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Diving Under Water

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QUESTION: is the command addCameraShake local only? If I use it to mimic shivering, would all multiplayer players shake too? The command doesn't seem to be able to be applied to a unit or even a specific camera.

you can hook a required radius or targets for this ;)

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you can hook a required radius or targets for this ;)

Do you know how?

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From memory you have to limit to local unit execution, otherwise everyone skakes ;)

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Gnat;2141284']From memory you have to limit to local unit execution' date=' otherwise everyone skakes ;)[/quote']

What about a deep sea diver doing some welding under water or a extreme deep underwater base with the help of "Snap to surface","Attach_to_trigger" or "Above Ground off" or "Attach to object"?

Concidering the Arma 3 engine supports a Huge underwater envirionment we want to be able to add the whole experience of water:Crocks,Sharks,subs and the ability to hide stuff and retrive it.Minefield

-s and UW listening devices.

Search and Rescue with bouyant pilots of shot down aircrew with lifevest,smoke grenade,kitbag(should be in with the rest of the item to pick in the inventory) gun,Shark repellant,

radio and a Sealteam to get him back to base.Singnal Flares.

Maybe a Carrier that has sunk (if you can`t get a moving one).

Maybe attack missiles in underwater housing that player must destroy before the beach landing?

Maybe Coust Guard missions in a Persistent Battlefield?

Maybe we get to pick unlockable weapons from the inventory if we play online?

I want to climb walls,deep diving, a hidden OP for the High Command and working ejector seats in aircraft.

And the ability to add new thing from the Editor on Spawn it on the Fly.

And I want it to be "Kinect for PC"-enabeld from the beginning.So that we can add new animations to the game on the fly.See Youtube for more info on theis topic.

I just thougt of something:What about bringing the old "P 5 Glove" back? That will make Everything movable ,inside of houses to the opening of doors.That way we can shoot out of car windows !

We may need You to write the API for it....It would be the answer to what a lot of people have been

asking for....!

More later....

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@john1000 "what about.... .....asking for"

and what does this have to do with the thread? -_-

Edited by DeltaForce96

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Feint, will this module enable diving for civies(in game) or only combatants?

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We need to now exactly where we run into trubbel and the only way to do that is to know when it get too complicated

or otherwise to do .This is just a few things that he might want to try when not occupied with this.That Uav is fine work! If he want to he may want to see of he can do some of these things and figure out where the problems are?

And tell Bis where he run into shortcomings in the game and workarounds,maybe?

I just came up with the iadea to put in Move + Kinnect into it to make it posseble to manipulate object,like the tools of a Deep sea Diver with the Arms of Kinnect (that allready works for the PC,even if it says Xbox on it) and the buttons of the Move.

I just need someone to Do it for Us that is used to this particular field-I think Feint fit the profile nicely:D

A whole New World!

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I like enthusiasm and people who get inspired and brainstorm. Thanks for the suggestions and faith in my abilities. There are many more talented modmakers on these forums with a lot more releases under their belt than I.

Of course, there is a thread on here for addon requests where some of these ideas would have a broader audience where people more talented than I might be able to come up with some methods on how to approach some of these requests.

I like the idea of underwater welding and cutting. It is possible to generate emitters and particles underwater like the bubbles and underwater flares. So it is possible to simulate the "appearance" of underwater welding. It would be nice to have some new animations where your hands aren't occupied with treading water.

Try requesting your welding addon in the addon request thread. Maybe someone will jump on it. If it can work on land, maybe it can work underwater.

QUICK UPDATE: I tried to get the dive computer to work as a display instead of a hint. The initial loading screen worked right out of the box. I am thrilled about that since the other screens for the dive computer use the loading screen as a template. So I'm excited about freeing up the hint again once I get this display working the way I want.

@Gnat, thanks man. :) that makes sense.

@Mememe12, anyone you sync the diving module to can hold their breath while going underwater. They can also go to a dive station and get scuba or lar V dive equipment. As long as they can swim, they should be ok. So unfortunately, bunnies can't use this module. :(

---------- Post added at 00:10 ---------- Previous post was at 23:58 ----------

@EagleZero6205, thanks man. You are definitely correct about the science behind the diving. I know some will be frustrated with dying because they dove too deep on the wrong gas. That's why I am creating an "arcade mode" so people will get the warnings, but they won't die. This should also be a good training mode. Maybe I should call it training mode instead.

I plan to make a video explaining how scuba diving works, but it is complicated and took me a while to understand. So if people are willing to learn, I think it will be a good thing to watch before diving (or after dying from going too deep on O2).

---------- Post added at 00:15 ---------- Previous post was at 00:10 ----------

@DarkPhantom, thanks for the kudos but Gnat really opened the door to underwater exploration with his scuba diver and subs. Before him, in Armed Assault there was also a very nice scuba diving addon with underwater satchels and bubbles. :) I'm simply continuing along the path that those guys laid out.

QUESTION: I am building these displays in a mission with an #include statement in the description.ext file which points to the display's .hpp file. So once I want to make this as a standalone addon, I can't just drop the description.ext file into the addon, right? I've tried adding the same #include "display.hpp" in the config.cpp file, which works, but when I'm making the pbo, I get two error messages that there is an error in the config file. Is this an incorrect way of doing things? I've tried just copying the lines from the display.hpp file into the config file but I still get an error when creating the pbo. I just want to make sure I'm doing this correctly.

EDIT: I found my partial answer here:http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Config.cpp#Includes

Binarizing a config.cpp that has an "includes" statement will throw an error. Grrrrrrrr. So I've copy and pasted the content of my display.hpp file into the config and binPBO is still telling me there's an error, just not where. Squint says there are no errors. This is annoying. If I don't binarize the addon, I don't get any errors.

EDIT: I tracked down the error I was getting in the display. This line wasn't working:

access = ReadAndWrite;

[i]// LINE THAT WORKS:[/i]
access = 0; // (which is the same as ReadAndWrite)

I just started commenting out parts of the config until I didn't get an error when binarizing. Then I went back and uncommented different parts until I got the error. This narrowed down the problem rather quickly.

Edited by Feint

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Raptor 6, how your progress with SDV :)?

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bunnies can't use this module

What about Velociraptors?:)

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If they can swim, then they can use the scuba equipment and hunt in packs while underwater.

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@J-Guid- The SDV is in Gnat's PM box at the moment. He is a very busy man, as we all are, with real life. I have been busy with my own ArmA II team of players and got side tracked on the finer details of the cargo sections.

When Gnat takes a look at the SDV, and reports back to me what I need to change, I will get on it as soon as possible.

Thanks for the interest.

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Here is the rest of the answer to the problem:you might use a "replace and insert" a unit that you made bulletproof or

or with things like a display from the drone addon;Everything you want in a "pre-made" state.

If you want him to be Invisable to Ai:Make the uniform clothing to be 75% transparent and inject the uniform when underwater so AI will "see" that uniform while you retain the old one.

You might try to "Block their sight " by placing a container that we see and the ai does not

insert blacked out glasses on Ai face or insert that Pond you had as a problem before

make it opaque so that the ai don`t sees it and define it as a "floor" that AI ignore coming towards them.

Maybe you want to use a modified version of ZSUARTY script - Player as Forward Observer adjusting indirect fires where you can modify the Area that will be the Pond

that is opaque to AI.

---------- Post added 05-04-2012 at 12:37 AM ---------- Previous post was 05-03-2012 at 11:01 PM ----------

Maybe you can use the "Ai_chain" from Farming simulator to attach the mines and the script Maybe you can use the "Ai_chain" from Farming simulator to attach the mines and the script that makes it possable

for things to attach to other parts of a machine called " Attachable PTO".Get out of the tractor, walk to the hitch then press Q. things visible / invisible (5,6,7, numpad 4.9) might be a good thing to add to an add on so that we can add

things like Speargun ,eqippment and so on.

What about making it " upgradeable" by adding the same Xml files and .XD5 ,trigger locations onto items/characters

light bars/light spots,to be able to take anything ingame and turn it into Ai-operated machinery.

A new thing;add Attach_to_...... Particle_System for wheels.

Light_system;To be able to put Light Bar onto Police car/any car-use _deffiuze lighting system for underwater lights.

ES Limiter for hatches that pop open.

What about using Farm Simulator`s "Work Light" to be able to see in pitch dark?

Add in Support for i3d files and XD5 files that are in that simulator and you can add all sorts of extras in this game too.If you use .i3d files you will be able to make Way Better rendering of grass ,trees and using -x you will actually

be able to have a UAV/UBL digging a hole in the Seafloor or a foxhole any day now!

What about a hitch for towing with a real cable -Viritual Chain attachable to a car-any car?

With -X call and - Alternative Tipping

- Alternative Tipping (J & B modding Edit)

- TipAnywhere

- HeapTipTrigger

In the folder “trigger scripts†contains modified scripts, so Ropa € mouse fills up more slowly than the standard bucket.--You will be making holes,tip the rubble in a nice heap and have a scale set to -x-y-z .

Using i3d files you can also add in Beacon Light ,witch is what is new in VBS 2.

---------- Post added at 12:53 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:37 AM ----------

other This might help you with what can

be done with light and particle effect system in Arma 3!

Use .dds ,.DX 5 files support or make a Poll about it.

NICE Work!

---------- Post added at 12:54 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:53 AM ----------


---------- Post added at 01:19 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:54 AM ----------

You know,i don`t know if you can use this ,but with BGA-Control from Farming Simulator 2011 you can see the air tank fill up for real.If it works somehow.The Grass textures are Very Real,maybe for use makeing a non-frame-rate impact rendering of vegetation on the seafloor?

A unit-switcher may come in handy to make currents or makeing a boat have a more real-to-life speed.

If you want to make a rotating beacon light,I would use the same as http://www.gamemoding.com/category/farming-simulator-2011/other/page/7

Well,Page 7 for short.

If you want some lights thay you might be able to convert/use ,there are some on P 11.

---------- Post added at 01:32 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:19 AM ----------

If you just add Nodes to a project then you can use becon lights oe whatever

---------- Post added at 02:07 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:32 AM ----------

AutoAttach script is usable for the Pond:Push a button,dropdownlist and pick whatever.Maybe you can add Nodes to

the diver and add in real pockets?

Edited by John1000

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John1000, not sure about what you're typing here :confused::391::annoy::icon_question::Oo::smiley-blunder::yikes::scratchchin:

Can you at least write in a normal way, making less confusion between one period and another?

Because it seems that: you think your talking in another post; you think you can add things from other games; you think this post is somehow a kind of place where to express our wishes about ArmA III and/or this is a mod that is going to improve ArmA III; you think you found an answer to a never asked unknown question;

Not flaming in anyway. Am I the only one who thinks so?

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As you all know, usually you can't throw grenades while swimming. I've decided that sucks. Building on the concept originally thought up by Dslyecxi (though never released) for throwing grenades out of a moving helicopter, I've created this script to throw grenades from your inventory while swimming. The player initially holds the grenade while it cooks off. Click the action again and you ca throw the grenade in the direction that you are looking.


A question on the grenades... I'm almost done with my nautical mines and go to thinking about depth charges :) I was looking at the "anti-scuba" grenade launchers and there's some potential for a new weapon/ammo type there :)

So far it looks as if they stay on the surface. Are there any "underwater" grenades in development? The reason I ask is that I was thinking about a way to make this happen - if you take the grenade and createVehicle and the setPos it with a modelToWorld negative -Z value it seems that you could make them spawn under the water? I haven't tested this yet; I don't want to reinvent the wheel if you have already made this happen.

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While he's travelling, some of Raptor 6's 3D model work.


Me just beefing up the model so it suits ArmA and adding my "sub" stuff.

(ignore the feet stickin out, and soldiers holding their breath for a REALLY long time ;) )

Please don't flood this thread with comments/questions about the SDV.

This is Feints thread.

Raptor 6 may start his own later.

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Gnat, you guys are doing great work. Really looking forward to the end results. :) I've noticed a problem with using animations underwater that aren't "swimming" animations, i.e. sitting. Did you run into that problem with your subs in the past? I'm hoping this isn't a hard-coded problem.


A question on the grenades... I'm almost done with my nautical mines and go to thinking about depth charges :) I was looking at the "anti-scuba" grenade launchers and there's some potential for a new weapon/ammo type there :)

So far it looks as if they stay on the surface. Are there any "underwater" grenades in development? The reason I ask is that I was thinking about a way to make this happen - if you take the grenade and createVehicle and the setPos it with a modelToWorld negative -Z value it seems that you could make them spawn under the water? I haven't tested this yet; I don't want to reinvent the wheel if you have already made this happen.

Some things will fall down in the water column such as the disk that is shot up into the air when doing target practice. If a new grenade object could be made that inherits the characteristics of that object, then it could pass below the surface of the water easily without any tricks. The only problem is that that disk object tends to fall to the sea floor rather quickly. But if you run a "while" script, it could check the position of the grenade using getPosASL select 2 and apply setVelocity [0,0,-0.1] or something really low that would slow down the falling. It will speed back up as the setVelocity is only temporary and "game gravity" eventually takes over and speeds up the falling again. But if you applied setVelocity every 0.5 seconds or 0.25 seconds, the falling could be slowed down once the grenade fell below 0 meters sea level. Does that make sense?

I have no plans to work on this because my plate is full with developing other things at the moment, but feel free to take on this as a project on your own if you wish to. I'm honestly not sure why the skeet disk falls below the surface of the water while other objects sit on the surface. I know it has collision because the skeet disk will bounce all over the place on the ground like a superball.

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If you make it with the same properties as a Smoke grenade and make it fall (sink) with the 0.026ms (or a Rotating Beacon light in "Farming Simulator " going around rotating),in the -Z ,it will fall to the surface and start to sink with no bouncing and get_Pos_update at_0.026 Ms it will probably have a decent desend rate mimmicing the real thing.

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Thanks for the info Feint! Makes perfect sense... skeet disk... I'll look into it. No promises however :) If that works it could also be used for depth charges. Those subs won't stand a chance :D

Edit - the skeet disks are inherited from "class Thing" which I will guess is categorically affected by gravity differently than the parent class for grenades.

ETA - WORKS! Did some scripting with createVehicleLocal and presto underwater grenades. Need to tweak it some as normal gravity is a bit fast for it.

Normal 40mm grenade strength (damage = 12) unless that should change?

Edited by hcpookie

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What if you try to add the same delay to the grenades as the real thing :3 seconds by using that Channel Adjustment

knob from ACRE mod:Twist to add the chosen delay on the Nades (channel on the radio).

Mabe it can be used as a Template to add a digital input pad to the mines as well?

Maybe we can lay mines by push button form a ship too?

You may want to change the grenade strength to something that barely make a hole in the hull:The explosion is barely niticeble underwater,it`s more felt than seen.Throwing grenades in the water was a tactic used at harbors by the Irakis during the 1 Gulf war to detour Seal divers.

Like a simplified `poor man`s depth charge`kind of thing.It pretty much sinks at the same speed all the the sinking

phase,just make sure you set the "update" of the sinking to a high value (it updates the - value often) to make sure it sinks at a high rate of M/sec.It actually sinks at about 2 meters/Sec.Or use the same value as a parachute drops you to the ground :cool:

---------- Post added at 02:47 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:25 AM ----------

What I want is....a way to attach_to a Sathcel Charge to a boat and make it turn invisable to make them use the boat

and at a given moment turn the battle in my favor.

Or use a tall tube as a Grenade Luncher with a floating divice hung at the surface remote controlled as a support weapon for Seals.

It would be cool if we can bobytrap the Sub (or the enemy helicopter) by using a invisable box attached to the heli or something and blow it up when it returned to base-as a Side mission and simply use it unexpectedly in a Persistent Battlefield MP mission.

You lay the mine in one mission and use it if you need to rescue the informant.Steal their helicopter,their uniform,fly to their base,get out,mine their other helicopters,and if you seem to loose the war--just blow them up and make it that much more easy on you`re self;):rolleyes:

I want a mine with some sort of Scratch Pad or timer so that I can be safe that no one but me can use the Sub

while I`m away.Or as a way of protecting my assets :j:

What about this:Make a Box that can be burried in the sand by making a Cargo net with the same texture set as the sand or rocks and pull out a Big Molle back pack looking like the one in French Para add on, towed behind the

divers ? what if we can use the wrecks as a base if we can Spawn a "small room" with an air lock inside of it?

If you used the Attach_to_trigger in Objects and Snap_to_Surface,Lock_ Position and Above_ground_off, you can use it to create caves or remodel the shipwrecks to be used as a base-these assets has to be protected by some sort of "Attch_to_surface_mine_protection system".

-make underwater houses and missiles in tubes.

What about UAV/UBL with the ability to eject gear that are trapped by mines ahead of time for diver`s beach landing?Then you may want a timed mine on the gear left behind there to make sure no one can get to it.

Built in mines in compartments for Ammo Boxes,Cars or even put invisable mines onto a stack of rifles to prevent

unuthorized use by the opponent?

Edited by John1000

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What I want is....a way to attach_to a Sathcel Charge to a boat and make it turn invisable to make them use the boat

and at a given moment turn the battle in my favor.

Or use a tall tube as a Grenade Luncher with a floating divice hung at the surface remote controlled as a support weapon for Seals.

It would be cool if we can bobytrap the Sub (or the enemy helicopter) by using a invisable box attached to the heli or something and blow it up when it returned to base-as a Side mission and simply use it unexpectedly in a Persistent Battlefield MP mission.

You lay the mine in one mission and use it if you need to rescue the informant.

He already achieved to make the player able to attach a limpet mine to the boats. I'm sure this can be done with satchel charges.

Anyway, wouldn't be realistic to turn it invisible! What the heck?

Instead, if you're a smart guy, you attach the limpet to the bottom of the boat which probably enemy will never check (Unless the mod turns out to be MP compatible and you'll be fighting against Human Players...)

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I don't want to start feature creep on this, but I dimly recall promising info on UW explosions. I feeling lazy, so here's a couple of quick links on the subject. I may try some brainstorming on how to implement some of this stuff in the game later.



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Let's try to stay on topic here, folks. If you have a new feature request, please post it in the addon request thread.

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