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Take On Helicopters Pre-Order Beta

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Myke;2031954']If this helps: i payed via PayPal and i got 2 confirmation mails. The first was a rather simple text:

After that i got also a "official" (means with logo and all necessary stuff) with the subject "Purchase confirmation"' date=' including a (not yet working) download link.

I hope this info is useful.[/quote']

Just login on sprocket and click account maintenance. Here you should see Take On pre-order in the list with the S/N on not available. Below this you can also view your order history and if you correctly made the payments.

Seems to be alright though according to your quoted e-mails.

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Give me the beta already! :)

Has there been anything said about the release time for the beta? (for those who are too lazy to search, like me)

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Pre-order beta release is planned for 1600 GMT today unless something goes really wrong.

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Pre-order beta release is planned for 1600 GMT today unless something goes really wrong.

Thanks, me and the F5 key appreciate this info. :D

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Myke;2031993']Thanks' date=' me and the F5 key appreciate this info. :D[/quote']

Same here :yay:

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Can I ask what time this would be in Australia?


Google is your friend.

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Yeah cheers MadDogX, I think its roughly 2am for me. Its 6.20pm here now.

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Hi all.

I'm a italian helicopter commercial pilot and i bought the version of pre order today at 09:00Gmt.

I have a possibility to download a bre-order beta at 16:00gmt?

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ok. thanks slasher.

But today is the last day for buy and download the preorder version?

If i buy the preorder tomorrow , i dont have a possibility for dowload the beta. Right?

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From what I understand all pre-orders before the 4th of october were available for the beta.

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Hi guys, we'll officially announce the release later this afternoon.

If all goes well, we estimate a ~1600 CEST release.



Edited by RoyaltyinExile

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If all goes well, we estimate a ~1600 CET release.

16:00 CET or GMT? (Maruk stated GMT) :confused:

CET would be preferrable. :D

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To be precise, latest estimate is 1600 CEST, actually.

I knew I should have just said soonâ„¢ :p



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Thank god BIS is an european company, as this time i don't have to stay up til 4:30 am, like i did for the RO2 Beta :D

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Muze mi prosim nekdo napsat kdy tedy budu moct betu hrat v Ceske republice ?a napsat to cesky?ne ze bych neumel anglicky,ale je urcite spousta cechu kteri si hru take koupili a radi by tuto informaci dostali,na strankach nic neni

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From what I understand all pre-orders before the 4th of october were available for the beta.

:( shit.

today is 4th.

i don't have the possibility for download. i have bought today

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Muze mi prosim nekdo napsat kdy tedy budu moct betu hrat v Ceske republice ?a napsat to cesky?ne ze bych neumel anglicky,ale je urcite spousta cechu kteri si hru take koupili a radi by tuto informaci dostali,na strankach nic neni

Although BIS is a czech developer, official language remains english. Feel free to use other languages in PM's though.

Welcome to the Forums, you might want to read the Forum rules.

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Myke;2032082']Although BIS is a czech developer' date=' official language remains english. Feel free to use other languages in PM's though.

Welcome to the Forums, you might want to read the Forum rules.

thanks for welcome, i read rules.

so my question in English - when will be release time in Czech Republic?

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:( shit.

today is 4th.

i don't have the possibility for download. i have bought today

Actually, I'm not so sure about that.

The beta will be available for those who’ve pre-ordered the game from October 4th, while the full game itself now has an official release date of October 27th! Check out the full details and some of the latest screens shots below.

Emphasis mine. All this says is the beta will be available:

1. for those who pre-ordered

2. starting today

Nothing about "only for those who pre-ordered before October 4th", unless I missed some other piece of info elsewhere. Just wait and see, you will probably still get a key. :)

thanks for welcome, i read rules.

so my question in English - when will be release time in Czech Republic?

CET is Central European Time - which is also Czech time, so in just under three hours as of this post. :)

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thanks for welcome, i read rules.

so my question in English - when will be release time in Czech Republic?

The Pre-Order Beta is only in English, but there is full Czech localisation planned for release, October 27.

A full list of supported languages will be made available at launch.



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thanks for welcome, i read rules.

so my question in English - when will be release time in Czech Republic?

As i understand it, 27th October is worldwide release date. If you buy through Sprocket you will receive the download link at this date.


Damn Ninjias :p

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