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Add interpolation for player rotation and movement in multiplayer

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A feature that would make ArmA II Multiplayer look loads more aesthetically appealing is adding interpolation to players in multiplayer. Right now, players in multiplayer snap harshly when rotating if viewed from another player, which looks really bad.


If the player's rotation angle or even movement(might cause gameplay issues) was smoothed out, multiplayer would be a lot more aesthetically appealing.

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They are different issues, this is a cosmetic one. Whenever you see a player turn around, it seems like the server only gives you their angle that they're looking at, which results in the player you're looking at teleporting to each angle they're looking at. It looks very glitchy and laggy. I'm asking that maybe BI could add a clientside effect, where it makes a transition between an angle they're looking at before, and the new angle they're looking at, so people wouldn't snap harshly.

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  Cookieeater said:
They are different issues, this is a cosmetic one. Whenever you see a player turn around, it seems like the server only gives you their angle that they're looking at, which results in the player you're looking at teleporting to each angle they're looking at. It looks very glitchy and laggy. I'm asking that maybe BI could add a clientside effect, where it makes a transition between an angle they're looking at before, and the new angle they're looking at, so people wouldn't snap harshly.

I'd guess the problem there is that real-time interpolation by necessity means an amount of predicted movement. As units are usually turning this way & that, snapping still etc there would most likely be another new problem of spinning player units as their rotational positions are constantly subject to prediction.

The alternative is interpolation based on last TWO known directions, which introduces systemic lag.

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  Cookieeater said:
A feature that would make ArmA II Multiplayer look loads more aesthetically appealing is adding interpolation to players in multiplayer. Right now, players in multiplayer snap harshly when rotating if viewed from another player, which looks really bad.


If the player's rotation angle or even movement(might cause gameplay issues) was smoothed out, multiplayer would be a lot more aesthetically appealing.

nope thats NEVER happen.

is annoyingly frequently exploited by cheaters ingame/online on Q-based engines[aka "iDTech"-based].

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