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Star Trek Addons

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Very nice work, Abs, it would be nice to explore some strange planets with it :)

I thought I would test out how planets would work for cutscenes. Apart from the cloud layer, I think I'm pretty happy with the results of my jury-rigging so far. I'd love to hear your thoughts on it. As usual, click the pics for larger images.





EDIT: As a bonus, here's one with Postprocessing effects turned on. Needless to say, I need to fix up that atmosphere a bit...I think I can do that by making the texture translucent.


Edited by Abs

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Thanks, gents. :)


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if you could make a world on fire i would buy you 300 bunnies and paint them all pink! like if a world war broke out and large cities are on fire. that would be amazing for the video im working on currently, if you could do that i would add your name in the credits of course. its a zombie movie but a burning world would fit the "end of the world" mood.

anyways, this looks really fun to play with :D looking forward to it

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if you could make a world on fire i would buy you 300 bunnies and paint them all pink! like if a world war broke out and large cities are on fire. that would be amazing for the video im working on currently, if you could do that i would add your name in the credits of course. its a zombie movie but a burning world would fit the "end of the world" mood.

anyways, this looks really fun to play with :D looking forward to it

Thanks for the compliment. I don't mean to sound like a dick, despite the fact that I have a reputation of being one, but your request belongs in the addon request thread.


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Do you have any WIP news for the star trek project your working on? I'm looking forward to this and I can't wait.

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Do you have any WIP news for the star trek project your working on? I'm looking forward to this and I can't wait.

Thanks for the enthusiasm! The short answer is no, not yet. I haven't dropped it, as I'd like to get it released at some point. As of right now all that's left is the infantry...and I've discovered some weighting issues in the legs that look a little strange, so I've got to try to fix that. Also, I've never created a character yet and as far as I'm concerned this is the hardest part of addon making, so this will take some time.

Additionally, I'm working on a top-secret project for RHS as well so that's taking up what little free time for modding that I have right now.

I do promise that the Type 2 and Type 3 phasers, the shuttle, and some infantry will be released for Arma2 though.


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G'day all. I noticed in the recent release of "Star Trek The Game", that the developers have changed the look of star fleet now. Perhaps some of the aliens and units from this video might give you some ideas. ;)

Hope it helps ya!


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Hi all,

Strange, I didn't get notified of the last post in this thread. The good news is that the "look of Starfleet" has been modified a little bit. The bad news is that the mod will no longer be for Arma2. Please see the new thread in the Arma3 forums.

Thanks for your understanding, and I'm sorry for any inconvenience/dashed hopes.


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@Abs as you have said the mod will no longer will be for Arma2, i will close this thread for you. Further discussion can be made here:

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