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I think you're gonna need the "eliteness" tools and an XML editor. Looks like the values are stored in an xml file (which is in a pbo file).

Here is my config:

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Edited by Foxhound
Please put long configs etc like this between spoiler tags preventing the topic from becoming a mile long.

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many thanks ;) i can edit this file but eliteness dont let me reconvert the pbo file just show the message "No sqm or config detected pbo" when i try to convert the folder air_us_h :(

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Hmm I'm not sure, I haven't tried to create a pbo yet, I've only extracted them. Have you tried any of the other PBO tools?

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I used the eliteness and I think I had to download a depbo.dll and stick in the same folder as eliteness. With eliteness, you will get errors if you don't run the exe as administrator in Windows 7. I got the files on one of those overly complicated dev-heaven sites where you have to read the page 4 times over to find the DL link.

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i tried with pboview but no extract nothing just say "no arma pbo", i find collective maximum and minimum values, the minimum value is to high 8 degrees this is the reason this one is almost unable to auto rotate and no decent faster when the collective is in full down position, normal values in a real helicopter are around zero o even negatives values in asymmetrical foil blades but in the other hand if with 8 degrees you just need add weight and this is able to auto rotate mean the rotors flight dynamics are amazing!!

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i need repack to see the changes? i am totally new with this game thanks ;)

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  heli_flying said:
i need repack to see the changes? i am totally new with this game thanks ;)

Yes, you need to repack the files as pbo to get them running ingame.

To repack PBO files I recommend either kegeteys CPBO (scroll down to the section ArmA tools), which actually is just packing all the files in a bag and gives it the filetype PBO, or the more professional one, which is by that binarizing the Configs (so recommended for a final release packing). This tool is called BinPBO and is part of the BITools2.

To extract pbo´s I recommend Micero´s ExtractPbp application, to find on dev-heaven.net You´ll find a detailed information about how extract them by following this link. Just scroll down to the option: Extract BI addons to P: .

Good luck

Edited by MemphisBelle

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this appears to be lift vs angle of attack but why in columns? what mean this columns? 0, 0.4, 0.6.... :rolleyes:reynolds number:confused:

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Edited by heli_flying

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I have something that might help real pilots to disable what they probably call "lag on joystick". As there is actualy no real pilot available in BI, pls try this and provide your feedback:

Remove or replace such entry in your testing XML.

If my findings are good, this should remove all stability agumentation build in RLib:

<FCSComponent type="FCSRotationDamper">

<YawController P="0" D="0"/>

<PitchController P="0" D="0"/>

<RollController P="0" D="0"/>


From my personal tests, values for this "Damper" do slow responses simillar way as stability agumentation slider in X-Plane or stability "autopilot" chanels in Black Shark.

Edited by Armored_Sheep

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Anyone who want to test settings with removed FCSRotationDamper values can try thise XML file. Just unpack it in your TKOH folder on root next to the exe.

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what is the difference with Light-GenHeli600-DesktopSim.xml and Light-GenHeli400-DesktopSim.xml ?

is that armed and unarmed heli ?

  Armored_Sheep said:
Just unpack it in your TKOH folder on root next to the exe.

oh? so am I to understand that placing this addon in the root folder overrides the data in the Addons folder? that would help play testing changes and reduce the chance of corrupting the original addon.

Edited by [DirTyDeeDs]-Ziggy-

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-Ziggy-;2054788']what is the difference with Light-GenHeli600-DesktopSim.xml and Light-GenHeli400-DesktopSim.xml ?

400 is training helicopter that has less powerfull engine

-Ziggy-;2054788'] placing this addon in the root folder overrides the data in the Addons folder?

yes, exactly

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Attached complete pack of XML files for all helicopters.

Dampeners at least for yaw control cannot be set to 0 as it brakes autotrim.

More investigation is needed at the controlers part of the XML.

Edited by Armored_Sheep

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I noticed that with this change and auto-trim on (in the light heli), it takes a few seconds for auto-trim to kick-in. You get about 4-5 seconds of occillation before it bites.

Other than that, I need to test a bit more to see if handling is affected - unfortunately I have a big problem controlling my heli without auto trim on and I guess the biggest benefit of the change is in that mode.

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i think this one can do the job for the light in expert without auto trim but push your left pedal starting in freeflight mode!!

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  Armored_Sheep said:
You can also try to alter InputMapping nonlinearity="1.5" in both pitch and bank RateController (ControlSystem block in XML). Removing any nonlinearity may help users to adjust the controler imput better in game controler options.

Real pilots, who prefer no centering force on stick and hold it with just fingertips may prefer linear response. Gamers with normal joystick who hold the stick with whole wirst, will most likely prefer smoother response curve (gamma 1.5 and more which is 1/4 or less on sensitivity slider)

Thank you, i'm sure this can help a lot!! i have found some problems at high speed with pitch i attached this to the horizontal stabilizer, the real helicopters are more leveled in cruise the h stabilizer need to be more powerful with speed.

Another bug is the main rotor rpm gauge in the medium, this one show the engines rpms instead the main rotor rpms, is there some way to get the main rotor rpms in the game? via script or something..:rolleyes:

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Heli flying... what program are you using to repack your .pbo and where in your TOH folder are you placing everything? I am totally confused by this process and everything I am reading on the forums and in Dev-heaven is just confusing me even more.

Thanks in advance.

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i use cpbo.exe when you run this for first time the program create a registry association to every folder and later to repack the folder just right click and select "create a pbo", in win7 run as administrator

download it from this link:


the folder to repack need config and prefix files in other words the last air_us_h folder

air_us_h/h_sim/air_us_h and this is your new air_us_h.pbo work in the same way like the original put this one in the addons folder

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