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mr pedersen

Hell in the Pacific MOD

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:butbut: :butbut: :butbut:

Ohhh this like a vulcano explosion it came from clear sky .

I wasnt prepared for this :butbut:

I guess I will continue to play this game until 2020 thanks to greatest community ever.

Take you time guys and prolong the life of the game into the next decade :)

Whats gunna happen in 2020, just out of curiosity?

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Whats gunna happen in 2020, just out of curiosity?

I think he was just implying that with so much awesome community made content available the game will take a long time before it gets 'old'.... :D

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Just think what the community going to make when we get hands on Arma 3 and its tools.


---------- Post added at 15:04 ---------- Previous post was at 15:02 ----------

Will the suppression effect the AI ? Or I suppose there's always something like TPWC AI Suppression system (TPWCAS).

No dont think so, correct me if Im wrong Dimitri.

---------- Post added at 15:08 ---------- Previous post was at 15:04 ----------

About the AIs will the mod be compatable with mods that make the AIs function better?Like the ASR AI mod?

You could always try.

Our AI is very aggresive.

But still it is BIS AI, so even place AI on flat open empty ground, in my opinion AI is stupied. And will always be unless BIS update them.

Me personal rather fight players, players human brain is more challange. :rolleyes:

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Is the following artillery planned?


- Type 91 10 cm howitzer

- Type 95 75 mm Field Gun


- Ordnance QF 25 pounder


- M101 howitzer

- M114 155 mm howitzer

I'm looking forward to the publication of the mod!!! :bounce3:

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Perdesen could you explain me what you mean when you asy that your AI is very aggresive?:D

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Perdesen could you explain me what you mean when you asy that your AI is very aggresive?:D

They will not lose honor like this:



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About the AIs will the mod be compatable with mods that make the AIs function better?Like the ASR AI mod?

You could always try.

Our AI is very aggresive.

But still it is BIS AI, so even place AI on flat open empty ground, in my opinion AI is stupied. And will always be unless BIS update them.

Me personal rather fight players, players human brain is more challange. :rolleyes:

TWPC AI says this ... "It's designed to play well with mods which DO alter AI behaviours". The scripting system is supposed to allow for different scripts working together (this was the point of CBA).

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Our suppression system affects players only.

I think the AI is already pretty lost, so I saw no point in giving the player yet another advantage.

Anyway, in our FHW test session, we always use ASR_AI and it works flawlessly.

I never tried, but I guess TPWCAS will be compatible as well.



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Sounds good ! :) For people who play with the AI it's worth noting that the AI can seem very "stupid" if frame rate falls to <10-15fps. That applies to a client only game (no dedicated server). With a dedicated server I think it matters less when the client has a low frame rate. Server "frames" (use "#monitor" as admin) are a little different from usual frames but anything less than ~15 and the dedicated server is considered to be overloaded. Either way it pays to keep performance levels at a reasonable level otherwise you will see things like the AI failing to react to nearby enemies or not shooting at all.

This broadcast has come to you from the unfairly blaming the AI society of Duala.

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Are the ships gonna be walkable or the players will just take certain postion like gunners,captains and drivers?

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Are the ships gonna be walkable or the players will just take certain postion like gunners,captains and drivers?

Yes you can walk on the ship.

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Yes you can walk on the ship.

Nice!!.The next thing you know is on multiplayer servers the people that are on the ships hear general quarters and start running up and down to man their battlestations

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Bravo gentlemen the enviroment is just great.Really looking forward to it:icon_dj:

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@Mr Pedersen

The Bridge on the River Kwai screenshots look very impressive, keep up the great work :)

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I have been following this mod for over a year now and from what i have seen, i am absolutely certain that this will be one of the (if not the) most polished and complete mods for arma 2. Only mod that realy is almost bugfree and complete is ACE (but thats another story) I dont believe i would ever say this, but please do me a favour and dont rush, nomatter what people say. Your pictures and WIP reports have convinced me that its worth to take the time. I think, but im not sure, i have written a PM to Mr Pederson a few months ago, about my interest in joining the beta tester team. I have arma 1 and 2 experience and I am very interested in helping in the making/polishing of this mod. If you still need people, please come back to me :)

Greetings, Galaxie

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maby this is a little of topic, but when I see your picture of " Release ARMA3 devs" I wonder are they still in jail and what sad thing. Specially when I see him with his cute kid on his shoulder, that kid must be so sad and not understand. breaks my heart.

I hope they can get home soon.

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Pedersen I am sorry to tell you that the 2 devs are still in jail.I am from Greece and I am sorry to tell you but many of our laws are outdated in many ways.It is really sad indeed.I don't want to extend this more because as you said this is anoteher topic.And I have to agree with you it is really hertbreaking!:(

Edited by MEU98

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Hello every one!!

Here is a small media update with ingame movie clipp from yesterday session with mod-developers.

Me going bananas with flamethrower,Waxbutter,Foxy & Babylonjoke.

We just needed a small break from working with the mod and show you all a very small preview of a mission that still is very much WIP.

Well everthing you see in the clip is WIP, so plz dont go to hard on us.

Part 1 of 5. I Will show the rest of the clips when I uploaded them all.



Part 1


Part 2


Part 3


Part 4


Part 5


Edited by Mr Pedersen

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