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Light Machine Guns sink into the ground

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I noticed while playing OFP and ARMA 2 that the light machine guns will sink into the ground as if it's like quicksand. The whole gun will just go right through the ground like a ghost through a wall. This is a bug because weapons with bipods do not sink into the ground like because it IS physically impossible to do, unless there's :biggrin: quicksand. Even then, you'd sink into the ground. LOL. You can point the gun into positions that are not physically possible in the prone position. You adjust the shoulder height for the gun, not sink it into the ground.

In light of this, I'm hoping that Bohemia Interactive will correct the problem of the sinking Light Machine Guns. It is physically impossible to point the gun at the ground and shoot yourself in the prone position. The bipod does not hold up the machine gun at all. An LMG is NOT a shovel.

This is a strange error I noticed with OFP. You cannot kill yourself like that with a light machine gun in the prone position. Nor can you kill yourself, shooting the ground in front of you. The bullet would go through the ground.

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People who film "hey, look at this thing happening" videos AT NIGHT should be sterilized. Not even using NVGs is the icing on the cake but finishing it off by reporting an OFP bug in an A2:OA suggestions forum is just the coup de grâce. Well done good sir!

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i have noticed this but i dont care about it.. just watch where you point your gun

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He's got a very good point IMO. Weapon bracing and functional bipods is a must for realistic shooters, otherwise you might as well be playing Quake Live :D

Replicating what RO1 did would be fine, or even better, RO2:


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People who film "hey, look at this thing happening" videos AT NIGHT should be sterilized. Not even using NVGs is the icing on the cake but finishing it off by reporting an OFP bug in an A2:OA suggestions forum is just the coup de grâce. Well done good sir!


here's daylight footage of a machine gun sinking into the ground.

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here's daylight footage of a machine gun sinking into the ground.

Do that in 1st person view - there you can't sink the gun ;)

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Do that in 1st person view - there you can't sink the gun ;)

Such differences between 1st and 3rd just make this even more of a problem :)

Anyway, the game really needs a much better weapon collision system... That is, one that is actually quite accurate when it comes to deciding whether your weapon can or cannot turn into a certain direction without clipping. Same goes for the solider himself, of course...

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I believe the reason the bipod is allowed to clip into the ground is because if it didn't, you would be shooting into the air from the prone position 99% of the time.

Reasonable compromise.

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Such differences between 1st and 3rd just make this even more of a problem :)

Anyway, the game really needs a much better weapon collision system... That is, one that is actually quite accurate when it comes to deciding whether your weapon can or cannot turn into a certain direction without clipping. Same goes for the solider himself, of course...

The problem there, of course, is that you would need an alternate method of animating soldiers that would make the soldies- his arms at least- hierarchal subordinates to the weapons, so that you could do inverse kinematic animations from the gun down to the soldier. This is not something I think that's not going to happen. I Imagine a soldier animated to follow a floating rifle around because his dead arms were glued to it. Hillarity.

The reason the weapons don't clip in first person is because of the order in which the graphic processor is drawing the weapon. It's always drawing it after other objects so it never appears to clip. It's not like they have a different animation system for first person and third person.

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