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OA looks really bad despite graphic settings + mouse issue

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First of all hi, because I'm new here.

Second: Arma looks really bad and changing graphic settings doesn't do anything with visuals in-game. Below are screens with comment:

First of all, settings:


Uploaded with ImageShack.us

wyłączone = off

b. nisko = very low

nisko = low

normalnie = normal

wysoko = high

b. wysoko = very high

first screen:


Here we can clearly see, that foliage over distance has very poor LoD

second screen:


here not only foliage but also objects looks poor at the distance

Now textures:

normal textures, normal video memory vs v.high textures, v.high video memeory:

armas3.th.jpg vs armas3a.th.jpg

Only noticeably differenc is wheel. Both settings look almost the same, markings and numbers even at the highest setting still look low-res and blurry

So main problems are: low LoD, low texture quality and no visual difference between different settings. Anyone had same problem and found solution?

Here is my config:

Core 2 Duo E7200 @3,8GHz

Radeon 4850 512MB, Catalyst 10.8

4GB Ram @1066

HDD @7200RPM 150GB free on partition


Win XP Pro SP3

Arma 2: OA only (so no Arma 2 alone), version 1.56

no mods

And another issue - my mouse seems to float. It feels lika a massive acceleration. I had the same feeling in first ArmA and also in recent CoD:BO. I have vsync turned off. Other fps (like Red Orchestra, BFBC2, Stalker, Metro 2033, etc) works fine.

Edited by eyab

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your CCC Mipmap settings is at?

Also it looks like your using PMC lite? poor graphix from that.

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I have a similar problem. Everything beyond 10m is a blocky blurred mess. It's like you're playing the original Delta Force.

I'm told the developers did this with a patch as incredulous as it sounds.

Oh and with the latest patch performance has nose dived. So now I enjoy a blocky blurred slideshow :bounce3:

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update to 1.57, tell us result

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this might be slightly off topic but it might be related as well.

for my geforce 9500 gt, it has 1gb of vid memory, so naturally when i put it on default which uses all of it, sometimes after a while of playing the graphics for certain objects will start to get corrupted, more or less turn into block like shapes, but when i zoom in again and zoom out they disappear, it seems temporary at times, but also it seems to crash my game frequently.

however setting the video memory to normal or high, it will never crash or experience this.

maybe its fixed in 1.57 (downloading it now, cant wait ty so much BIS ^^)

the mouse problem is related to nvidia, u have to adjust the settings inside the control panel and download a plugin for the panel that fixes this. i dont experience mouse acceleration anymore after applying the neccessary steps.

youll have to search for it tho, as i cant rememeber what its called.

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i assume he has legal version of game

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I have legal version of the game and since Im Polish, I have polish language as you can see

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I have legal version of the game and since Im Polish, I have polish language as you can see

please , update to 1.57 and try again

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@igneous "maybe its fixed in 1.57" no it's not. I was hoping for that too.

I got 1.57. Problem still there. (I don't mean crashes but bad LOD) changing settings doesn't help at all.

BTW similar topic


Everything original and pmc/baf highres

(i7 / hd5970oc /ccc 10.12)

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it seams that only ati cards have this problem my 5970 does the same thing. looks rubish

Edited by ironhulk

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it seams that only ati cards have this problem my 5970 does the same thing. looks rubish
well you are over stating it. What are your ingame settings, drivers used, Game exe? Beta exe. I have friends who use 5870s( your gpus are the same~) and the game looks great like my 4870x2s. I mean the game looks really really good.

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I also have a problem with the LODs.

They also look really bad when further than 10m, and they fade out horribly.

Not to mention the building LODs switch way too often.

Still fun though.

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I started to have this issue with 1.57 and now I'm using the latest beta. In some missions (even if they are not heavy on resources) textures one meter away are getting blurred horribly.

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