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ArmA2 Marmite?

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The irony and relevance to the OFP gets more obvious as you read through this thread.

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How about if we combined marmite and bovril on crumpets? Toasted and buttered first..... with a lovely cup of Tetleys! ... Thats pretty much combined ops right there and the toasting and buttering are the patches and dlc's

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Dude... there is nothing in this world that is more awesome than Marmite! Just imagine a hot, generously buttered, crumpet with a thin spread of Marmite on top. Food for the gods!

If only I didn't live in a country where Marmite is rare and crumpets are completely unheard of... :rolleyes:

Marmite is good, but doesn't compare to the godlike nature of Bovril. I mean, it's sort of like Marmite, but meaty. How can it get better than that?

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How can it get better than that?
Like Arma2 compared to most FPS, it has better extraction possibilities ..


I cant believe I just added to the madness, but, if your from the UK ... it is all rather funny. :)


I think its very true that casual gamers who want to dive into a campaign and rambo away will return the box or wipe the download within a day (Marmite haters).

Then you have the rambo types who are a little older who like to take time to learn (some are from or moving into role play/turn based strategy) who will see it for what it is and learn more about it (Marmite is nice but in moderation).

Next are people who were rambo and realised theres more to life than an action movie and try it and get caught up in how much can be done with it compared to what they were use too (hated Marmite as a kid but now have a real taste for it).

And finally you have the "Specialist" people who go looking for non mainstream tripe who hang around for years, although can see issues but are willing to put the time in (Marmite ruled from the day it burned my mouth, but see past the sticky mess of the jar at times with frequent use) :) (I am from this particular brand of Marmite lovers).

And yes, I did have too much time on my hands this morning to post that.

Edited by mrcash2009

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I'm thinking ArmA2 is Marmite - it's a love or hate thing. I mean, a friend of mine is FPS mad, he's completed all the FPS games out there, although he doesn't get on with ArmA2 one bit. I'm guessing alot of arcady players out there can't handle ArmA2 because it's so unpredictable/realistic. Personally I love ArmA2, it really is my kind of game, although I have to admit, it is intimidatingly complex at first glance. In one respect I'm glad it is & arcady orientated gamers will dislike ArmA2, simply because I loathe games like Battlefield & Medal of Honour due to the way how some players glitch & exploit those type of shallow albeit fun games. Anyhow, if I wanted to play Arcady games like that I would have bought myself a console :D

Because you can only play arcade games on consoles.

Next time think a bit more before you post such a line ;)

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Hi all

Yes like Marmite ArmA is some thing of an "acquired taste."


If you keep ramming it down their throats eventually they will like it or they will be dead in which case they don't matter :) Problem solved!


Best all amateur Marmite!

Kind Regards walker

Edited by walker

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The debate as to whether or not marmite (or vegimite for that matter) should be considered "food", or even "edible", has been around since the beginning of time... Or, at least, since it was invented.

For the record, I think it tastes like shit. :p

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Marmite batters your tastebuds into submission ( I think it's something devil excretes after a particularly heavy night drinking Newcastle Brown ), whereas Arma2 and it's expansions grow on you like a finely aquired taste for Whiskey ( Mmmmmmmm Whiskey ).

Twiglets are the devils winnets.

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Alright guys, let's not clutter up the forum with a discussion on everyone's most loved or hated brown goup.

Now go make yourselves a marmite (or vegimite) sandwich instead. :throwup:

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