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Seahawk Addon By YuraPetrov

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Yura, I'm mentioning the wing; essentially the HH60's don't have one. Click here.

Ah the wing....

This wing can be removed or installed again. If they need to use hellfires they installing extended wing and hanging the hellfire launched under the wing. See the first picture in this post:


They removing the wing if they want to use the side guns, because the wing is blocking the field of fire.

See pictures in this post:


I was mentioning the A3 version of the HH's, I dont have that latest. I think I remember your MH60 one, and I dont think it's the same as what they have. Not sure though. I only have second hand and internet research to go off of. According to Wikipedia it's possibly called the " Mk 77 Mod 0 " (click here for reference). I'll go back to A2 and look.

Gatordev, what info do you have on that?

Edit: Yes, Yura it's the same mount that you're using on your MH-60s and yes, the same mounts on your HH60 in A2.

There are two different versions of the mounts. The M240 mount model using in HH-60H, UH-60L and MH-60J (i mean helicopters in my addons). MH-60L using different mount model, it looks more stronger, i believe it is because minigun is heavier then M240. It will be used in future HH-60H minigun's version. I didn't make it yet.

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Yura is correct. The "wing," which is called the Left Hand Extended Pylon (LHEP), can be removed and installed on the -60B/H/R. It does affect field of fire from the left side of the aircraft. I'm not real smart on how the 240 is mounted on the left side of the -60H. Mounting it in the door is a very simple hinged arm that locks onto a "spike" bolted to the front edge of door. It would pivot off this, as well as pivot on the actual pindle mount where the gun attaches to the arm.

The GAU-16 or -21 mounts to a huge plate bolted to the floor that has a large hinged set of arms. It takes up a ton of room and blocks a lot of the door. I'm not real smart on the GAU-17 mount.

As for the "different" colors of gray (blue versus non-blue), you're just seeing a different bunch of settings on the camera. Unless it's painted with special markings like Yura's HS-5 or -51 and -43 models (these are called "Show Birds"), all operational Navy helos are painted the same color gray. When they need to do touch-ups to the paint, it might not match exactly which is why you get the weird splotchy patterns sometimes, but the gray paint itself is all the same. HCS-4 and -5, as well as HSC-84 and -85 were/are all White SOF support (generally), so there's not a lot of crazy modifications that happen to the aircraft like the 160th does.

Yura, I'm hoping tonight I'll FINALLY have a chance to load these up in game tonight. Regardless, thanks again for letting us play with them.

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What is "White SOF support"? What do you thing about seahawk's color in my addon? Is it looks real or should being changed to more gray? I have been saw no one seahawk's in real life. So, had you the chance to download it in that time?

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i do think you could make it a bit more greyish and still keep the awesome look :)

this might help you

I also talked to the danish military who bought mh-60r and they send me the color code don't know what it means but it's a haze gray (FS 26320 after FED-STD-595 SPEC)

Edited by astast

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White SOF and Black SOF are different category of Special Forces, Yura.

White are smaller, more global team thats are designated to hunt down specific narc's and terrorist.

Black are larger teams more designated to hunting down Bin Laden and his network.

Dont know if thats changed or if I'm getting them confused.

In the end its all Special Forces.

Edited by SpectreRSG

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What is "White SOF support"? What do you thing about seahawk's color in my addon? Is it looks real or should being changed to more gray? I have been saw no one seahawk's in real life. So, had you the chance to download it in that time?

The color could be just slightly darker and still be fine, but honestly, I think these look super sharp the way they are. I did get to play with both the H and the B (my old ride) in game and they look fantastic. I could nitpick a few small details in the cockpit or on the exterior, but we're talking things super-minor. Really nice job. My one "major" complaint (and this is really not that big a deal) is that they sit a little tail low when on the ground. I'm guessing this is due to your strut compressing and you may not be able to "fix" it within the limits of the game. Again, this is just my observation and overall they're fantastic.

White SOF and Black SOF are different category of Special Forces, Yura.

White are smaller, more global team thats are designated to hunt down specific narc's and terrorist.

Black are larger teams more designated to hunting down Bin Laden and his network.

Dont know if thats changed or if I'm getting them confused.

In the end its all Special Forces.

Eh, kind of...sort of.

White SOF are more "mainstream" forces (and support forces). Regular SEALs, SF, the two Navy squadrons, AF Pavehawk squadrons...they're all White SOF.

Black SOF would be like DELTA, ST6, and the specialized group within the 160th. I think the 160th operational guys, as a whole, may consider themselves Black SOF, but I'm not sure everyone there is on the same page. I'm talking out of my lane here and just going off of talking with guys who have worked with them, so take that with a grain of salt. Not all the 160th is on the same page, though. The guys in the Green Platoon =/= the guys taking down Osama.

---------- Post added at 16:03 ---------- Previous post was at 16:00 ----------

I also talked to the danish military who bought mh-60r and they send me the color code don't know what it means but it's a haze gray (FS 26320 after FED-STD-595 SPEC)

I missed this part...

When/if it comes time to do a -60R, let me know. That's what I fly now. I also have some pics of the -60B, as the bulk of my helo time is in those. They're all painted the same basic color, though.

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Yeah I knew it some some sort of classification in the SOF groups, wasn't sure because I only up until recently have heard about the White/Black difference.

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Doesn't really affect this add on. But since it was brought up, "Green platoon" is the training command component for the 160th. This is the school house for 160th candidates (officers and enlisted). Also, as far as I know, all USAF HH-60 units were absorbed into ACC (Air Combat Command).

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The color could be just slightly darker and still be fine, but honestly, I think these look super sharp the way they are. I did get to play with both the H and the B (my old ride) in game and they look fantastic. I could nitpick a few small details in the cockpit or on the exterior, but we're talking things super-minor. Really nice job. My one "major" complaint (and this is really not that big a deal) is that they sit a little tail low when on the ground. I'm guessing this is due to your strut compressing and you may not be able to "fix" it within the limits of the game. Again, this is just my observation and overall they're fantastic.


That's a good news for me. To make them a bit darker is easy, just tune RVMAT files, there no needs to repaint all textures.

What are those small nitpicks? I'm going to redo the cockpit for Arma 3 version, they may help me. You are right about the tail wheel. It looks that, because i had problems with landing on ships in Arma 2, the chopper was starting to "bounce", because Arma 2 had't dampers source for helicopters and i had to use the alt radar source. Anyway, it works fine in Arma 3 and the tail wheel will be better.

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That's a good news for me. To make them a bit darker is easy, just tune RVMAT files, there no needs to repaint all textures.

What are those small nitpicks? I'm going to redo the cockpit for Arma 3 version, they may help me. You are right about the tail wheel. It looks that, because i had problems with landing on ships in Arma 2, the chopper was starting to "bounce", because Arma 2 had't dampers source for helicopters and i had to use the alt radar source. Anyway, it works fine in Arma 3 and the tail wheel will be better.

I thought I had remembered there was a game issue with the tailwheel, but couldn't recall the problem.

As for the nit picks, I'd have to take some notes, and I'm more than happy to do that if you want them. They're small things and don't actually affect gameplay (like the Ng VIDS is too low for normal flight. The VIDS are the green "tapes" on the dash that show the transmission and engine readings. The Ng is the far right two tapes and should be higher, around ~98% or so). If you want the info and have time to change them, I'm happy to help, but again, really nice job overall with your addon.

---------- Post added at 17:35 ---------- Previous post was at 16:55 ----------

Yura, here's some pics of the color(s) of the -60. You can see that depending on how dirty the aircraft is and the sunlight, it changes quite a bit when taking a picture.


This is a fairly realistic color. It's cloudy outside and the aircraft is dirty and getting ready to need to be painted, but it's about what you see in real life.


Here's a pic of a -60S. This one had a newer paint job but was even dirtier. You can see how it affects the color, as well.


Lastly, here's two shots (two different aircraft but taken during the same deployment) in direct sunlight. You'll also notice they're a bit shiny. That's due to corrosion prevention sprayed all over the skin.



I've got some more, but figured this might help you gauge the "right" level of color between Arma2 and Arma3, since they have different lighting engines.

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YuraPetrov your mod is amazing. I have a personal request for the HH-60H.

1) Can you remove the pilot/copilot doors? HH-60Hs have special permission to do this and fly the majority of their missions with doors off. However, if AGM-114 is carried (though 4 can be carried, max of two on the upper rails is more realistic) the doors will be on for safety.

2) Can you remove the older IR Jammer and mount the ALQ-144 on top?

3) Can you make an all-out gunship version? This would be 2 AGM-114 with a port M-240 and a starboard GAU-17. 400 rounds for the M-240 and 2000 rounds for the GAU-17.

The HH-60H always operates with a port aux tank as the fast rope is only possible out of the port side(only cabin door). The starboard aux tank is rarely used, only for range on a ferry flight or to carry a spare.

Here's hoping you can get the FLIR display working.

Thanks for making the best helo mod for this game. This helo is a must for any missions made with SOCOM forces being delivered/recovered from enemy lines.

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YuraPetrov your mod is amazing. I have a personal request for the HH-60H.

1) Can you remove the pilot/copilot doors? HH-60Hs have special permission to do this and fly the majority of their missions with doors off. However, if AGM-114 is carried (though 4 can be carried, max of two on the upper rails is more realistic) the doors will be on for safety.

2) Can you remove the older IR Jammer and mount the ALQ-144 on top?

3) Can you make an all-out gunship version? This would be 2 AGM-114 with a port M-240 and a starboard GAU-17. 400 rounds for the M-240 and 2000 rounds for the GAU-17.

The HH-60H always operates with a port aux tank as the fast rope is only possible out of the port side(only cabin door). The starboard aux tank is rarely used, only for range on a ferry flight or to carry a spare.

Here's hoping you can get the FLIR display working.

Thanks for making the best helo mod for this game. This helo is a must for any missions made with SOCOM forces being delivered/recovered from enemy lines.

Thank you.

You can set ammo to 52%. HH-60H will have only 2 hellfires on the upper rails. Door can't be removed.

Why do you want me remove the ALQ-144? I saw some photos of HH-60H, taken in 2012 and it have ALQ-144 installed. Look at this photo for example http://www.flickr.com/photos/matthewphx/6624253057/lightbox/. I saw some photos with haven't the IR Jammer installed, but they have it's mount on top.

I tryed the gunship version. M-240 on the left side is useless. You can't shoot ground target, because a side wing blocks. Can fire only at horizont line. That's why I made two versions with guns and with side wing.

Don't understand what is wrong with my aux tanks?

FLIR is working, if not, I guess you are using Arma 2 stand alone version. Flir works fine in A2OA only.

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Hi Yura, nothing TurkeyDriver said other than the doors and gunship version was new. You said no to the doors and told him how,to do the top missiles only so it should solve that.

The 240 goes out the side with the moveable door not out the window.

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Yeah I think CMWS has pretty much phased the -144s out. I know that apaches, Blackhawks and Chinooks don't have them anymore. Only ones I saw with -144s still were Kiowas, and I've seen Pictures recently where even they have CMWS now

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CMWS stands for Common Missile Warning System, It doesn't do anything to spoof missiles, aside from telling the helicopter to pop flares/chaff. The ALQ-144 on the other hand, is a passive IR-missile deterrent; it is SUPPOSED to dazzle/confuse the missile and make it veer off course. However, modern heatseekers are immune to it and actually home in on the 144, which is a problem as you can imagine.

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I'm aware of what CMWS is (not being a dick, just saying). -64s also have the ASPI mod which cuts down on the heat sig as well, not sure about thr other airframes. I'm just saying when our aircraft got CMWS, the -144s came off, and every airframe that I saw that had CMWS had no ALQ, while the scouts that had no CMWS, still had their -144s

Edited by islesfan186

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The ALQ-144 has been phased out completely. All of our aircraft have them removed and a lot have the "toiletbowl" (the mounting fairing for the 144) removed too.

Not on the Navy side. The -144 is still alive and well, albeit limited in use, as you mentioned. I don't know if -84 and -85 deploy with the -144 installed, but everyone else does (-60S, -60B, -60R), along with a MWS and for the 60S (and -60H), an APR. It's a different environment they operate in, so it doesn't have quite the threat that the over-land Army guys have.


Here's an HH60H without the Discoball.

I wouldn't put a whole lot of stock in that photo. It's a PR photo around the local area. I generally don't see -85 fly with -144s around the local area, either. Everyone else will on tactical flights, mostly to just exercise the systems, but the -144s are probably the least of -85's problems when it comes to keeping their birds up.

Edited by gatordev

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Hi Yura, nothing TurkeyDriver said other than the doors and gunship version was new. You said no to the doors and told him how,to do the top missiles only so it should solve that.

The 240 goes out the side with the moveable door not out the window.

M240 goes out the window on the port side, we cannot have a port GAU-17 if we're carrying AGM-114. GAU-17 would go starboard side. This is an actual load out and while the extended pylon does limit your forward field of fire, you should still be able to shoot at 9 oclock with no issues.

---------- Post added at 17:33 ---------- Previous post was at 17:28 ----------

Thank you.

You can set ammo to 52%. HH-60H will have only 2 hellfires on the upper rails. Door can't be removed.

Why do you want me remove the ALQ-144? I saw some photos of HH-60H, taken in 2012 and it have ALQ-144 installed. Look at this photo for example http://www.flickr.com/photos/matthewphx/6624253057/lightbox/. I saw some photos with haven't the IR Jammer installed, but they have it's mount on top.

I tryed the gunship version. M-240 on the left side is useless. You can't shoot ground target, because a side wing blocks. Can fire only at horizont line. That's why I made two versions with guns and with side wing.

Don't understand what is wrong with my aux tanks?

FLIR is working, if not, I guess you are using Arma 2 stand alone version. Flir works fine in A2OA only.

No problem at all with the ALQ-144 for the current model. The "discoball" installed behind the main rotor head is accurate-like an HH-60G or MH-60S. The HH-60H had it installed about 15 years ago in 4 different points around the helo and that version has been completely replaced. Also the long wire UHF is gone off of the HH-60H. These are all minor details and I have no problem with the mod the way they currently are implanted, just wanted a bit more realism. Ignore my comments about the aux tank yours are perfect.

---------- Post added at 17:35 ---------- Previous post was at 17:33 ----------

Not on the Navy side. The -144 is still alive and well, albeit limited in use, as you mentioned. I don't know if -84 and -85 deploy with the -144 installed, but everyone else does (-60S, -60B, -60R), along with a MWS and for the 60S (and -60H), an APR. It's a different environment they operate in, so it doesn't have quite the threat that the over-land Army guys have.

I wouldn't put a whole lot of stock in that photo. It's a PR photo around the local area. I generally don't see -85 fly with -144s around the local area, either. Everyone else will on tactical flights, mostly to just exercise the systems, but the -144s are probably the least of -85's problems when it comes to keeping their birds up.

Gatordev is on the money. If their is a 2nd or 3 gen MANPAD threat, the HH-60H units would still deploy with the discoball(ALQ-144). Because of maintenance and corrosion, they are not fixed and used unless there is a requirement.

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Hi Yura,

me again. Got a couple of questions. Is it possible that i can extract single choppers to create a own package ? i know that all types need the basic sh-60 model and most things are textures-changes. the reason is that in my missions we don´t need torpedos and buoy´s and the mando missile system it is to complicated to the most people out there. is there a light version without mando missles without making that heavy customisation ?

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you can use the addon without Mando missiles. It will work fine, you will be able to fly any chopper and use HH-60H guns and ropes. You can set ammo to zero in editor if you want to see seahawk without torpedoes. Also, you are not allowed to edit my addon, sorry.

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thanks for your fast reply. i will set the ammo to zero and load the mod without mando missile.

hope you can fix the couple of things i reply in the jayhawk-thread

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Hey Yura,

love your work ..... they are just plain and simple fantastic.

Is there anything I can change myself (only for my use on our private server) so that only the rotor blades fold without the tail?

And eventually stay so even trough a server restart.


Edited by michaelny

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