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Battle: Los Angeles Trailer

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Modern Day USMC vs. Aliens FTW!!



Finally, an alien invasion movie from the point of view of grunts, instead of a bunch of Entourage wanna brats! Yes, I'm looking at you SKYLINE! And said grunts arent going to betray their species to some giant alien chick.

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Don't count on it being from just the POV of the grunts. Hollywood always find a way to add atleast one chick and one kid who's lines are "AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH"

Sorry for being "that guy" but when I see a movie like that I hope for the best and expect the worst. I mean for one they used LA which is so over done. I mean how many times does LA and NYC have to be destroyed in movies these days? Why for once can't it be someplace like Boston, Atlanta, or San Deigo? I get tired of seeing the same cities being pounded into dust. You'd think people in LA would say "Hey Las Vegas is ripe for destruction!!" You'd think people in NYC would say "Blow up Boston for a change!! I wanna watch Fenway Park burn instead of the Chrysler Building for once."

If you look at the cast it's not just military but civvies too which to me isn't totally necessary unless they're bit parts, but how much you wanna bet they're the "screamers". Then you see all the CGI effects which just reek of a all flash and no substance film.

But then again I could be wrong....but not likely considering Hollywoods habit of taking one movie and churning out more of the same movie pretty much, but just a different title and cast. This movie to me is just Independence Day without the God Awful lines, the bad inspiring speeches, and the Brits stuck in the Sinai looking like a bunch of retards in a uniform saying "The Americans are planning a counter offensive!!! We're Saved!!!"

Edited by Big Mac

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LOL, I totally agree with you Big Mac, LA and NY seem to be so overused. It was cool seeing my own city being destroyed in Cloverfield though. :D

BUT this movie does look very cool. I'll probably end up seeing it with a friend or something.

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Don't count on it being from just the POV of the grunts. Hollywood always find a way to add atleast one chick and one kid who's lines are "AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH"

Sorry for being "that guy" but when I see a movie like that I hope for the best and expect the worst. I mean for one they used LA which is so over done. I mean how many times does LA and NYC have to be destroyed in movies these days? Why for once can't it be someplace like Boston, Atlanta, or San Deigo? I get tired of seeing the same cities being pounded into dust. You'd think people in LA would say "Hey Las Vegas is ripe for destruction!!" You'd think people in NYC would say "Blow up Boston for a change!! I wanna watch Fenway Park burn instead of the Chrysler Building for once."

If you look at the cast it's not just military but civvies too which to me isn't totally necessary unless they're bit parts, but how much you wanna bet they're the "screamers". Then you see all the CGI effects which just reek of a all flash and no substance film.

But then again I could be wrong....but not likely considering Hollywoods habit of taking one movie and churning out more of the same movie pretty much, but just a different title and cast. This movie to me is just Independence Day without the God Awful lines, the bad inspiring speeches, and the Brits stuck in the Sinai looking like a bunch of retards in a uniform saying "The Americans are planning a counter offensive!!! We're Saved!!!"

Oh Big Macs, have some faith. I mean look at District 9. From the articles I've read they worked closely with the marines and even got to use their actual V-22 Ospreys and Helicopters. And yeah, the main characters are the marines, that's kinda the point of the movie, how the modern day military would deal with an alien invasion. Also, this ISNT from the guy what brought us Independance Day.

Now my question is, can we make some mod like this in ARMA 2 CO? :D

Edited by BF2_Trooper

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That trailer is simply jaw-dropping!

But... Then I look at some of the reviews of the director's previous work. I know the critics don't always know anything, but his movies are pretty much all getting Ds. And the three producer's combined list of previous movies isn't exactly knocking my socks off. Anyhow after seeing the slightly underwhelming Skyline earlier tonight (Quick Skyline spoiler- Aliens without projectiles? Come on...)

Well I've still got my fingers crossed on this one. Could be a shocker! In a good way. Imo, we could all really use another good alien movie! :)

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You know if you mashed together trailer scenes from this and skyline you would probably think its the same film. whats with the sudden release of alien invasion films? we even got independence day 2 and 3 in the pre production phase too

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Looks good! Reminds me of how Terminator Salvation could have been had it not sucked. :p

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The Walking Dead is set in Atlanta.
But it's not totally destroyed like LA and NYC always seem to be.

---------- Post added at 08:29 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:16 AM ----------

Oh Big Macs, have some faith. I mean look at District 9. From the articles I've read they worked closely with the marines and even got to use their actual V-22 Ospreys and Helicopters. And yeah, the main characters are the marines, that's kinda the point of the movie, how the modern day military would deal with an alien invasion. Also, this ISNT from the guy what brought us Independance Day.

Now my question is, can we make some mod like this in ARMA 2 CO? :D

I have faith that the movie will be worth seeing for the special effects, but then again so was Waterworld and that didn't keep that movie from sucking.

I know this is isn't the same dude who directed ID4, but that doesn't mean he's from the same school of thought which is you take a box office success (Not a critically acclaimed movie) and you copy it and copy it to make money.

Also just because the military lends a hand doesn't mean the storyline is going to be top notch it just means they want to use this film to help with recruiting for the USMC, because in their minds when some 18 year old sees this on a friday he's going to think "Wow if I join the Marines I can fight Aliens? HELL YEAH!!" And there are stupid kids out there who will think that and enlist. I know kids who enlisted in the USMC thinking they'd get to fight some big ass lava monster with a USMC Conan sword so it wouldn't surprise me if they thought they'd fight Aliens too.

Edited by Big Mac

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"right, we have found the alien brian in this huge mother ship, we are about to sneak up and destory it rendering the whole enemy fleet useless."


"damn, there goes the stealth option. Kiss your ass goodbye Earth."

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"right, we have found the alien brian in this huge mother ship, we are about to sneak up and destory it rendering the whole enemy fleet useless."


"damn, there goes the stealth option. Kiss your ass goodbye Earth."


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it looks awesome tbh, but there is a lot of alien movies coming, even a new spielberg one

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Modern Day USMC vs. Aliens FTW!!



Finally, an alien invasion movie from the point of view of grunts, instead of a bunch of Entourage wanna brats! Yes, I'm looking at you SKYLINE! And said grunts arent going to betray their species to some giant alien chick.

As people everywhere watch the world's great cities fall, Los Angeles becomes the last stand for mankind in a battle no one expected. It's up to a Marine Staff Sergeant (Aaron Eckhart) and his platoon to draw a line in the sand as they take on an enemy unlike any they've ever encountered before.

Oh dear, i think that may say it all.

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One thing that i hate ... its always like "" Fuck Yeah!!! AMERICA!!! "" do somewhere outside of America for a change...

""As people everywhere watch the world's great cities fall, Los Angeles becomes the last stand for mankind""

How can people watch everywhere if they are already dead..

How can LA be the only major city left?

And im sure the the aliens would have a hard time tackling war on terror and insurgency.

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One thing that i hate ... its always like "" Fuck Yeah!!! AMERICA!!! "" do somewhere outside of America for a change...

""As people everywhere watch the world's great cities fall, Los Angeles becomes the last stand for mankind""

I can agree with that sentiment; it kinda implies that all the other countries sucks compared to the US of A.

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I can agree with that sentiment; it kinda implies that all the other countries sucks compared to the US of A.

Don't they ? :D

Seriously what is sad is that the other movie industries aren't able to make Sci Fi movies. I like Hollywood movies but more diversity would be nice (such as the Brit one "28 Days Later..." which wasn't Sci Fi)

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Am I the only one who thinks ever since Prof. Hawking said that its not a good idea to mess with aliens this kind of flim just start poping up here and there?:p

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Here's a comprehensive alien invasion movie summary that starts with this years "Monsters" and goes out to May 2012 (i.e. almost out past the real life alien invasion that will really wipe us all out in late 2012):

Your Complete Guide to Upcoming Alien Invasion Movies

There is even a movie about "space Nazis" in the works. :D

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There is even a movie about "space Nazis" in the works.
I will go see that and laugh.

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Don't they ? :D

Seriously what is sad is that the other movie industries aren't able to make Sci Fi movies. I like Hollywood movies but more diversity would be nice (such as the Brit one "28 Days Later..." which wasn't Sci Fi)

alough i very much agree with this and im sick of all these invasion/disaster films always following america. But you are forgetting District 9 a scifi alien film set in south africa

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Now that's CGI.

I was a little frightened just looking at the trailer. Something about aliens using weaponry that seems vaguely human.

Laser mechs and cotton candy plasma aren't scary.

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Alright, so are there any good giant alien ship/aliens add-ons for ARMA2 or not? I feel like making Invasion Chernarus!

---------- Post added at 05:32 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:29 PM ----------

alough i very much agree with this and im sick of all these invasion/disaster films always following america. But you are forgetting District 9 a scifi alien film set in south africa

Maybe it's easier for Hollywood to hire US Marines rather than Royal Marines if their goal was to make a "military sci-fi"? Although if someone makes SAS or Royal Marines vs. Zombies/Aliens/Terminators I am soo there!

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Alright, so are there any good giant alien ship/aliens add-ons for ARMA2 or not? I feel like making Invasion Chernarus!

---------- Post added at 05:32 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:29 PM ----------

Maybe it's easier for Hollywood to hire US Marines rather than Royal Marines if their goal was to make a "military sci-fi"? Although if someone makes SAS or Royal Marines vs. Zombies/Aliens/Terminators I am soo there!

There was a Real video documentary of British and american forces working together in afghanistan. A jet flew over and dropped a jdam on a taliban stronghold. The americn soldiers were jumping around screaming stuff like

"Yeah! get some WOOOOHOO! That's what I'm talking about!!!"

The camera panned to 2 british soldiers still sitting in deck chairs. One lit up a roll up, turned to his mate and calmly said

"so how much did that just cost us?"

Imagine that awesome personality difference in an alien invasion

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Alright, so are there any good giant alien ship/aliens add-ons for ARMA2 or not? I feel like making Invasion Chernarus!

---------- Post added at 05:32 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:29 PM ----------

Maybe it's easier for Hollywood to hire US Marines rather than Royal Marines if their goal was to make a "military sci-fi"? Although if someone makes SAS or Royal Marines vs. Zombies/Aliens/Terminators I am soo there!

Hollywood doesnt hire em. They ask/pay the US Government to give them a few pilots and their choppers for stock footage and to give them some extras. The Marines dont get paid jack shit so it's cheaper and easier than CGIing it in there and hiring a bunch of extras. Edited by Big Mac

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Hollywood doesnt hire em. They ask/pay the US Government to give them a few pilots and their choppers for stock footage and to give them some extras. The Marines dont get paid jack shit so it's cheaper and easier than CGIing it in there and hiring a bunch of extras.

Yeah, so I'd imagine it would be harder for an American movie maker to do something like this with a foreign government.

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