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Help with BIS Silvie and Vehicles

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I am trying to stop Vehicles spawing in a couple of places i.e Airport and a couple of other places i have some military bases.

I know you can use blacklist with objects , is a marker an object ? i.e can I place a marker round a few places and then use the following ?

BIS_silvie_mainscope setvariable ["blackList",["marker_nozone1","marker_nozone2"]];

Cheers guys

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Thanks guys the Airport is not classed as a TOWN or city so I cannot put it in the blacklist hence my question about using markers, so I presume this cannot be done using a marker then :(

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I think i posted somewhere this allready. You need array of house classes something like:

init=YOURMODULENAME OR THIS setvariable ["blackList",[

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I used this in Takistans east air base... still there was car here and there... cars are spawned aroud houses. If house class is blacklisted than car spawn is ignored around it.

Type in sivile module init to see spawn positions for cars

this setvariable ["DEBUG", True, True]

Edited by mchide

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I haven't tried this yet... but just wonderin', instead of using the blacklist, maybe you can use Wolffy's script to make the airport a custom 'town';


and then go the whitelist route by just not including your new airport-town in the town list;

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In the sample mission on the SILVIE link I posted above, they use triggers to define the spawn area, without having to create white or black lists. Just another method anyway.

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Ahhh i see I wounder if that would work with a few trigger areas ? Ill have atest tomorrow :) thanks Azcoder did not sede that first time round !

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I think I need some help too. Can anyone confirm that the SILVIE blacklist is not working on the dedicated server?

Here's what I've tested:

1. Place SILVIE module

2. Create a mission having no civilian cars placed at all

3. Editor: SILVIE spawns all cars which are NOT on the blacklist

4. Dedicated Server: SILVIE spawns all cars, even those on the blacklist thus having lots of civilian cars that don't fit into certain environments

And here's the code called via init.sqf:

BIS_silvie_mainscope setvariable ["vehicleRarity",["LadaLM",10,"S1203_ambulance_EP1",10,"GLT_CHERNARUS_S1203_Hearse",10,"GLT_Chernarus_S1203_ambulance",10,"GLT_Chernarus_S1203_post",10,"GLT_Chernarus_S1203_police",10,"GLT_Chernarus_S1203_firetruck",10,"GLT_Chernarus_V3S_Firetruck1",10,"GLT_Chernarus_V3S_Firetruck2",10,"GLT_Chernarus_V3S_Firetruck3",10,"GLT_Chernarus_Ural_Firetruck",10,"GLT_Chernarus_Ural_Firetruck2",10,"GLT_Chernarus_Ural_Firetruck3",10,"GLT_Chernarus_UAZ_Firetruck",10,"GLT_Sahrani_S1203_ambulance",10,"GLT_Landrover_Police_CIV",10,"GLT_Lada_driving_school",10]];

I double-checked the stored carlist with

test = BIS_silvie_mainscope getVariable "carlist"

The array "test" showed only allowed cars in the editor during the blacklist tests.

Can anyone confirm this? Is SILVIE blacklisting really not MP compatible?

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