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ACE 1.10 (Advanced Combat Enviroment) for OA/CO

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whenever i use ACE, Fadesound and fademusic do not work. Anybody know why this happens?

I think we commender them for the deafness functionality in ACE.

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Is their any way to use fade sound in ACE. I'm trying to make my ST6 campaign compatible, but this creates alot of work for me.

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I always do that with the ALT key, I just want not to do that :s

trackir or freetrack is the solution ;) works the best.

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I want to use the mortar (M253) with the ACE system (range table), so i want to know how i can disable, if it's possible the BIS system for the mortar .

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It's a silly little thing, but the unit editor is considerably more difficult to use when the top of the list of unit types for each faction is Air. The default selection should always be Men, in whatever variation shipped with the game.

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Just a quick question, i wonder ho to change the Apache's Hellfire firing modes?

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Do i need have the hellfire selected? because i did not see such a option.

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you need to use the MFD menu (search on the ace keys)

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so, is there any ticket/link to vote yes for binocular lower position change?

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so, is there any ticket/link to vote yes for binocular lower position change?

just look a bit down and use "alt" to look over, or better use trackir or freetrack.

no need of a lower position.

if you want it, write your own ticket, you know where because you know where to vote !

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Is it possible to enable single bushes/trees on map? I ask because some worlds (everon2010) where made with single trees and map is completely clean without forests... it's very hard to navigate.

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Im having problems to active a satchel, the interaction key works, but not with satchel charges. And Im not the only one with this problem :s

EDIT: problem solved :j:

Edited by SpetS15

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Is it possible to enable single bushes/trees on map? I ask because some worlds (everon2010) where made with single trees and map is completely clean without forests... it's very hard to navigate.


Not sure why someone would make a map not using the forest zones, seems a bit ... stupid.

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I noticed (three times) that if I fire a Javelin from the front of a hill I get killed, is that by design or worthy of a ticket? Being a somewhat soft launch and capable of firing from indoors, I don't think it should be fatal.

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I noticed (three times) that if I fire a Javelin from the front of a hill I get killed, is that by design or worthy of a ticket? Being a somewhat soft launch and capable of firing from indoors, I don't think it should be fatal.

"The Javelin backblast area extends 100 meters to the rear and up to 25 meters to the sides of the launcher and forms a 60° danger area. It is divided into a primary danger zone and two caution areas."

I don't know how that's supposed to square with the 'inside buildings and bunkers capability.'

It does seem rather suspicious if Javelins are doing this and other launchers aren't, but the soft launch features refers to the secondary motor that fires after the missile has left the tube, doesn't it? And this is a weapon system that has been gushed over and hyped as a magic missile like nothing else.

But I suppose that as used in-game, the Javelin is always aimed pretty high in the air, creating functionally less distance between tube and obstruction than a SMAW, for example.

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Here's a little "versus the real world comparison".


Hmm my bunker portion got shrunk.


Edited by HyperU2

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Does an RPG kill you there too? I've heard that you only need 2m of open space behind you to be safe with one of those. You can't tell if it's the javelin or the whole backblast system that is overzealous.

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I'll have to try another launcher, I was only killed by the Jav but it was long range stuff. It only concerned me with the Jav because I know it's expected to be a bit softer on launch than say an AT4.

Edited by HyperU2

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