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Team managing in single player.

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I have some squad.

1. me

2. machine gunner

3. medic

4. RPG

When i go to the map->units, and try to check equipment of "3. medic" i am confused, because i see some:

"priv. John Rambo"

"corp. me"

"priv. Robert Red"

I really don't know my medic's mame. And because this is the game im not interested in this. I know his NUMBER i expected to find him on third place on list.


Please, sort units by numbers on main screen. Not by names. This is usless.



I am in some unit's gear panel. Now i try to check next unit's gear. I have to return to map->units menu, and find this unit.


Arrows in gear panel in OFP style which acts like "Next/Previous" unit.

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When i realise this i said like: OMFG!?!?

Reasons why BIS remove OFP style from team managing is:

1. Godemasters sue BIS and get back their rights for this stuf, so BIS can,t use anymore this idea of team managing.

2. OR guy in BIS who develop this become gey (old, coz he anderstand that when pass 40) and all BIS team descredit or/and fired him, so if you use this OFP stily you gay too.

3. OR BIS want incrase realistic by that way: You have to be familiarize with your squad personal, they are not gun-meet.

P.S. I search topics of ARMA 2 but can,t find solving of this problem. Can some one put link to addon that solve this, pls :)

P.S. P.S. Sireous part of post is 3, else - not :).

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I have some squad.

1. me

2. machine gunner

3. medic

4. RPG

When i go to the map->units, and try to check equipment of "3. medic" i am confused, because i see some:

"priv. John Rambo"

"corp. me"

"priv. Robert Red"

Look closely and you will see "1-1-3" which ( I think) means

First Squad

First team

Third man


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when i press space bar i get their numbers above them. if thats what you are looking for

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I believe he's talking about the units panel when you access the map. The units are not listed in numerical order. I believe that they are listed after ranks, might be wong though because I've never checked it.


Edited by nettrucker

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Nettrucker you are right. I don't complain that this is ugly or something.

I complain that handle AI's equipment take very long time because of problem with orientation who is who on this puzzle-sorted style.

Eg. I know medic has number 3, but is he John or Roger or Hans? Have no idea.

Lets think what we do most often in AI equipment:

- checking what particular AI has [here number-sorting is good],

- checkig what all AI have (ore which one from all AI have some thing) [here scrolling is good]

Additionally i remember that in OFP i could click on some part (clips, grenades) with SHIFT and fulfil with them all spaces in panel.

I am not and expert but i think that this kind of handle of equipment can't be part of intelectual property of Godmasters. What with other games?!

Edited by kromka

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Connected with this issue, is the list of mountable vehicles when I try to order a unit to mount. I get a list of vehicles that is confusing, often because the same vehicle type is listed without too much indication of which is which other than clock direction (is it my clock or his?) and often some vehicles that are very, very far away and confuse the process more.

Mountable vehicle lists ought to have some information to make them more identifiable yes? Is it the case that mountable vehicles are listed in order of distance from the leader, from the selected unit(s), or what?

Edited by DMarkwick

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This is good comment.

Maybe cars in field of view should be mark with numbers like soldiers too.

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