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Flashlights (not mounted to a weapon) would be fine. It would also be great if you could use them together with pistols: left hand holding flashlight and supporting the right hand that holds the pistol... as to be seen in movies :D

Or torches with a flame - like campfires on a stick :D (not usable along with weapons).

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Pfft, nobody does that IRL... :rolleyes:

But srsly, any practical person would go with a weapon mounted, head mounted, or other body mounted light before dual wielding a pistol & flashlight.

Edited by Big Dawg KS

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I'd like to see you can use laser by "L" and at the same time use flashlight by "shift + L".

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I'd like to see you can use laser by "L" and at the same time use flashlight by "shift + L".

This for sure

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Pfft, nobody does that IRL... :rolleyes:

Other than just about every police officer. But I'd be more inclined to do this IRL than in ARMA.

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Other than just about every police officer.

USA is not the only country in the world, neither all police officers are american..besides, why would BIS implement a new animation that is never used in the military?

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Ahh I knew I shouldn't have made such a blatant "USA is the only country in the world" statement.

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I don't think writing whole new animations is necessary. If you want more light for pistol firing, either A) use night vision or B) ask for a headlamp mod in the Mod Request thread or whatever it's called.

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Don't think a handheld flashlight would serve much purpose, as there are good alternatives (NVG, G17 etc) quickly making it redundant. But I wouldn't mind a weak red light (suit or head mounted) that allows you to read your map at night. So the map is actually shaded by lighting conditions, and is usable at night using a flashlight without loosing your night vision by using it. Non NVG missions, the white map can really upset your vision.

Although it would add a lot to the general ambiance of the game, would it really be worth it? Not perfect by any means, but adding a few red and black area markers onto the map does the trick for me.

So, as fun as it could be, I'd vote no - there are more important things.

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