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Invasion 1944 - DDay 2.0

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Is there any documentation about what exactly the included modules do?

Some are quite obvious like the bolt action animations but what about blood and wound effects and armour penetration?

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The Allies need an AA weapon so i would suggest trying the US Quad 50 cal AA Half Track from the 31st Normandy Mod, it looks good and should fit in aesthetically quite well.

I think we actually have a place-holder for this, but yeah at somepoint we hope to have mobile AA support for both sides ;)

Is there any documentation about what exactly the included modules do?

Honestly, not at the moment lol, I asked myself (and I've been working on missions a year) what blood effects does heh.


Wounding module - when placed in the editor makes all units able to get "injured". When enough damage has been taken the unit will drop to the floor and play an injured animation while screaming/moaning. Medics can heal an injured unit and revive them before they bleed out and die.

Blood effect - still a bit unclear on this one I think it creates blood pools around wounded units bt could be wrong there.

Armor Penetration - i think this is bugged/hasn't been updated idea was for it to handle damage and penetration on tanks

Bolt action module - makes the bolt animation play after each shot on certain weapons (still WIP but mostly works)

I think thats all of 'em let me know if I missed any that list was just from memory. Canukausiuka can probably give you a bit more detail and info as he coded most of 'em ;)

Edited by PacUK

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Blood effect - still a bit unclear on this one I think it creates blood pools around wounded units bt could be wrong there.

Nope, you're right.

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Thanks for the clarification on the editor modules Pac.

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Is it me or do the weapons in this mod hardly do any damage?

It might be caused by me running Combined Operations instead of just doing what the readme says and play it in just ArmA 2, but usually i can take multiple shots before dying, especially from SMG's making them quite useless, and the enemy can too.

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Is it me or do the weapons in this mod hardly do any damage?

Yeah the weapon damage is lowered that's a hold-over from the wounding system and we're trying to find a happy balance so that the game plays with and without the wounding module.

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Just a mention to any mission makers to put a map and a compass as default for infantry, this might sound stupid but im losing track of the amount of new i44 missions that start without these items, or if they are in the game at all you have to keep getting them from ammo crates which is an unnecassary complication.

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They're not "supposed" to be on ordinary riflemen and stuff as thats more realistic. You will have to rely on your mate with the map and compass to get you about. Forcing you to stick with him. ( I am assuming these are 2 of the reasons this was done, Pac? )

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Yes infantry items were removed by default to push more realistic teamplay and organisation. Its very easy to add these items in on new missions or to edit existing ones yourself if you really struggle without them. After playing the Omaha for a year myself I'm pretty familiar with the terrain but I can understand players having trouble navigating a new bit of the world. We could always add things back in if theres a big enough demand for it, we want the mod realistic but it still has to be playable and fun.

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+1 for bringing the map and compass for every soldier.

thanks for all the work I44, can't wait to play v2.3 :)

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Yes infantry items were removed by default to push more realistic teamplay and organisation.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought all soldiers of that era were issued with maps and a compass - or atleast the officers and NCO's perhaps. The unrealistic part is all the little markers that float around, but that's easy enough for a server admin to disable.

edit: For the realism mission designers, just found a whole bunch of WW2 MTO&E's available at this link.

Edited by bhaz

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Yes infantry items were removed by default to push more realistic teamplay and organisation. Its very easy to add these items in on new missions or to edit existing ones yourself if you really struggle without them. After playing the Omaha for a year myself I'm pretty familiar with the terrain but I can understand players having trouble navigating a new bit of the world. We could always add things back in if theres a big enough demand for it, we want the mod realistic but it still has to be playable and fun.

I think its counter productive to force players to play in a certain way, especially on public servers where mainly individuals just drop in to play and might not want to take orders or have to ask others where they are etc.

If you are trying to promote a new mod i think its better to at least give "all" players the basics then at least they have a choice of how to play the game, i dont want new players trying these missions and getting annoyed that there isn't a way of navigating the map without help from another (also what happens if the guys with the maps dont speak english or aren't team players?)

This is a great mod and needs more people adopting it so please lets not get "elitist" at this stage in its evolution.

One last thing is that even if one guy has a map and his fellow players dont, how do those players know where the leader wants them to go without him having to type in a reasonably detailed description, surely everyone having a map and compass would actually facilitate teamplay as order / rendevous markers can be displyed on a mp for all to see.

Theres always going to be a compromise when it comes to realism over gameplay and i think the map / compass request isnt too much of one and as i found out from experience it isn't fun floundering around on a map with no or little idea of your position on it :)

Edited by bazeye

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I think it is a good solution without map. Mayby a option to disable/activate with a simple pbo or something else would help to give other players the chance to use the map

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I think it is a good solution without map. Mayby a option to disable/activate with a simple pbo or something else would help to give other players the chance to use the map

If that is in fact easy to do then I'd say that would make people happy enough.

I myself like the limited gear :)

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a module would be good.

Btw any ETA on teh patch? We're really hot for I44 Coops on the dedi, but we don't like the idea of the dead markers in the modern warfare (You know, the regular arma-reality) missions.

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Yeah, Just add in a I44: Map&Compass module that automaticly gives all the active units maps and compasses. (or perhaps make it so you sync the module to the groups that you would like to give map/compass to ... )

But, I like the modules system.

ps. Can you script the LCVP ramp to drop?

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Yeah the weapon damage is lowered that's a hold-over from the wounding system and we're trying to find a happy balance so that the game plays with and without the wounding module.

If you ask me, i would say a bullet is a bullet. Ofcourse caliber depends, but right now i sometimes have to spray an entire Sten mag at a German to kill him, even headshots arent always lethal. Right now it just feels completely gamey, not something i expect from an ArmA2 mod.

The only real way to be sure of a kill is to use a rifle like the Lee Enfield, which is by no means bad because i love using rifles in games, but it kind of obsoletes the SMG's which is a shame.

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It opens in D-Day beach invasion mission so just check how its made.

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Well, if you made the SMG's more of a suppression tool and for CQB Room clearence. It could be "balanced" out as it were.


How do I open the .pbo missions, I don't have any DePBO tools.

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Search out for cpbo from ArmA Tools by Kegetys.

You can find them on aholic.

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You should be able to find the latest version of cpbo here, Ben, along with a bunch of other pretty useful tools for editing from the works of Kegetys. :)

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Ok, Thanks zippper & jon. :D

I don't suppose you wanna tell me how these things work? or do I have to figure it out by myself. :P

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cpbo should integrate itself into explorer once you run it once so that when you right click on a PBO you should get the an option saying "extract PBO...", and when you right click on any folder you should get "create PBO".

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It comes up with "done" when I run the app, but it doesn't give me the options.. :(

---------- Post added at 02:36 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:33 PM ----------

nvm, It still works directly from CMD line. Hmm, No idea why it didn't add the options though.

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