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High Command AI

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Communication among AI needs to be improved. HC is a great way to do it when a player(s) is present in the group. As of right now if I set up two AI squads some distance apart, but not too far, and attack one of the groups. The group I attack will respond, while the other group will continue there patrol. I think the second group should come and help out defend against the attack. The same happens when they are both in the same HC structure, with a single commander... This would also allow non scripted diversions to take place much easier...

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Numerous mods are doing the info sharing between groups, I wonder why BIS never tried to implement that because clearly it's very important to make AI more lively.

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When the player is High commander you can pretty much control units under your command as with your squad. The problem is when an AI is in command. Grouplink shares info inbetween squads. DAC too.

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Would've been pretty cool if BIS implemented at least some primitive function for that if they don't want all units to share info.

Like adding a call for a function into a group leader's init field with a parameter of a radius in meters in which the group shares info.

Or at least based on whether the group leader has radio or not with a set radius (like default 500m)

Edited by metalcraze

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When the player is High commander you can pretty much control units under your command as with your squad. The problem is when an AI is in command. Grouplink shares info inbetween squads. DAC too.

It would be cool though if there would be a function ingame that would enable this by default, instead of relying on mods. A3 wants to simulate a modern battlefield between regular armies, which as far as we´ve seen are extremely hi-tech. Even today, regular armies rely heavily on digital technology to share battlefield information between Units, and have been in an ever increasing manner since the first gulf war.

A high command level AI would probably break heavily scripted, story focused missions, but when employed as a core function in missions, would serve to keep the replay value up. Right now, Missions don´t play out the same time twice most of the time. With a proper HC AI, they´ll likely never play out the same all the time.

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The ability to dynamicly send your team members to HC slot and back again would be ok for campaigns rather than full missions not planned being taken over by it.

EG if the campaign had a section where you wanted the player to use HC features, rather than A2 where it was a High Command centric mission, you could have a campaign as normal with 8 men in your team (or even 4) and maybe some vehicles, no HC modules and no synced up "tied to" scripting.

You can either carry on as a team using coloured units for control, or like CENTS just up a selection to a HC slot to "top down" control them if you please for recon or better expansion of control of team over a wide area, and then bring them back again as you see fit. That way its not so much going to break a campaign as its better in line and hard-coded as a side issue than a focus.

HI Command extensions scripts have just come out and you can have no units or external groups under HC at all or link them up as you wish:


A combination of the above which is Cents HCS but expanded much further, plus the over view sweetness of Window Of Opportunity (mainly selection interface and camera) I linked previous and hardcoded into the commanding system for A3 (all be it optional for any type of 3D cam view) I would love BIS to nail for A3.

That way its not really forcing RTS or is it HC focused, its just more expansion on team control out the box, which you can then as a mission maker not think about when making a campaign or general mission (but missions can use a module added to the drop down to force off HC features for example) and then other mission makers can milk it for pure HC missions and other for complete RTS style missions.

At the moment its all or not at all with scripters working around it, some drawbacks with game saving team switching and so on, and nothing exclusive to the command system of the engine, fragmented too much.

A3 campaign is also SP only so even more reason to have it working.

Edited by mrcash2009

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High Command AI will be possible with JAVA scripting that might be added to Arma 3 or if it was added to an Arma2 patch.

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You guys should check out HAC (Hetman Artificial Comander) by Rydgier, if you havent already. It gave the AI the ability to command a lot of squads and work together to achieve an objective. It has some limitations, but for now its good enough really.

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You guys should check out HAC (Hetman Artificial Comander) by Rydgier, if you havent already. It gave the AI the ability to command a lot of squads and work together to achieve an objective. It has some limitations, but for now its good enough really.

This is seriously interesting. BIS should look into the possibility of adding a similar AI commander module for A3 editor.

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