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Where is problem?

In real life roads is very valuable because they are only things that can provide to wheeled vehicles enought speed.

Counter to it in A2 vehicles can drive everywhere at full speed without chances to stuck.


Common afgan road


What does this addon?

2 things:

1) Increases terrainCoefficient in cfgVehicles for all basic class to make vehicles more sensitive to off road.

2) Increases "rought" parameter in cfgSurfaces.

With those changes off road speed of APC becomes about 40km/h, that's corresponds to the specifications. In forest and in mountains vehicles moves slower.

For example



Roads? Nah. Drive everywhere :)



You can place in editor module "QS show terrain rought" to get same picture.

Affected vehicles:

All wheeled vehicles. Tracked vehicles ignores terrain type, but much slower in hills and mountains. So here is new balance: wheeled vehicles very fast at roads, tracked - cool at plains, and both of them slow at hills and mountains.

Islands currently suppurted:

Quicksand core :

all default A2+OA+BAF+PMC islands + Namalsk, Podagorsk, ToraBora, Fallujah


qs_lingor - Island Lingor

qs_duala - Isla Duala

Looks nice, but how to force players to use it? In multiplayer, no one would want to limit their possibilities.

Use addon seeker http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=14025

cfgPatches: quicksand, qs_lingor, qs_duala



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good job, very nice presentation and thanks for sharing!

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It would be cool to be dependant on weather setting like DMarkwick suggested. If weather is 0.5+ (rain) the values could be much higher to simulate wet mud.

I've removed wet mud from Lingor config in v1.3+ since too many people complained that their vehicles are very slow without even looking where they drive. Even gave them a hint with "*plap*plap*" foot sounds but they reported that as "omg bug, i can hear water!"... ehh. I'm glad you made this addon.

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It would be cool to be dependant on weather setting like DMarkwick suggested. If weather is 0.5+ (rain) the values could be much higher to simulate wet mud.

I've removed wet mud from Lingor config in v1.3+ since too many people complained that their vehicles are very slow without even looking where they drive. Even gave them a hint with "*plap*plap*" foot sounds but they reported that as "omg bug, i can hear water!"... ehh. I'm glad you made this addon.

I don't know if TerainCoefficient or Rought parameter can be dynamic, but if it can..... then we're in :) we'd need a looping function that controls a global variable that represents a multiplier. That way X muddy conditions can be simulated for Y minutes after Z levels of rain, ramping up & down over time depending on current conditions.

Islands like Isla Duala would become very different beasts in poor weather conditions. In fact I think all islands would benefit.

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Just like people complain in real life about the rain hehe, cant live with it , cant live without it.

Love the idea but can see it should be handled carefully as many folks already struggle with the distances in some game modes, and now to be slowed down... can hear it already, sheesh, but it would be pefect for a small coop campaign I've been dreaming of.

Struck by an idea that maybe you could use something like the pond object to simulate mud, complete with mud texture and rough mud normal and 'plap plap' sound (nice one Ice). People may be more accepting if they look down and actualy see themselves up to thier knees or axles in mud, and understand they risk getting bogged.

I think many people have trouble with the terrain move rates because they lack any real visual cues other than road here, rock there, sort of stuff. Give them an extreme and they may tune into the middle a bit better

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Interesting concept. But it really needs to be tied to the rain

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interesting stuff, as several above stated, linking it to ingame weather would be most welcome.

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I don't know if TerainCoefficient or Rought parameter can be dynamic, but if it can....

Can't. Only chanse - script, that constantly checking terrain and weather, and slowing vehicles. Not too good solution.

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That's not stuck .... it's swimming !

To call that swimming is an insult to any animal who has worked out the mechanics required to stay afloat :p

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