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AI react to dead bodies

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Somewhat OT but I'd love to see the occasional head turn and point animation and perhaps scramble after major event happens.

Say a loud explosion goes off in the distance, a truck unexpectedly blows up or a guard falls dead out of the blue.

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God i hate all the people who go into suggestion threads just to say "God no, it would be too hard to put into the game" Metal Gear Solid had enemies that reacted in multiple ways to dead bodies way back in 1998.

Are you making arma 3? Are you on the development team? If not then shut up and let people have their suggestions without listing ways that it couldn't be done. Bohemia is a professional game studio, not a bunch of programming interns who need to be told what they are or are not capable of.

I actually think this is a great idea, and bohemia should really look into this to increase the immersiveness of A3

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I would love that and a morale system too. I hate to see it when the AI sees friendly guys die here there without react at all. I would love if soldiers did react to dead squadmates with both carefullness and sometimes angryness. The soldiers morale would go down when taking heavy losses and go up if (for example) air support or reinforcements arrive.

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A type of morale system already exists, but many missions disable it as it can lead to issues if your mission has not compensated for the possibility of units fleeing.



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I would want it as default. It is really annoying when they just walk right past one. There could be a line of code (ignorethis true) to make them not pay attention to one if you want them to. I would say in 90% of cases you want them to react to bodies. There could also be a way to detect how they died. Bullet, explosion, hit by a car. They can react differently based upon that or you could write a script to check if one is hit by a car and make them not react.

I'd say that in 99% of cases you would want them to pay attention to 1% of bodies. Hence a module.

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I think a whole mess of 'tasks' for the AI to go in investigating a dead body would be cool. #1. Cover the area, they make an effort to look around up to about 20 meters away. #2. Approach the corpse, one man crouches down besides it and stares at it. #3. Check pulse and temperature, eyeing over. #4. Continue a search. #5. Carry away. Two men grab the body and drag it back if the area feels clear.

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From Arma2's danger.fsm:

comment "0 DCEnemyDetected";

comment "1 DCFire";

comment "2 DCHit";

comment "3 DCEnemyNear";

comment "4 DCExplosion";

comment "5 DCDeadBodyGroup";

comment "6 DCDeadBody";

comment "7 DCScream";

comment "8 DCCanFire";

I still think a "custom eventhandler" is the way to go. Danger.fsm is updated to that it's dangers are outputted in a way that is detected by this eventhandler, and we are free to do whatever we want with it. As you can see, DCDeadBodyGroup and DCDeadBody is already in there, but I'm not seeing anything useful going on (I haven't studied all this extensively though).

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From Arma2's danger.fsm:

I still think a "custom eventhandler" is the way to go. Danger.fsm is updated to that it's dangers are outputted in a way that is detected by this eventhandler, and we are free to do whatever we want with it. As you can see, DCDeadBodyGroup and DCDeadBody is already in there, but I'm not seeing anything useful going on (I haven't studied all this extensively though).

Sounds good :). As I said I would like at least a way to script dead bodies detection. EH seems a nice solution.



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EH is probably the best way to go. But, something other than script-from-scratch anyway. I mean, what's the purpose of a patrol if not to sometimes react to a dead body?

I would expect some nice little scripts to appear once there's a bodyFound EH, perimeter watches, searches, ambulance arriving, reaction force radioed in etc.

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I second the "change of stance" idea. (as in the stance going to "alert" when they find a dead body)

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be good to have ai react to dead members of their own team or members dying. especially when a sniper takes a couple guys and the rest don't relocate to a safer place.

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I think a level of 'temporary morale' should be in place too. For example, say a sniper with an M107 takes out a soldier in a 3 man patrol from a mile away. They heard no shot at first, and the guy just drops. For a second or two, they realize he's dead, and then they quickly scatter to the nearest cover to hunker down. Cover, however, would have to be instated for this to work..

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@twisted: They do that already.

@David Schofield: They do that already.

Not running for cover, but trying to figure out where the shot came from. Fire again, and they pretty much have your position, then engaging you. If you want them to go defensive, I guess that can be setup in the editor and/or scripting with relative ease.

But it's not so much reacting to the body, but more reacting to the fact that the guy no longer reports in.

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How about just making them go from safe to stay alert or stay alert to danger when a *new* dead body (on their side) is seen, up to a default distance of 200m (but could be adjustable)? By new I mean new to them. Why complicate things? Or is that already too complicated?

Edit: I guess someone already mentioned this, so yeah, I'd advocate for it.

Edited by McMick

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How about reacting to dead vehicles in minefields? Like when you see 7 tanks tanks immobilized by mines right next to each other, you might consider another route.

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And i think, AI if see dead body must check current body (maby is alive) and if he have gun and good courage, check bushes and perimeter arround!

Good morale sys you can see in Splinter Cell too! (AI try find who kill/stun teamate, switch light on if in room, etc.)

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Oups I barely forgot about this topic :D

When I saw this topic I throught that dead bodies EH could be one of the parameter for AI recognition when player uses enemy uniform. I mean if a naked dead body is found then enemies AI will be more suspicious and player wearing this uniform have more chance to be discovered.



Edited by Nikiller

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