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ArmA 2 : OA Beta Build 82128

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one possible issue i have found but i`m not shure is this a problem with my system (W764) or a beta-feature:D

i can`t deinstall the beta with the uninstaller... must delete the beta manually

can anybody confirm this?

Yes, me too. Same problem with last beta. Install tech is hosed. PLEASE FIX, BIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

---------- Post added at 11:34 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:31 AM ----------

Finally when crashing the error popup says "Arma 2 Reinforcements has stopped working ...".

I don't own Reinforcements, just OA + DLCs.

I'm packing some error stuff for Dwarden.

I just started getting the same error, and I don't have Reinforcements either. Bought PMC/BAF separately. I thought the crashing was due to me increasing visibility in ToH preview to 10k in my main A2/OA profile - but maybe I'm wrong. I only got the crashes after doing that, and I'd been using this beta patch for quite a few days. The crashes occurred on exiting ToH and A2/OA. The crashes stopped after resetting my vid settings in my main profile and making a new profile just for ToH.

Edited by OMAC

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Has always been like this. It does not interfere with any full version files. Do NOT unistall it ! In fact just change your startup line and there is no need to touch the beta again.

*hrhr* ok thanks for the explanation Kremator

i`m getting too old for this shit i think :rolleyes:

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I just started getting the same error, and I don't have Reinforcements either. Bought PMC/BAF separately.

The beta arma2oa.exe has only had its name changed to "ArmA 2 REINFORCEMENTS". Nothing to be alarmed about.

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anyone tested the PMC campaign and can confirm that videoplayback is broken?

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Has always been like this. It does not interfere with any full version files. Do NOT unistall it ! In fact just change your startup line and there is no need to touch the beta again.

Not true for me. Beta patch uninstall shortcuts always worked for me until last two betas.

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anyone tested the PMC campaign and can confirm that videoplayback is broken?

Works for me using the lite versions of the videos. Only tried a single mission though.

Edit: That being said, I couldn't "replay" any of the others, and choosing continue on the last one crashed OA with "Error in campaign structure". That's a new one for me. The last one being the cutscene.

Edited by CarlGustaffa

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anyone tested the PMC campaign and can confirm that videoplayback is broken?

Yes, I just did. The PMC animations flicker to black nearly constantly. :(

I'm using the full version, not lite.

The vids play perfectly in 79600.

Edited by OMAC

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Finally the beta crashed for me... Reports sent to the support email.

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Yes, I just did. The PMC animations flicker to black nearly constantly. :(

I'm using the full version, not lite.

The vids play perfectly in 79600.

Same problem here. Not only PMC, but also my own.

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My game froze/crash when loading mission with heavy scripting like DAC. If I load the mission first thing when the game starts, the mission will run fine... but if I abort it and re-preview it the second time it will always crash. Note this is in editor.

Other than that, the game runs fine for me...

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I have had two crashes and message the game has stopped responding. It seems to always be inbetween missions of a campaign or in loading a new mission. If it happens again I will send the crash-dump.

I have not yet had a crash while playing a mission [during gameplay I mean], and the gameplay seems otherwise very nice and smooth. Good work Dev's.


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