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New BattleField 3 Mission packs

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Changed Language from German to English, and it works.

and i cant change language, cuz i have Russian localized game and this option inactive for me. so, still have error in CITYWAR and ITS_MY_OIL. :sulk:

CTI works fine. really like it.

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im still working on the factions issue with different language

headace is all 3 missions use the same 4 files to select the factions

all files have same date stamp to

so why does one work and 2 revert to arma defaults ??????

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Found where the language compatibility issue was guys/gals

i changed

gettext (_comp >> "TextSingular") to gettext (_comp >> "nameSound")

Sorry about that bug;

i hope the rest of the world can enjoy them now :)

Just download them again

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Very well ZoneKiller:icon_eek:

This missions are beautiful.If you create a mission (close quarter combat) in zargabad or random town in parameter settings, the work are great.

For the missions "Citywar" and "CTI" i suggest to create chopper to transport the troup near town,and modify the number vehicles to six.It's my idea...;)

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have some report about SP missions. seems, there is a problems with spawning AI units in SP scenarios.

i wanted to stress-test my comp and tried to start "CITYWAR" with params: Side - East; AI units - 100; QuickStart - NO; other settings - default. And no AI was spawned after start. Same settings with "QuickStart - Yes" spawns 20-30 AI in towns, and they didn't respawn after death. Used "UnitCounter" feature of LostKey addon.

Downloaded and looked at MP mission - looks like, AI spawns correct.

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Fixed AI spawn bug in SP Missions

Fixed Sounds in SP Missions

Thanks for the BUG reports guys and gals

I tested it a lot more and could not find anymore bugs

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Thankyou i will looking forward to your input :)

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Hi! It seems SP missions works fine! Can't think of any significant bug. Btw, ACE-caused bug almost squashed too, as units auto-ejects when vehicle destroyed. Also, i recommend to play this missions with GL4 mod - i`m not sure, but looks like AI calls artillery from their bases, if GL4 active. It happened several times - heavy arty strike dig over the base as soon as i captured it. it was cool! :)

now i made "quick'n'dirty" CTI on Sahrani with PRACS and two SLA mods i found on armaholic.com and have a lot fun! :)

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thanks for testing all looks good here to :)

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Hey Zonekiller, ive just played your City War... awesome stuff, i really like this style.

This is on the lines of what i was wanting to achieve when i asked about your vehicle script, little did i realize then that you had created it perfectly with this mission :D

If i want to port to another island is there anything i need to consider other than moving bases and keeping them inside the trigger?

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There should be some more news on the BZ series soon :) Don't want to steal all of ZKs thunder but I have been helping to test the latest one and it is looking VERY good.

Lots of units on the battlefield, with server running stably, with massive action everywhere :)

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Good to hear bro, was that for the [CO 36] BattleZone DeathMatch or is it more updates on this BattleField 3?

Either way im looking forward to it.

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This may not be relevant but when i add AI to my group they seem more influenced by the scripts than my commands, they do not always do what i ask them, stay stuck in danger mode, not entering vehicles etc, this from vanilla, no mods

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