource pack wrinkles?

I'm using the Hyk us 3 color desert textures.First I put in black and white colors with photoshop,and I removed the darker colors with the "hearth brush spots" of photoshop.For the body armor I used the marine body vest using the same process and using shadowing effects.

I'ss think about the knees ;)

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i will do a sequel to Operation Code Blue called "Operation Code Blue 2: Righteous Mission - Heed the Call!" when ivosm releases his multicam units.

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Some good news: all units was made,this week I will try launch the addon.But I have 2 problems:

1)Soldiers don't cast shadows on the first LOD

2)Sometimes,Facestex look's blurred

Anyone knows how to solve it?

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Regarding shadows: try this.

About facetexes, I dunno, could you post screenshot of this problem? (in your previous addons everything was OK, so firstly try to copy head from older model to new one and see if it works)

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1)Soldiers don't cast shadows on the first LOD

Soldier shouldn't cast shadow in the first lod, because of the high poly count. The first lods must have the "lodnoshadow" property set to 1 in the named properties. Anyway, OFP isn't able to render too detailed shadows, they must have less than a few hundred faces (something like 400).

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Regarding shadows: try this.

About facetexes, I dunno, could you post screenshot of this problem? (in your previous addons everything was OK, so firstly try to copy head from older model to new one and see if it works)

Thank you!My soldiers are casting shadows now.

Here the problem with facetex:


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what's the problem? the earpiece?

Blurred texture,looks like a bad worked texture,look the photo and look in your game other addon that use the facetex,you will see the diference.

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Blurred texture,looks like a bad worked texture,look the photo and look in your game other addon that use the facetex,you will see the diference.

Mmm... i don't know facetex in details, but it must use some setobjecttexture scripts to give random faces to units.

The trouble with this method is if the given face texture isn't preloaded by the engine before the script is launched, it'll appear blured sometimes. A turnaround would be to apply all the possible face textures to some hidden vertices on the soldier models, so that the faces textures are preloaded.

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I'll wait until Monday to launch the addon.If I can't fix the error, I'll publish the way it is. All other things was made.

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Maybe I'll launch today,the addon is on .rar now,only need upload.Don't worry,You will use it today.

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