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Removing "Gear" action from vehicle?

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Hey, I am trying to remove the Gear action from a vehicle but no matter what I do that bastard is staying there and I am clueless on how to proceed, I tried locking and setting the ammunition to zero but it didn't help..the vehicle was locked but you could still access Gear.

Just to clarify again, its not about removing the gear itself, its removing the action so players won't be able to access it.

Any ideas?

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Just remove all the gear in it.

clearWeaponCargo this; clearMagazineCargo this;

If you don't want the players accessing it there's no sense in leaving things in there to access is there?

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If you want to prevent players from putting ammo and weapons into the vehicle, you could have a trigger with

multiple activation
condition: (player distance vehiclename) < 4
code: clearWeaponCargoGlobal vehiclename; clearMagazineCargoGlobal vehiclename;

Yes I know, you want to remove the action menu. And it would also be quite strange when stuff disappears that you have put into the vehicle. It would have to be mentioned in the briefing. Further I am not a fan of such visible-unrealistic mechanics.

Just an idea.

Edited by RogueTrooper

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The whole idea is not storing weapons or anything, but when a OPFOR boobytraps the vehicle the explosion trigger will be Gear in the action menu, I already got that all via addaction but it looks dumb when there are two "Gear" actions.

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Even when everything is removed the action Gear is still there?

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Even when everything is removed the action Gear is still there?

Well yes because you have to normally ADD gear to the vehicle, whether its empty or not.

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No chance... :o

Well... i think there is nothing to add... :rolleyes:

You guys can discuss till your tongues fall out... there is no way to remove the original gear action menu...


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Well... i think there is nothing to add... :rolleyes:

You guys can discuss till your tongues fall out... there is no way to remove the original gear action menu...


Unless! Unless you make an addon of the same vehicle, but without cargo space/addon that edits the cargo space out of the config. ;) But who the hell would do that!

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Oh right, the "gear is in your face, did you want to drop what you have and pick up something else" default action display goes away when you remove all the stuff, but not the gear action itself.

You could check for the unit doing the gear animation near an ammo box and boom then, but that wouldn't work for a vehicle I don't think.

You could check to see if something is taken out of a box/vehicle, but that wouldn't trigger unless the players actually removed the items.

Personally I'd change your premise. Make it an ammobox instead of a vehicle and it'll be totally easy. You could even use the non-interactive ammoboxes and add the 'Gear' action to it and the players wouldn't know any different till it was too late.

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Can't dialog be used? I'm thinking something like (but needs to be properly written, I'm too sick at the moment to concentrate :p):

nGearDialog = ??;
_running = true;
_skipit = false;
while {_running} do {
waitUntil {sleep 10; player distance chopper < 50}; //prevent quick loop if not needed
waitUntil {sleep 0.123; !isNull findDisplay nGearDialog};
if (player distance chopper >= 50) then {_skipit = true};
if !(_skipit) then {
	_running = false;
sleep 0.123;

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Interesting idea, no idea what number the gear dialog is though. Also would that still work inside a vehicle if it's based on distance?

Hope you feel better, here's some internet soup for you!

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I tried ammobox - even when its locked you can still access the gear even after I cleared it from everything...:(

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I know this is an old thread, but i seem to have the exact oposite problem as descirbed here,...

I DONT have the gear option on my vehicle, and i have no clue on how to add it, especialy since some of my vehicle have the option and some dont.

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well, seems the OP wants a bomb to trigger when someone uses the gear action in the menu.

Isnt there an eventhandler for such purposes?

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You could write a script that sets off the bomb when:

a) the idd for the gear menu is found and

b) player is within x metres of the vehicle

Like in this post: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=85705&highlight=idd+gear

You may have the problem though that someone decides to check their own gear next to the vehicle.

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