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Group/Squad limit to 144

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I doubt you will ever hit that limit in missions in upcoming years without your CPU bursting into flames.

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If you have more than 144 groups let alone 144 groups with say 4 guys that would be a bit crazy and im sure this answer cant be answered yet as i would guess its too early in development

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I doubt you will ever hit that limit in missions in upcoming years without your CPU bursting into flames.

I have, and I've had to create more groups on other sides as a workaround.

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I think BIS should lift the group limit to allow more zombies. Most zombie mission makers on this forum would agree with me.

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Make a new squard formation named as disordered can get a crawded scene with a few groups.

---------- Post added at 06:46 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:39 PM ----------

I agree it would be nice to have more groups available.

Maybe not nice because of the poor FPS.

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Maybe not nice because of the poor FPS.

Groups themselves are not the culprit of poor performance, it's the units. Therefore single unit groups are quite fine.

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I also had to improvise in one mission because of this limit... And it was not a zombie mission! :)

It is possible of course, but no limit would still be better. :)

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Groups themselves are not the culprit of poor performance, it's the units. Therefore single unit groups are quite fine.

10 groups with 100 men should be batter than 100 single-man groups if the old test to my computer is right.

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I don't really think this is needed. I would rather have a few "intelligent" AI rather then a couple thousand dumb AI...

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A single 1 man group would move to objectives much fast than a group of any size larger than 1, or am I wrong?

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A single 1 man group would move to objectives much fast than a group of any size larger than 1, or am I wrong?

From my experience yes. But single one man groups are not as effective as four man fire teams in combat. The reason that one man moves faster then four is because the one man is on his own, not waiting for anyone, while the four man group is covering each other from cover to cover. If you gave both groups a waypoint and told them to move fast, and be in safe awareness, then they will move about the same, but in combat, the one man will move faster... Not even snipers work in one man groups though...

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We have unusable viewdistances, might as well have unusable amount of groups if it isnt too hard to change. (The 144 limit always struck me as a bit arbitrary, though i may be mistaken)

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(The 144 limit always struck me as a bit arbitrary, though i may be mistaken)

I believe it's something to do with the 12 F keys, 12 x 12 = 144. Only reason why 144 would be any kind of limit.

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