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CO40 - War in Takistan: Operation Iron rains (WIT)

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Hey everyone, I'm having an issue here. I've searched the forums and found plenty of posts where people have the same issue, but I haven't found any solutions.

Issue is myself and my team leader are not synced. He gets fast time, I don't. He receives mission, I don't. He will be at 2200 in the dark, I will be at 0800 in the day time. It lists us as being in the same team, but in the bottom right it says I am mercenary and he is noob team. In mission status-settings it says we are not missing addons and we went to great lengths to ensure we are running no mods or addons, just ACE and using 1.36 ACE version of mission.

Also, although we complete missions together, I have no impact on the score or the mission progress. Even though we are on the same team, it seems only the host is really playing.

Any suggestions? We really love this mission, just wish we could work together on it. Thanks.

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Hey everyone, I'm having an issue here. I've searched the forums and found plenty of posts where people have the same issue, but I haven't found any solutions.

Issue is myself and my team leader are not synced. He gets fast time, I don't. He receives mission, I don't. He will be at 2200 in the dark, I will be at 0800 in the day time. It lists us as being in the same team, but in the bottom right it says I am mercenary and he is noob team. In mission status-settings it says we are not missing addons and we went to great lengths to ensure we are running no mods or addons, just ACE and using 1.36 ACE version of mission.

Also, although we complete missions together, I have no impact on the score or the mission progress. Even though we are on the same team, it seems only the host is really playing.

Any suggestions? We really love this mission, just wish we could work together on it. Thanks.

I don't have any idea about the time. I think normaly this problem was solved by last version. Do you use a dedicated server or do you host the mission ?

For other bug, like scoring bug, it will be solved in next release (already fix in git developper tool) :yay:

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Code, we are hosting it local. When he hosts I have the problem. When I host he has the problem.

To be more specific about the time, only the host recieves fast time, the other player just starts at 0800 and the time goes from there minute by minute.

After each mission the host will fast forward to day two and three etc, the other players don't.

Any way to get a local version?

Just want to say thanks for making this and keeping up with it, it's the best co op time we've had.

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ok, i just fixed it for next release :)

Edited by code34

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changelog of 1.4:

- This version is FULLY COMPATIBLE WITH ARROWHEAD CONTENT (WIT no requires anymore ARMA2 )

- add none parameter marker for goal

- fix the crate weapon autoload bug (empty autoload crate)

- fix the huntir bug and other weapons that don't appear

- tune mhq creation zone

- add civilian queue for init

- fix a disapear menu for defend mission

- add more ied and tune reaction time

- less friendly defense for defend mission

- tune radio marker

- fix propagand bug

- add somes sheeps

- tune r3f debug menu to hide them when press keys

- fix the scoring and recruitment bug

- tune fame

- fix the open game bug that doesn't permit to fire members of team

- rebase civilian code

- add antiair site

- tune cam focus

- fix a spawn position bug

- tune mortar to be more agressive

- separate autoload in 3 autoload parameters: troops, weapons, vehicles


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Thanks that chanelog looks excellent!

Any chance of a BAF-flavoured version in your next release?

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I can't do it cause i don't have BAF :D

But you can do a special version by modify the init files :)

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after some differents MP tests, it still have some issues. So i have to fix them before release the 1.4 :)

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currently, i m working only on fixing some issue that happens on previous version :D

i have not yet release date. It's depending of my test, if the ai do the right things, i can release it in few hours.

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I'm working on a port of Nericum's BAF version to ToraBora Island.

If I understood well, the steps are:

1. Unzip the original version.

2. Copy objects and markers in the editor and paste them into a new mission in the new island. Then save.

3. Copy all files except the mission file, and paste them into the folder of the new mission.

4. Adapt the file create side mission sqf.

is that correct?

If it is, where you change the location of the missions?

Edited by OverCharger
Bad spelling....:(

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it's depending of the version. Normaly, the locations are randomly create via the serverinit file. :D

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code34, thanks for your reply and especially for your work with this incredible mission. Thanks also to Noricum for his BAF version.

The version I'm working on is 1.36.

I understand then that it is not necessary to indicate the coordinates for each mission?

I ask because some of the missions, the location of which is almost where it ends the map.

PS: Waiting for the next version WIT.

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code34, thanks for your reply and especially for your work with this incredible mission. Thanks also to Noricum for his BAF version.

The version I'm working on is 1.36.

I understand then that it is not necessary to indicate the coordinates for each mission?

I ask because some of the missions, the location of which is almost where it ends the map.

PS: Waiting for the next version WIT.

Normaly not, but you have to define the map size into the init config :yay:

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Normaly not, but you have to define the map size into the init config :yay:

Excellent, thanks a lot for your advice.

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wow, there's really someone who plays it :yay:

To Overcharger;

Wait a lil bit, i'll do another conversion to BAF when WIT 1.40 is released.

Edited by Noricum

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Normaly not, but you have to define the map size into the init config :yay:

If you talk about the WC_fnc_initconfig file, I put the coordinates of ToraBora borders, but still some missions are created out of range.

Is this correct?

// limit of playable map
switch (tolower(worldname)) do {
	case "hellskitchen": {
		wcmaptopright 	= [4795, 5050];
		wcmapbottomleft = [129, 455];

	case "isoladicapraia" : {
		wcmaptopright 	= [7695.45,9788.42];
		wcmapbottomleft = [2264.97,544.557];

	case "torabora": {
		wcmaptopright 	= [10187,10189];
		wcmapbottomleft = [49.923264,69.875488];

	default {
		wcmaptopright 	= [10187,10189];
		wcmapbottomleft = [49.92,69.87];

I put them in default too, but did`t work.

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PD: another question, where I put the boundaries on a map with water?

The boundaries must be around ground. Some missions can be out of boundaries, it's the case of missions that use objects on map (like building of airports).

note: i don't remember well how works older version of mine, i had do a lot of work on this part. :yay:

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Thanks for the reply.

Excuse my insistence, but what about this question?

If you talk about the WC_fnc_initconfig file, I put the coordinates of ToraBora borders, but still some missions are created out of range.

Is this correct?

// limit of playable map
switch (tolower(worldname)) do {
	case "hellskitchen": {
		wcmaptopright 	= [4795, 5050];
		wcmapbottomleft = [129, 455];

	case "isoladicapraia" : {
		wcmaptopright 	= [7695.45,9788.42];
		wcmapbottomleft = [2264.97,544.557];

	case "torabora": {
		wcmaptopright 	= [10187,10189];
		wcmapbottomleft = [49.923264,69.875488];

	default {
		wcmaptopright 	= [10187,10189];
		wcmapbottomleft = [49.92,69.87];

I put them in default too, but did`t work.

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Thanks for the reply.

Excuse my insistence, but what about this question?

Some missions can be out of boundaries, it's the case of missions that use objects on map (like building of airports). :D:D

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yes , normaly, i will release it in next hours :)

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