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I think it could be time for a Ghost Recon-style coop tournament

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Back in the day when I was creating missions for Ghost Recon I produced and ran 3 tournaments aimed at testing the skills of the coop players.

Each tournament would contain between 5 and about 10 missions. All missions would contain multiple objectives with points attached to each objective.

The missions would have no respawns - you die and your toast. You couldn't even spectate so you could not assist the remaining players with what was going on in the mission.

You could only keep your points if you successfully extracted - so in effect you had a serious risk versus reward situation. Do you go for the extra points but risk dying and failing to secure any points? Or do you take the points you have and extract hoping that it would be enough to be the best Ghost Team on the block?

Now I don't know if this has been done before in Arma2 or earlier versions of this glorious game but you'd better prepare yourselves for some seriously intense and enjoyable coop.

Welcome to my world! ;)

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I haven't gotten too involved in the multiplayer aspect of ArmA but I really do like that idea. I would be interested in participating in something like that.

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this will take some time to prepare, however, i think i will prepare a trial run of no more then say 3 missions to see what the uptake is like, work out the logistics of hosting this type of event, figure out how to reduce the instances of cheating or sharing missions, etc.

depending on how the 3 missions turn out - could pave the way for another bigger tournament with more coop teams involved, more missions, more intenstiy and more fun.

i would also hope that someone perhaps even Bohemia might jump in and offer a few prizes to the best squads.

---------- Post added at 12:08 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:06 AM ----------

i wonder if Bohemia would throw in prizes to a Ghost Recon style tournament lol - i can feel a name change coming already.

Arma Recon? Armed Recon? hmmmmmmmmmm ill sleep on that one.

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I would love to play this....Problem is I don't get time as such.

I cant commit to it basically :(.

What would be cool though is a spectator mode that way I don't have to commit to it (I have kids they are little buggers heheheh).

But then I suppose ya will get the few rare twats that would cheat and speak to there mates over coms and give away all the positions and movements to the enemy team.

I hope people at least record the whole battle that would be good.

Or as mentioned in another thread a replay mode so we can watch it after from any angle.

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I am reviving this thread bcoz it is still something I want to do and think would be well-received by the coop community.

There are some issues with doing this - mainly the fact that once you provide the mission to one team then they have the file and can pass it around. How to get round this - thoughts?

two ways to mitigate chances of cheating, not perfect but fairly effective) -

1) add in the observer who can follow the action and provide feedback on player performance (do they look like they're cheating? like they knew where enemy and objectives were?)

2) provide only a small window in which all teams must do the mission - say 24 - 48 hours - so even if teams get the mission they don't have a lot of time to prepare themselves to cheat their way through.

There are some natural mitigations that take place anyway -

1) Friends won't give there other friends in different coop team the missions becoz they want to win themselves.

2) Even if you know where all enemy are on a mission - they can still kick your ass - I know this through mission testing. :/ :)

If this gets traction, I would like other mission makers to provide their own missions as well as missions I can make - there is a format to it which I would provide to the mission makers.

Edited by Lightspeed_aust

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The scoring triggers have been sorted for me and fire perfectly - very easy now to monitor scores.

Also, am getting some assistance with keeping the mission file secure so that teams can't see how the mission runs prior to insertion.

I will not set about planning the mission campaign and preparing some professional briefings.

I believe I may have access to a server for hosting purposes.

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Maybe you should post this thread or get it moved over to the MP section, probably get more views too.

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this will take some time to prepare, however, i think i will prepare a trial run of no more then say 3 missions to see what the uptake is like, work out the logistics of hosting this type of event, figure out how to reduce the instances of cheating or sharing missions, etc.

Why worry about people unPBO (sharing) missions? Make the objective(s)/initial team spawn location (dynamic), ie spawn in diffrent location each time and/or be a diffrent objective each time the map is loaded.This way they wont know what to expect, especially if the mission pool the game chooses from randomly, is large.Im sure your quite the scripter, if not, I have a template for creating said dynamic objective(s).

Also making the AI dynamic will help, by using condition of prescense and/or probability of prescense/and set the skill for each ai randomly.When the mission starts you wont know if certain Ai exist or how many of them their are or what their skill is.Or just use DAC.(dynamic Ai creator)

this way, you'll only have to make 1 map anyhow =D.Also it wont be spoiled so much for you if you decide to participate in your own maps/tournaments(s), since you wont know what objective/what location/how much AI/where the ai are at etc, when the map is started.

ps:Trying to seal your mision so people can't edit/view it is pretty hard, people always find a way around it.So it pretty much be a waste of time to implement this IMO.

Edited by Iceman77

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@ Iceman77

I suspect this is more about you promoting your dynamic mission script then about the tournament but let me try to explain to you in simple terms why I don't think that will work:

Alpha Team inserts into the dynamic mission and get Objective B as their mission with 20 AI spawned on the map - they score 100 points.

Bravo Team spawns into the dynamic mission and gets Objective A as their mission with 35 AI, get their asses handed to them, and score only 20 points.

Alpha Team says "Yay - we won!" Everyone looks puzzled. Tournament is deemed to be a failure.

The mission MUST be the same for every team to be give equal chance and equal challenge to all. Random patrols would be acceptable but AI numbers must be the same overall.

I have posted a thread in Editing forums and have been advised that it should be possible to keep the mission secure until a team plays it by keeping a file required on the server where it is to be played and enabling mission on client side to be enabled. Don't ask me to explain the details - I am not a propellor head. :)

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@ Iceman77

I suspect this is more about you promoting your dynamic mission script then about the tournament but let me try to explain to you in simple terms why I don't think that will work:

Alpha Team inserts into the dynamic mission and get Objective B as their mission with 20 AI spawned on the map - they score 100 points.

Bravo Team spawns into the dynamic mission and gets Objective A as their mission with 35 AI, get their asses handed to them, and score only 20 points.

Alpha Team says "Yay - we won!" Everyone looks puzzled. Tournament is deemed to be a failure.

The mission MUST be the same for every team to be give equal chance and equal challenge to all. Random patrols would be acceptable but AI numbers must be the same overall.

I have posted a thread in Editing forums and have been advised that it should be possible to keep the mission secure until a team plays it by keeping a file required on the server where it is to be played and enabling mission on client side to be enabled. Don't ask me to explain the details - I am not a propellor head. :)

whoa whoa :cool: im not trying to promote any scripts lol.And my idea could work.Have both teams run the mission on the same map at the same time.At opposite ends of the map from each other.The objective created would be identical for each team,so its fair. also it could still be randomized.have 1 variable chosen randomly out of an array, like out of 7 variables (eachone representing a diffrent mision style) then use the switch do case command(s) to reference the 'chosen' variable and run two scripts (one for each side) that contain (spawn in) identical objectives/area/AI etc.

That way its easier to see who finished first and amount of deaths can be viewed at all times by both sides while playing.Also, you could use the same map template for all of your matches, most likely each time you run the map a new objective will be spawned in. :rolleyes:


campArray = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7];

if (isServer) then


camp = campArray select (floor(random(count campArray)));
publicVariable "camp";


activate the spawn_camp.sqf someway like a trigger.


switch (camp) do

        case 1:

            [] execVM "scripts\objectives\AAcampW1.sqf";
            [] execVM "scripts\objectives\AAcampE1.sqf";
            [] execVM "scripts\objectives\tasks\briefingW1.sqf";
            [] execVM "scripts\objectives\tasks\briefingE1.sqf";


        case 2:

            [] execVM "scripts\objectives\ArticampW2.sqf";
            [] execVM "scripts\objectives\ArticampE2.sqf";
            [] execVM "scripts\objectives\tasks\briefingW2.sqf";
            [] execVM "scripts\objectives\tasks\briefingE2.sqf";


        case 3:


            [] execVM "scripts\objectives\RadarcampW3.sqf";
            [] execVM "scripts\objectives\RadarcampE3.sqf";
            [] execVM "scripts\objectives\tasks\briefingW3.sqf";
            [] execVM "scripts\objectives\tasks\briefingE3.sqf";

        case 4:

            [] execVM "scripts\objectives\UAVcampW4.sqf";
            [] execVM "scripts\objectives\UAVcampE4.sqf";
            [] execVM "scripts\objectives\tasks\briefingW4.sqf";
            [] execVM "scripts\objectives\tasks\briefingE4.sqf";


        case 5:

            [] execVM "scripts\objectives\PrototypecampW5.sqf";
            [] execVM "scripts\objectives\PrototypecampE5.sqf";
            [] execVM "scripts\objectives\tasks\briefingW5.sqf";
            [] execVM "scripts\objectives\tasks\briefingE5.sqf";

        case 6:

            [] execVM "scripts\objectives\AmmocampW6.sqf";
            [] execVM "scripts\objectives\AmmocampE6.sqf";
            [] execVM "scripts\objectives\tasks\briefingW6.sqf";
            [] execVM "scripts\objectives\tasks\briefingE6.sqf";


        case 7:

            [] execVM "scripts\objectives\ScudcampW7.sqf";
            [] execVM "scripts\objectives\ScudcampE7.sqf";
            [] execVM "scripts\objectives\tasks\briefingW7.sqf";
            [] execVM "scripts\objectives\tasks\briefingE7.sqf";


example from radarcampE3.sqf

if (isServer) then 


rad1 = "76n6ClamShell" createVehicle [4739.353,10470.454];rad1 setdir 78.952805;rad1 setpos [4739.353,10470.454];

_uaz1 = "UAZ_RU" createVehicle [4746.1401,10465.705];_uaz1 setdir -72.14666;_uaz1 setpos [4746.1401,10465.705];
_tent1 = "Land_A_tent" createVehicle [4741.0151,10477.918];_tent1 setdir 200.63139;_tent1 setpos [4741.0151,10477.918];
_tent2 = "Land_A_tent" createVehicle [4744.1943,10475.456];_tent2 setdir 235.40636;_tent2 setpos [4744.1943,10475.456];
_ammo1 = "RUBasicAmmunitionBox" createVehicle [4744.8154,10479.093];_ammo1 setdir 33.146255;_ammo1 setpos [4744.8154,10479.093];

rad1M = createMarker ["rad1m", position rad1];
"rad1m" setMarkerType "destroy";
"rad1m" setMarkerColor "Colorred";
"rad1m" setMarkerSize [.5,.5];
"rad1m" setMarkerDir 0;

radG = Creategroup EAST;
_Co1 = "RUS_Commander" createUnit [getPos rad1, radG, "", 1, "Sergeant "];
_FTL1 =  "RUS_Soldier_TL" createUnit [getPos rad1, radG, "",1, "Corporal"];
_scout1 = "RUS_Soldier3" createUnit [getPos rad1, radG, "",1, "Corporal"];
_operatorSD1 = "RUS_Soldier2" createUnit [getPos rad1, radG, "",1, "Corporal"];
_operator1 = "RUS_Soldier1" createUnit [getPos rad1, radG, "",1, "Corporal"];
_Marksman1 = "RUS_Soldier_Marksman" createUnit [getPos rad1, radG, "",1, "Corporal"];
_Assaultman1 = "RUS_Soldier_GL" createUnit [getPos rad1, radG, "",1, "Corporal"];
_Saboteurz = "RUS_Soldier_Sab" createUnit [getPos rad1, radG, "",1, "Corporal"];

{_x addEventHandler ["killed",{_this execVM "scripts\bodyDelete.sqf"}]} foreach units radg;

radG setFormation "line";

publicvariable "rad1";

sleep 10;

[radG, getPos rad1] call BIS_fnc_taskDefend;



if (isServer) then 


rad2 = "76n6ClamShell" createVehicle [whateverPos];rad2 setdir 78.952805;rad2 setpos [whateverPos];

_hmmwv1 = "HMMWV" createVehicle [whateverPos];_hmmwv1 setdir -72.14666;_hmmwv1 setpos [whateverPos];
_tent3 = "Land_A_tent" createVehicle [whateverPos];_tent3 setdir 200.63139;_tent3 setpos [whateverPos];
_tent4 = "Land_A_tent" createVehicle [whateverPos];_tent4 setdir 235.40636;_tent4setpos [whateverPos];
_ammo2 = "USBasicAmmunitionBox" createVehicle [whateverPos];_ammo2setdir 33.146255;_ammo1 setpos [whateverPos];

rad2M = createMarker ["rad2m", position rad2];
"rad2m" setMarkerType "destroy";
"rad2m" setMarkerColor "Colorred";
"rad2m" setMarkerSize [.5,.5];
"rad2m" setMarkerDir 0;

radGE = Creategroup WEST;
_Co1 = "USMC_Soldier" createUnit [getPos rad2, radGE, "", 1, "Sergeant "];
_FTL1 =  "USMC_Soldier" createUnit [getPos rad2, radGE, "",1, "Corporal"];
_scout1 = "USMC_Soldier" createUnit [getPos rad2, radGE, "",1, "Corporal"];
_operatorSD1 = "USMC_Soldier" createUnit [getPos rad2, radGE, "",1, "Corporal"];
_operator1 = "USMC_Soldier" createUnit [getPos rad2, radGE, "",1, "Corporal"];
_Marksman1 = "USMC_Soldier" createUnit [getPos rad2, radGE, "",1, "Corporal"];
_Assaultman1 = "USMC_Soldier" createUnit [getPos rad2, radGE, "",1, "Corporal"];
_Saboteurz = "USMC_Soldier" createUnit [getPos rad2, radGE, "",1, "Corporal"];

{_x addEventHandler ["killed",{_this execVM "scripts\bodyDelete.sqf"}]} foreach units radgE;

radGE setFormation "line";

publicvariable "rad2";

sleep 10;

[radGE, getPos rad2] call BIS_fnc_taskDefend;


You can refrence the radartower(s), the radartower marker(s), and the group(s) guarding it outside of the script to update objectives etc.

This is what ive used to create dynamic objectives in MP missions.

Ofcourse youll have to make sure the correct briefings run for the corresponding side.And also sort out the ending(s).

PS: im not promoting scripts, infact im a terrible scripter, but it works and does what I want, wich is create a dynamic objective(s)/Briefings.I didn't want to give an explanation without some visuals.

Edited by Iceman77

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ok my plan is to have missions with several objectives - some easier some more difficult - I don't think it's really appropriate or realistic to have another team playing the same mission on the other end of the map.

interesting concept but not really what im looking for.

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To each their own, thought id give u my 2c.If it was your cup of tea you coul still have both sides have multiple (identical) objectives.. haha its not realistic to have diffrent militarys run operations in the same country at the same time??? errr...

regards, david

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I would be happy to try it out, I think the main thing I always wanted was mission maker input to showcase their mission making skills. This is your creation and is valid and worth trialling at least to see how coop players feel about the format.

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I think it would be neat.Also, one option to spice things up would be to have the map end for both sides when one side completes their said objective(s).The team who finishes first wins.There would put a certain amount of pressure on each team, and add a new dynamic to getting the mission completed.Sort of like a random timer, because you don't know when the other team will finish.

Anyhow, goodluck with your ghost recon map light :)

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Competition ain't what it use to be. Identical scenarios is a training method and sf skill sets are required to win.

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currently preparing a sample mission (on Isla Duala) for the coop tournament and a friend of mine is working on the first tournament mission (on Thirsk Winter). this is sure to get the mouth watering and stir the interest of the coop community.

Full Dedicated Briefings will follow at which point we will commence organisation of teams and schedules. Still a fair way to go in preparation but things are moving in the right direction.

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still progressing on the mission sample - trying to get it as professional as possible including developing a Briefings Page which teams can study prior to insertion. i think i will create a new thread for the mission brief.

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here is a sample of the Mission Briefing which coop teams will have access to prior to insertion - it is up to teams to determine how they will use the information.


still progressing on the mission sample - trying to get it as professional as possible including developing a Briefings Page which teams can study prior to insertion. i think i will create a new thread for the mission brief.

---------- Post added at 10:29 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:21 AM ----------

Mission Briefing WIP - (trying to get the format right here - feel free to comment on possible changes/improvements)


Location: Afrene, Isla Duala, Africa.

Time: 06:00

Date: 10 January 2012

Weather Conditions: Clear

Mission CodeName: Crocodile Feather

Conflict Background:Welcome to Africa gentlemen - certainly makes a change from the European winter of Podagorsk. You better get used to the heat, sweat and dust quickly too because we're going to be here for a while. As you know, the Molation army declared war on Afrene amost 12 months ago and after fierce fighting along the borders the Molatian forces have gradually established a foothold in the small nation to the south. The United Nations strongly condemned the actions of Molatia and deployed a peacekeeping force to the region in an attempt to minimise the violence and protect the locals. This included setting up a refugee camp in the heart of Afrene as a safe haven for displaced civilians. Three days ago, Molation General Adongo Azubuike marched on the camp and slaughtered several hundred civilians including women and children. Twelve UN Peacekeepers were also killed trying to protect the camp. Yesterday, General Adongo spoke to his forces and demanded that they follow his lead and cleanse Afrene of all natives. It's going to be a blood bath if we don't act now and that is why you have been called here today.

Mission Overview:Currently, the West has no presence in Afrene and Molatian forces have secured the main city of Kinsella, most surrounding towns and all air and sea ports in the region. They also have a formidable air defence comprised predominantly of Russian Mig's. This does not leave us many options for establishing a base of operations in Afrene. Your primary objective is to secure Aeroporto Tasmera located in the sth-east of Afrene and prepare the way for the rest of the troops. To achieve this you will insert by zodiac at dawn along the lightly patrolled coastline, carry out recon, and ultimately, secure the airport.

Mission Objectives:


1. Secure Airport


1. Disable Outpost Communications

2. Destroy Anti-Aircraft Unit

Here is a map of the AO detailing your insertion and objectives for the mission.


There are several small buildings, two aircraft hangars and a control tower located at the airfield. Make sure you clear all of these areas of opfor. We have also spotted an enemy chopper parked on the base which could become a serious threat to your mission if it gets airborne - you are clear to destroy this vehicle and any others deemed to be a threat to your primary objective.


Situated south of the airport is a small Molatian military outpost which is home to about a dozen opfor units. Inside the base is a communications tower which will be used to call in reinforcements if things go hot at the airport. You are advised to disable the comms tower and eliminate any enemy units before assaulting the airport.


Aerial surveillance has also detected a Shilka Anti-Aircraft unit sth-east of the airport. You will need to destroy this unit which will enable us to send in our troops by air once you have secured the airport. It is lightly protected by several 3-4 man squads which are patrolling the sth-eastern district.


General Information:

9-man Spec Ops team codename Zulu-1 will insert.

Pre-assigned weapons plus ammobox with limited additional weapons available.

Vanilla Arma2 (at this stage)

Revives (medic only - 8 revives??) + Team Leader (2 Revives???) - this is likely to be reduced to max 4 or 5 revives.

The AO consists of a number of waterways interspersed between a number of small hills. The hills should enable your team to carry out effective recon of the AO. The waterways should enable the team to infiltrate effectively while maintaining stealth.


Enemy Strength:


Infantry - multiple 3-4 man patrols (max 12 units).

SA.34MT Gazelle Helicopter (grounded) - possible air threat.

Outpost: (sth of airport)

Infantry (max 12 units including fixed guns).

Possible vehicle with mounted gun.

Known Target: Shilka (sth-east of airport)


Confirmed: Several 3-4 man Infantry Patrols - east/sth-east of airport (max 12 units).

Possible: Reinforcements from towns Ursana and Kirabo.

Priority Arms Requirements:

MAAWS (2 rounds)

Democharges (1 round)

Special Mission Requirements:


Emergency Evac Details:

Mission Compromised: Extraction by zodiac to the east.

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I still want to see this day happen.

Coop Competitions are great - I will not concede defeat yet. :)

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